Dream Guide

Chapter 546 Five Holy Lands

"Since it has been burned down, how can you prove it?" Su Huilan became more and more curious, "I didn't see any mulberry trees in Wuzhong!"

"I couldn't prove it in the past because I didn't see the mulberry tree. But now, we can speculate from the locations of the other three known holy places."

"How to guess?"

"Before Petru told the story of the Red Beard family, I had never thought that the Egyptian pyramids were one of the holy places, because the time did not correspond. When Professor Silva's scientific expedition team measured the underwater pyramids and the Pyramid of Khufu After the mirror symmetry relationship, what is it that you can’t figure out the most?”

"The most unimaginable thing... is naturally how did the Egyptians come to the remote South Pacific 4,000 years ago, and how did they build an identical pyramid on the bottom of the sea?"

Situ smiled and said: "This is conventional thinking. I used to think so too, but I couldn't figure it out anyway. Then I wondered if the Egyptians first discovered the pyramids on the seabed and then imitated them on the ground. The more I think about it, the more I think it’s possible. It’s even possible that the Egyptians never came to the South Pacific, but only got the drawings and coordinates of the underwater pyramid, so they built an identical one on the symmetry point of the center of the earth. of.

Moreover, I have been to the pyramids in Egypt more than once and found no spiritual force fields at all, so I have never thought of the Egyptian pyramids as a holy land for awakening. But now that Petru has proven that it is one of the holy places, it may also be that Egypt is in the heart of civilization and has been severely damaged by man. Then I compared the coordinates and figured out that the coordinates of the Awakening Holy Land have strict requirements, and as Aoki said, they have some unknown close relationship with the earth's magnetic field. "

As Situ spoke, he began to point his scepter in the air, as if there was a globe in front of him.

"The Egyptian Pyramid Group is located near 30° east longitude and 30° north latitude, and the Tabu Group in the South Pacific is located near 150° west longitude and 30° south latitude. The inverted pyramid on the seabed and the pyramid of Khufu are one forward and one inverse, and they are on the line connecting the center of the earth. Above, it is geocentrically symmetrical.

This shouldn't be a coincidence, so do the locations of other holy places have the same relationship?

My birthplace is in the town of Beira, Argentina, 300 kilometers away from the city of Santa Fe. The gold mine is located between the town of Beira and the town of Crespo, about 60° west longitude and 30° south latitude. If one of the other two holy places is also geocentrically symmetrical, it should be near 120° east longitude and 30° north latitude.

I haven't checked the coordinates of Liuying Lane, and I don't have a map now, but I know that the entire Sanwu area is probably at that location. The Sanwu area has been famous for its sericulture since ancient times and is full of mulberry trees. If the mulberry forest is used as the array and the mulberry garden is the center to form a holy land of wood, is this speculation also reasonable? "

Su Huilan thought about it and thought it was reasonable. She went to see Qingmu and found that Qingmu was still in a daze. Even the crow above his head was as motionless as a sculpture.

"What about the fifth holy place?"

"To speculate on the fifth one, we have to carefully arrange the coordinates of these four places -" Situ lit the void with his scepter again, "The Pyramid of Giza is at the intersection of 30° east longitude and 30° north latitude; from this point Move 90 degrees eastward, which is exactly the intersection of 120° east longitude and 30° north latitude where the Wuzhong area is located; continue to move 90 degrees eastward, but turn to the 30° south latitude line, which is exactly the intersection of 150° west longitude and 30° north latitude where the submarine pyramid is located. The intersection of 30° south latitude; continue to move 90 degrees eastward, and reach the intersection of 60° west longitude and 30° south latitude where the Beira Gold Mine is located; continue to move 90 degrees eastward, move up to the 30° north latitude line, and then return to Arrive at the Pyramids of Giza.

The difference in longitude between these four points is 90 degrees, two are on the 30° north latitude line, and two are on the 30° south latitude line. The four points are connected to form a square, and the diagonals of the square are Just through the center of the earth. This is no coincidence! "

"What does that mean?" Alice asked curiously.

Su Huilan seemed to have thought of something, but she couldn't figure it out for a while.

Mrs. Larry, who had long since regained her composure, only thought for a moment and said: "The rectangular plane formed by these four points cuts the earth diagonally in half. If these four points are connected to the North Magnetic Pole, it will be exactly one A regular square pyramid, that is, a pyramid shape.”

