Dream Guide

Even if you complain a little bit, your heart will break. I’ll give you spoilers or not.

Some chapters have been blocked. I don’t know when they will be released. I feel a little wronged and a little distressed. It’s not easy to write all the way until now. Every word is like my own child. The key is that this child is a good boy and not a bitch at all. . Anyone who has read the book along the way should have seen that the book's values ​​​​and orientation are very positive, and there is no edgy description.

But it doesn’t matter. If you are upright, you will not be afraid of the shadow. No matter what happens or what your grades are, just write your own book and do your own thing well. This is my attitude in writing books and my attitude in life. Everyone should be responsible for everything they do, every word they say, and every word they write. If you really do this, why should you be afraid of wind and rain!

I think this is a very pure science fiction book, not a false one. If it cannot meet the requirements of some true science fiction enthusiasts, it is only because of my limited personal scientific literacy, not my attitude towards science and literature.

Dreams and consciousness are common themes in science fiction, but they are also difficult to grasp because modern science is still in its infancy. I hope that through this book, more people will like and study them.

Of course, you still have to adapt to the environment. In the process of writing, I also try to avoid some things. In addition to the principle issues of value orientation, I also avoid other things that cannot appear in online articles. Such as government, military, religion, etc.

According to the development of the plot, these things are impossible to live without. When parasitic consciousness invades human beings, in addition to the scientific system, the first to bear the brunt is the impact on religious beliefs and global political and economic structures. I have not written about these. At the level of fighting against parasitic consciousness, I also bypassed the national level and jumped directly to the United Nations, which only has branches and no UN General Assembly; in the South Pacific scientific research ship incident, all countries participated in the competition, and the parasitic consciousness has already taken control. With a large part of the world's powerful people, a war was going to break out, at least a local war. I also laid some clues in the early stage, but it was not carried out; the cat killing order was originally a far-reaching thing, and it could only It was understated and ended hastily with the help of the perspective of Shen Ran and the blind woman; the process of Old Wolf returning to North America to rectify the family was actually a process of reshuffling all the forces in North America, and this has not been carried out; the organizational structure and spiritual transmission method of the Dream Club It's quasi-religious, and I almost didn't mention it. I only mentioned some of Huang Liang's experiences in the Netherlands, which made the race and organization of the parasites seem too thin, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I write too much, it's easy to get into trouble; Dreamland It’s not easy to write much about guide games and group dreams...

There are many more. If they were all unfolded, it should be a grand pattern of troubled times. The world is struggling in crisis and chaos. When the truth is revealed layer by layer, mankind faces an impossible opponent. Faith collapses and despair descends. In the layout of the universe-level chess players, all power, money and wealth in the world are lost. When everything turns into smoke and becomes insignificant or even ridiculous, what Mei Yiqiu, Qingmu and Situ have done will become more meaningful, and a life saving event that spans space, time, and race will be shocking. People's hearts.

It's a pity that many buried threads cannot be unfolded. However, my pen is not strong enough to write the story I want to write with less pen and ink and a more streamlined structure. I can only try my best to restore the story in my heart using the content I can write online. If there is a chance to release a physical version in the future, some content may be added. But the results are there, the possibility of having an entity is zero.

But I will still try my best to write the story as completely as possible, and every character will have his due destination. But the update is really not fast. Firstly, like Aoki, I get lazy when I think too much, my thinking is slow, and to put it bluntly, I am stupid; secondly, my typing is slow, and I can’t practice it as I get older. Recently, I have been asked to check myself. Although I am standing up straight, I still need to check it, lest more chapters are missing. According to my habit, there are a lot of hidden threads. If I skip a chapter, I may feel that the rest is nonsense.

I have said too much, so I will treat it as a spoiler for you. You can also imagine some plots that I have not written, which should be more enjoyable than the current plot. That's it. Finally, I would like to thank my friends who have been chasing books. Thank you!

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