Dream Guide

Chapter 555 Ramses II

When Ahmed was preparing to retrieve the institute's internal surveillance video, some undue twists and turns occurred. The management of the institute told him that although the institute was semi-private, the surveillance network was connected to the National Museum, and he had to go to the museum to view the surveillance.

When he arrived at the National Museum, he was told that the Cairo Police Department did not have the authority to view the National Museum's surveillance and had to obtain a higher-level order.

This made Alhammed suspicious: Why is a small semi-private research institute connected to the National Museum’s surveillance network? The Cairo City Police Department actually does not have the authority to access its surveillance video. If there is not something shameful in this, it is really unbelievable.

He reported the matter to the director, who asked him to wait. He could only check the surveillance at various intersections around the institute, but no suspicious characters were found. Of course, as long as the murderer pays a little attention, he can easily avoid these cameras. Compared with some developed countries, Cairo's surveillance density is too low, and the government's investment in this area is too little.

After waiting for two days, he was allowed to go to the National Museum to obtain surveillance. What annoyed him was that when he got there, he was told that he could not take the video copy away, but had to sign a confidentiality document and that he could only view it in the company of relevant personnel. Of course, he has the right to ask the escort to answer any questions he may have.

But he soon understood why museums were so sensitive to surveillance and had such high permission requirements, because they were doing absolutely shady business.

Surveillance footage showed that at around 9 p.m., Aleph came out of a room wearing clean white overalls. Two military policemen followed him and helped him push a hospital bed, but the person lying on the bed was not a patient. , but a mummy.

The research institute originally studied mummies and ancient cultural relics, so this was nothing unusual. However, such complete mummies are rare. Ahmed thought it looked familiar, so he asked casually: "What kind of mummy is this?"

The escort next to him hesitated to speak.

Ahmed immediately realized there was something wrong with this, so he patted a stack of documents on the table and said, "I have signed a confidentiality agreement, and I have an order from the Police Headquarters!"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, the man said: "Ramses II."

"What?" Ahmed thought he heard wrongly, "The mummy of Ramses II is a national treasure. Isn't it in your museum?"

"You know, some important cultural relics, the museum will make special replicas." The accompanying person said.

"Oh..." Ahmed initially thought that the one in the surveillance camera was a replica, but then he thought about what Professor Aleph was doing with a replica, and then he suddenly realized that this one was real, and the one in the museum is fake.

"You mean... tourists spend a lot of money to visit your museum every day, but what they see are fakes?!"

"Most of them are real. We need to study many things. During the research, we will release the replicas, and only after the research is completed, we will replace them with the original ones. In fact, it doesn't matter to tourists, since they can't tell the authenticity."

Ahmed couldn't help but sigh and decided never to go to the museum to see anything again. He turned his attention back to the surveillance and saw them pushing the mummy into another room.

At eleven o'clock, a woman came to the institute. Aleph said a few words to her in the hall. The woman went to the dressing room and changed into the same white work clothes, and then followed Aleph to the room where the mummy was.

Ahmed zoomed in on the surveillance and recognized the woman as the female intern who died that night. Apparently, she was called by Aleph to help. But why do we need an intern to study such an important mummy as Ramses II? Ahmed vaguely thought of a possibility.

The scene remained unchanged for a long time. The two military policemen were napping on the sofa in the hall, but Aleph and the female intern never came out.

"Are there no cameras in the room?" Ahmed asked.

"No, officer." The escort seemed to have guessed a certain possibility and said with disdain, "Although you are a police officer, you should not pry into other people's privacy."

"I'm handling a case." Ahmed emphasized, "What you think and what I think may not be the same thing at all."

At two o'clock in the night, Aleph finally came out of the room. He seemed to have fallen somewhere, and there were large dark red stains on his white work clothes.

Ahmed braced himself and enlarged the screen to take a closer look. Although the color of the picture was not very accurate, he quickly determined that it was blood stains.

But Aleph's steps and expression were very calm, and he didn't look hurt or panicked at all. Moreover, his hands were very clean, which was very inconsistent with the red-stained sleeves. They must have been washed recently.

Ahmed had only made a vague guess just now, but now he was almost certain that the female intern was killed by Aleph! And he has reason to believe that this matter has something to do with the museum or even the country.

He looked back at the museum staff who accompanied him to watch the surveillance and said: "You bastards have been doing mummy resurrection experiments?! Can you think of such a cruel method? I now suspect that you are the accomplice of the murderer, and I can arrest you!" "

"No, sir, we have never done such an experiment. If things are as you guessed, it was also done by Dr. Aleph. He is the person in charge of the mummy project and has nothing to do with us. Moreover, you signed a confidentiality agreement The agreement is that it cannot be told, and no one can say it except your immediate boss."

Ahmed nodded, finally understanding what the director's "shit" meant. Maybe the director already knew something, and he was just a pawn being pushed over. Thinking of this, Ahmed couldn't help but cursed: "Shit!"

Aleph came out of another room with a few garbage bags in his hand and returned to the room where the mummy was. Then the surveillance fell into a long period of stillness.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the morning that the door of the room was opened again. Aleph came out of the room with his head lowered. For some reason, he had a sheet on his head, like an Arab turban, but it was too long and dragged to the ground, like a blanket. A cloak covered his face and the bloody clothes on his body.

Ahmed took one look and concluded that this was not Dr. Alef. Aleph's height is only 1.65 meters. This man is obviously much taller, about 1.75 meters, and his walking posture is also different. Although his legs are longer, his stride is smaller than Aleph's. , walks like a missionary.

"He is not Aleph, he is a murderer!" Ahmed said with certainty.

The "murderer" was wrapped in a sheet, his hands were on his chest, and he was holding on to both sides of the sheet. He came to the hall, where two gendarmes were sleeping on the sofa. He walked up to one of them, reached out and grabbed the gendarme by the neck. The military policeman struggled for a moment and then stopped moving.

The other military policeman was awakened, but before he could do anything, the "murderer" had already moved in front of him and snapped his neck.

However, this time, the sheets on the murderer also slipped to the ground. He turned his back to the camera, revealing a head of sparse red hair.

He seemed to feel someone peering at him, turned around suddenly, and glanced in the direction of the camera.

Ahmed's heart skipped a beat. He saw a face that was as shriveled as carbonized tree bark in the desert. The two eye sockets were empty and black, like two bottomless wells.

The museum administrator who accompanied him to watch the surveillance obviously did not expect such a result. He covered his mouth and screamed: "Oh, my God! It's him! It's Ramses II! Among all the mummies, he is the only one with red hair. of!"

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