Dream Guide

Chapter 586 Wood, Stone, Wind, Fire and Crow

Aoki did not expect that people from the Sanchi tribe would also stand up against them entering the altar of Ulakan.

The consciousness information fed back by the Soul of Wood told him that they were so determined that they were determined to die in order to prevent them from entering the altar. If Dua or any one of him and Situ insists on entering the altar at this moment, these savages will definitely rise up and attack.

It was originally possible to use the scepter to control the consciousness of the savages, but under the leadership of the wizard, the savages unified their spirits, eliminated all distracting thoughts, and established a spiritual force field that relied on themselves.

The Soul of Wood can receive their consciousness information and can also convey Aoki's consciousness. The spiritual channel is still open, but Aoki knows that he can no longer control them for the time being. They can clearly distinguish what is their own consciousness and what is his "god".

"You are not a true god!"

"The true God will never break his oath!"

"You are a false god disguised as a devil!"

Such fragments of consciousness kept coming.

Aoki waved his wood soul, but he knew very well in his heart that the savages at this moment were truly independent and not restricted by any person or god. Although they were restricted by group consciousness and became a whole with no freedom for individuals, they were indeed free.

Use restraints to free yourself from restraints, like a pair of chopsticks that tie itself together in order not to be broken; or like a silkworm, only by binding itself in a cocoon can it emerge and be reborn!

Is this the true price of freedom?

Aoki began to wonder. What is the problem here? Why are these people resisting? Why have they never demonstrated the power of this group before? What prompted them to suddenly complete the extremely difficult unity of group will at this moment?

What if human consciousness is also controlled - God is hiding above the clouds and waving the spiritual scepter in his hand, but humans are unaware of it and think that all thoughts are generated by themselves...

Aoki now feels that the matter is probably true, as if he suddenly became the god of the Sanchi tribe.

Since these savages can build their own spiritual force fields through group consciousness, cut off their spiritual shackles by establishing a shackles method, and resist the rule of God, can humans do the same?

Group consciousness, group dream... Aoki thought of Kitano Masaki, the man who could create group dreams and influence the war.

He glanced at Situ. Since he could think of it, Situ must also be able to think of it. He saw that the expression on that handsome face was changing violently. He frowned for a while, relaxed and smiled knowingly, and was full of sorrow again. That way, he was completely different from Situ, who was always calm and calm.

The group consciousness of the three tribes is being further unified. Aoki can feel that the three spiritual force fields are slowly merging and will soon form a large spiritual field composed of more than a thousand people.

This spiritual field grew bigger and bigger like a bubble, and soon all the people present were included in it.

People suddenly couldn't see the sky and the sun, and the surrounding mountains and woods disappeared. Only the altar in front became extremely tall, and each step was as tall as a person. It was as if everyone had taken a shrinking drug and turned into a villain. .

There is no sky or ground, and there is endless void beneath your feet, as if you will fall at any time.

Alice exclaimed: "Ah! What is going on? Where are we?"

Boris nervously touched the gun, but suddenly found that there was nothing on him. Not only was the gun gone, but his hands and arms were also gone. He was so anxious that he screamed.

Aoki said: "Don't be afraid, we are just dreaming now!"

"Dream?" Alice felt incredible, "How is it possible!"

Situ said: "Qingmu, have you felt the power of the altar?"

Aoki nodded. He had long felt the spiritual power coming from inside the altar. There seemed to be a trace of power different from the inherent spiritual force field on the island, supporting these savages. Just now, he was still wondering why group dreams were so difficult to realize. These tribes could start at the beginning. Now he understood that they must have used some method to establish some kind of connection with the inside of the altar.

The current spiritual confrontation has become a confrontation between the spiritual power inside the altar and the inherent spiritual power here, and what the three of them are fighting is the collective will of more than a thousand people from the three tribes.

"Continuing to fight like this is not an option," Aoki said. "Both sides will suffer losses."

Situ hesitated for a moment and said: "We still have half of the fire soul in Petlu's hand that can be used here, plus Professor Su's mental power and other people's thermal weapons..."

Aoki knew that Situ meant that as long as they could open a hole, they could break this group dream. But once a thermal weapon is used, a killing will inevitably follow, which is why Situ hesitates.

"It's not a last resort yet, and we're not sure what we're doing is right," Dewar said.

Situ sighed and said, "Okay then, the three of us will work together to exit this dreamland."

After he finished speaking, his body turned into a mountain, standing majestically and stretching out, as if someone were painting a splash-ink landscape painting on a blank piece of paper, giving the originally nihilistic world an instant sense of solidity. .

Dua clasped his hands together and muttered something, and then a gust of wind blew up from the ground. The wind blew the clouds, and there were auspicious clouds. Suddenly there was a sky, and the Buddha's light shone in the sky.

Aoki suddenly transformed into a tree in the mountains. The tree grew taller and taller, taking root in the ground and connecting to the sky. The branches and leaves stretched in the sky, and in a moment they opened the sky.

There is sky, earth, mountains, trees, wind, clouds... Sunlight shines on people through the leaves, and everything seems to be back to normal.

Su Huilan knew this was still a dream.

Suddenly there was a strong wind, blowing the big tree to the side, and the tree roots spread rapidly in the direction of the wind, as if there were countless giant snakes crawling in the mountains. As the roots move, the entire tree actually moves too.

The sky darkened again, this time it was not nothingness, but darkness, and nothing could be seen.

Su Huilan shouted: "Petru, use your fire soul to light the flames to lead the way, let's rush out!"

Petru was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, his red beard trembled, and suddenly turned into flames, burning fiercely, and soon surrounded his body. He asked loudly in the fire:

"Where to go?"

"Follow Qingmu!" Su Huilan's voice came from the howling of the wind.

Petru saw some tree roots thicker than trains twisting in the mountains, burrowing into the ground and emerging again. He rushed over with a huff, picked up Mrs. Larry when he passed her, and chased the winding tree roots.

Mrs. Larry only saw a ball of fire rushing over, hugging her and flying up. The strange thing was that she didn't feel burning, but instead felt warm and solid.

The fire illuminated the road, and people began to run in the dark and stormy night. From unknown directions, the faint singing of savages could be heard, chirping, croaking, like frogs croaking on a summer night.

Suddenly a big black bird flew out from the canopy of the big tree. With a croak, the frogs all over the world stopped.

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