"North Magnetic Pole?"

"Yes, due to the geomagnetic declination of the earth, the line connecting the geomagnetic poles and the axis of rotation do not coincide. Therefore, the north and south magnetic poles and the north and south poles are not at the same position. The position of the magnetic poles has been changing slowly, and the position of the north magnetic pole is roughly at Near the intersection of 75° west longitude and 75° north latitude, if connected with the four points Mr. Stone just mentioned, it happens to be the vertex of a regular square pyramid." Mrs. Larry explained patiently.

"So, the location of the fifth Holy Land is at the North Magnetic Pole?" Alice looked incredibly excited. "The five Holy Lands form a pyramid, and the top of the tower is at the North Magnetic Pole! How amazing!"

"It may also be the south magnetic pole." Situ said, "If it can be connected to the north magnetic pole to form a pyramid, it can naturally be connected to the south magnetic pole to form a pyramid. Moreover, there has never been a reasonable scientific explanation for the cause of geomagnetism, including the phenomenon of spherical magnetic pole reversal. I suspect it has something to do with this spiritual force field. Of course, if the location of the fifth holy land must be determined, the North Magnetic Pole is more likely."


"Because the two magnetic poles are not completely symmetrical to the earth's center, the south magnetic pole is located a little higher than the north magnetic pole. In addition, the ice sheet of the Antarctic continent was formed 23 million years ago, and it was already its current size at least 5 million years ago. , it is obviously more difficult to open a holy land and establish a spiritual force field there than near the North Magnetic Pole.

Of course, the Holy Land cannot be built on the magnetic poles, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago. Therefore, I speculate that the fifth holy site should be located on the vast ice sheet from northern Alaska to the Queen Elizabeth Islands.

In this way, the corresponding sacred staff will be clear. The holy land on the ice sheet naturally corresponds to the ice soul, and the remaining Pacific Tabu corresponds to the wind soul, which is the island we are on now. "

Among these people, Situ, Su Huilan and Mrs. Larry are all scholars, Alice is the madam’s assistant and can be regarded as a half-scientist, Ivan, Boris and Anderson are all from the navy, and Petru is the king of pirates. Except for Aoki, who was still in a daze, everyone was familiar with the geography, longitude and latitude of the earth.

Everyone was recalling Situ's words, and a round globe filled with longitude and latitude lines seemed to appear in front of their eyes. The globe was rotating, and an invisible hand placed five red dots on it. The dots were connected with dotted straight lines to form a right square pyramid.

At this moment, Aoki, who had been in a daze, suddenly woke up. He looked at Situ and asked, "You just said that the gods that affect our consciousness have always existed, but we don't know it, right?"

Situ was stunned for a moment, and the others were also stunned. They thought to themselves, where have we been talking about this, and where did you hear it? !

The crow also woke up and said, "Ahem... Well, he is a piece of wood and relatively slow. Don't blame me, don't blame me, quack!"

Aoki ignored the crow and continued: "Don't you think it's strange that we have been staying in this cabin so stupidly for a long time, talking about these things to a group of mummies who have been dead for hundreds of years? Why don't we go up there? Let’s talk on the deck? And no one raised any questions about doing such a strange thing. Isn’t this a bit abnormal?”

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to answer, but their hearts were beating suddenly.

At this time, the rosin in the torch was almost burned out, and the flame was much weaker than when it came in.

Alice said a little scared: "Let's go on the deck, the fire is almost out!"

Situ pointed to the paper on the table and asked Mrs. Larry: "Can you take it up?"

The wife said: "Usually the papers in the tomb need special treatment before they can be taken out, but the environment here is better than that in the tomb. The papers are also very strong, but I can't guarantee whether the writing on the paper will disappear in the sun." ."

Situ said: "No matter how many there are, just take them up first, and then decide what to do next when you get to the top."

Mrs. Larry nodded and picked up the stack of papers on the table.

The group of people left the captain's room and walked back along the corridor.

The crow lazily turned around above Aoki's head, and suddenly saw a black figure flashing past the door of the captain's room.

Just when it was about to croak, the torch suddenly went out, and the corridor fell into darkness. The only sounds were the clatter of people's footsteps, and the wind picked up by the clothes, whimpering softly at the hatches on both sides of the corridor.

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