Dream Guide

Chapter 575 The Last Liuying Alley

The lifelong flower stands under the old willow tree.

The willow branches on the tree seemed to have more vitality than in previous years. They were so long that they almost hung to the ground, forming a green curtain in front of her.

Through the curtain, Liuying Alley became blurry in sight, like a hazy and ancient painting.

She stretched out her hand and plucked the willow curtain one by one, like playing the strings of a pipa. The strings are silent, only the young buds on them are stirred to life, popping fresh green.

Her hand suddenly stopped and grabbed one of the branches. This branch is as long as the other branches, but if you lift it up and look at it, you can see the rough break at the branch tip.

It was something she had broken before, and the broken branch had gone to nowhere in the world.

The injured branch worked harder to grow, and finally made up for the short length, and hung to the ground like other branches. However, no matter how hard it is covered up, the wound remains and cannot be healed.

She gently put down her hands, let out a long sigh, and walked out of the green tree curtain.

Without the obstruction of the curtain, Liuying Lane becomes clear. The gray walls are covered with black mold spots after the rain, and the raised eaves are missing a few corners. The streets are empty, not a single person is around. The doors of the shops are closed, and the doors and walls are painted in red. The word "Demolish" is written in big letters on the paint.

The reconstruction plan for Liuying Lane was approved a few months ago, and the demolition mobilization work went smoothly with little resistance. On the one hand, this is due to Hu Xing, who invested enough financial resources and energy in this project; on the other hand, the renovation of Liuying Lane has been delayed for so many years and repeated several times. Everyone is afraid of it. It took a while and became yellow again. I wish I could sign it as soon as possible.

Of course, there were not no households with problems, but under the influence of Hu Xingqian and the mother-in-law of Street Director Liu, the defensive line quickly collapsed. There were one or two stubborn ones, and Huang Ziqiang finally stepped in to solve them.

The renovation plan was discussed by experts invited by Hu Xing, but it was Sheng Shenghua who was in charge.

For this project, Hu Xing took advantage of the situation and moved out several Xia family companies, and established a new joint venture, allowing Bi Shenghua to become a shareholder and become the actual participant and controller of the project.

At this point, Bishenghua is very grateful to Hu Xing. Because if we don’t do this, even if the Mulberry Garden project is passed, it’s still unknown what it will look like in the future.

In addition to Hu Xing, she also wants to thank one person - Meimei's mother Xia Xiaoxiao, also known as Situ Yuli. That day Situ Yuli suddenly found her and gave her a huge fortune that she had never dared to imagine in the past. She said that Meimei's father left a lot of wealth to Meimei, part of which has been transferred to China. He entrusted a lawyer to handle the foreign property, while the domestic part must be managed by a trustworthy person because of institutional problems. She thought twice and found the flower of her life.

Bishenghua asked her why she didn't find people from the Xia family. The Xia family was obviously more suitable for industrial operation and management. Moreover, Xia Wenyuan was a beautiful grandfather. In theory, people from the Xia family were more worthy of her trust.

Xia Xiaoxiao said that this was Situ's money, and she could not give all the money her husband left to her daughter to her parents' family. Bishenghua is Meimei's godmother, and with Situ's trust in Qingmu, she thinks it's a perfect fit. In addition, she also learned about the renovation of Liuying Lane, and it was just when Lifespan was in need of money.

Bishenghua smiled and said, aren't you afraid that I will lose all the money? This is a money-losing project. Xia Xiaoxiao said that with Hu Xing participating, this project won't lose much money. It is Hu Xing's first time to really engage in business, and her mother and the Xia family will find ways to help her.

Bishenghua always felt something was wrong and asked her why she made such a sudden decision. Xia Xiaoxiao smiled and said that this was actually decided very early. She originally wanted to give it to Qingmu, but she forgot about it when she was busy. After Qingmu left, she has been putting it off until now. She also said that she was going on a long trip and asked Yi Shenghua to visit Meimei more often, as if she were her own daughter.

Bi Shenghua felt that Xia Xiaoxiao was explaining the funeral arrangements, so she didn't want to ask more questions and just agreed to the matter. Later, Hu Xing came to her and helped her sort out the assets on hand, and then discussed a joint venture plan.

As a result, Bishenghua jumped from the bar owner to the boss behind an investment company. Except for Hu Xing, no one knew how she accomplished this transformation. For example, Huang Ziqiang, who is also a participant in this project, naturally needs to contact the major shareholders of the project. He was not surprised at all about Hu Xing. After all, he relied on the Xia family's background. However, the appearance of another investment company surprised him.

He had heard of the name of this company and knew that it was a very powerful company in Qiantang and Nuanzhou. However, the Xia family's projects in the Sanwu area had always been inaccessible. When he found out that the boss of this company was actually a lifelong flower, he was simply shocked.

He was once again grateful for the decision he had made. If there is anyone behind Life Flower, it is Aoki. He still has no idea who Aoki is. The Xia family of Sanwu and the Hong family of North America all regarded this man with special regard. Even Huang Ziqiang received great benefits in business because of his acquaintance with Qingmu. Aoki has been missing for more than two years, but Huang Ziqiang can still feel that this person's influence is still there and will not disappear with time.

Of course, most people couldn't see the change in Lifespan's flower, because she still dressed like a tomboy and lived in the dilapidated Liuying Lane.

Of course the bar is closed. Xiao Qi and Mo Yu found a shop to open a new bar on a busy street next door. They didn't have enough money and asked Lifespan to buy shares. Bi Shenghua said that it would be fine if she bought shares, but she could borrow money. She loaned them all the demolition compensation money, on the condition that all the original bar employees would be brought over and no one could be fired.

Xiao Qi and Mo Yu knew that Bi Shenghua couldn't let go of Liuying Alley or the old willow tree, and they didn't force it, but they still regarded her as the boss's wife and came back to visit from time to time and report to her on the operation of the new bar.

Apart from them, few people came to Liuying Alley. The originally lively and narrow alley looked deserted and decayed. Only the old willow tree still glowed with fresh green, waiting for the return of the swallows in the spring breeze.

Life Flower walked out from under the willow tree and walked on the deserted street. She likes to wear slippers recently. They are so comfortable. Anyway, there is no one on the street now, so it doesn't matter what she wears.

The door of Ruhua Bar is still there, with a big sign written next to it. Originally she didn't want to dismantle it, but after discussing with Hu Xing and several experts, she still felt that it was a good idea to dismantle it. This location is in the center of the mulberry garden. According to her grandfather's description, there was originally a small lake here, and the willow tree was planted beside the lake. Later, after the big mulberry tree burned down, her great-grandfather transplanted the willow tree to In the original location of the mulberry tree.

She came to the back door, removed the flower pot at the door, took out the key from the bottom of the pot, opened the door, went in, and went up to the second floor. The couplet at the entrance of Shenwu Studio is still there:

Spring comes to the dead trees, flowers bloom and no one can see them in the alleys

The bird is in love with its nest, sweeping the old nest and waiting for your return

There is a swallow's nest under the eaves of the second floor. This nest was made last year, and the swallows came back this year. But this place is about to be demolished. After it is demolished, the swallows will not be able to find a home, right?

Fortunately, there is still the old willow tree. As long as that tree is there, he will definitely know the way home.

The mother swallow returned and flew into the nest. The little swallows inside opened their mouths and chirped. She remembered the way the crow opened its mouth and waited for Aoki to feed him meat.

The swallow quickly flew away again, passing over the tops of the old willow trees in the distance.

I don't know when a person stood under the tree. He was wearing a windbreaker and a hood, covering himself tightly. He seemed to be holding a piece of paper in his hand. He looked at the tree and then in the direction of the bar, as if he was comparing something with the piece of paper in his hand.

Bishenghua felt a little strange, so she planned to go downstairs and ask. However, when she walked to the street, the man had left and a photo was left under the willow tree.

She picked it up and found it was a very old photo. In the photo, a young man and woman are standing under a very thick old mulberry tree. The mulberry tree has lush, leafy branches and strong curls. There is a black wing in the top corner of the photo, like a pair of big bird wings.

As soon as Bi Shenghua saw the man's face in the photo, her heart started to beat loudly. She turned the photo over and saw a line of words on the back:

Watson and Cuan Yifang, photographed in the mulberry garden, 1931

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