Dream Guide

Chapter 588 Borrowing a Fire

Everyone returned to the camp by the lake. The simple huts built by the savages are still there, and some of the food they collected are stored in them.

But I don’t know whether it’s because there was too much backlog or because the three suns exposed all the moisture from the ground. Some mature wild fruits full of water have begun to rot, and several long melons that look like cucumbers have also become shriveled. It seemed like it had been stored for several days, and only the fruits with hard shells were still edible.

Everyone just thought it was incredible. Is it because the fruits here are too strange? Or is it that they ran back and forth and two or three days actually passed?

Thinking of this, people suddenly felt very tired, and the hunger in their stomachs became stronger.

"Mr. Stone, use the atomic clock in your head to calculate how long it has been since we had food?" Boris said.

"The consciousness atomic clock can tell me how much time has passed on the earth, but here -" Situ pointed to the sky and said, "the time under three suns can only be felt by yourself."

The sky was still bright, and the three suns were hanging there, showing no signs of setting.

At this moment, no one was interested in the time issue. Grumbling stomachs were affecting people's brains. Even the dry and tasteless fruits became delicious at this moment.

Everyone ate something quickly and then went into the woods to collect more food. Fortunately, the woods here are dense and there are many wild fruits. With the food collected by the savages as samples, we are not afraid of eating poisonous things. The only thing to worry about is the possible traps and some poisonous insects in the forest.

Women picked wild vegetables on the ground, while men climbed to higher trees to pick fruits. Anderson and Boris went to the lake to fish. Although they lacked tools, they were both masters of fishing and caught several fish with just one spear, except that the fish looked a little weird.

Everyone loaded the food onto the boat, and then took the boat to the frigate Swordfish parked in the middle of the lake.

They killed the fish in the water, washed them, and dried them on the deck of the Swordfish. While killing the fish, more fish were attracted, one of which looked very big, a bit like a shark. Anderson and Boris subdued it together and dragged it aboard.

"Do you think this guy swam a thousand light years to get here?" Anderson patted the big fish's belly and said.

Boris cut the fish meat with a dagger and said nonchalantly: "No matter how long he swims, he will end up in our stomachs anyway!"

"It would be great if the galley on the ship worked," Anderson said.

"That's impossible." Ivan came over to help them. "Mr. Stone said that this ship has been in the static zone of time and space for at least a few hundred years, maybe a thousand years. The kitchen cannot be used. We have to return to the shore." Go get some dry firewood."

They returned to the shore in a small boat and brought back a boat full of dead branches and leaves. They also made many rosin torches to keep for lighting at night.

"I think it won't get dark today. Let's light a fire and cook." Situ said.

When we were on the shore, everyone just grabbed some not-so-fresh stuff to fill their stomachs. This proposal was unanimously supported.

Fortunately, Ivan still had flint on him. The sparks generated by the impact of this unknown stone could quickly ignite the dry velvet. If not, they would just waste the few bullets they had left on setting fires.

But before Ivan started, Petru had a sudden idea. He took his half of the Fire Soul and said, "Let me try."

No one knew why, but they saw him looking up at the sun in the sky, and then pointing the thinner end of the Fire Soul at the dead grass among the branches that had been piled up on the deck. He closed his eyes and concentrated, as if doing so would make the coral branch in his hand burst into flames.

Boris laughed loudly: "What are you doing? Do you think you are holding a flamethrower or a laser gun? You might as well fire a shot!"

He said as he took out his pistol and was about to shoot. Ivan grabbed his arm and said, "You're crazy! Don't waste bullets!"

Boris scratched his head and said, "I'm just pretending, it's not like I'm actually cumming. Look at Redbeard, he's crazy! I think he's possessed by an alien, well, that must be it!"

Before he finished speaking, white smoke suddenly appeared from the pyre, right where Petru's fire soul pointed. Then some of the leaves glowed red, which didn't look obvious in the sunlight, but everyone knew they were on fire.

"Fuck, this is unscientific!" Boris shouted.

Aoki also felt that it was unscientific, but he remembered that he was in a place a thousand light years away from the earth. The dashing naval lieutenant commander he had just met not long ago was in the command room of the bridge, and he had turned into a corpse. Thousand-year-old mummies, what the hell is there to say about science?

His head hurt a little, and he could clearly feel the grip of the crow's claws on his scalp. The willow branches in my arms felt the throbbing of spring life again. He looked up at the sun in the sky, and suddenly thought of something, but his mind became as confused as a jar.

Su Huilan pulled Qingmu's clothes and whispered: "There is something wrong with Red Beard."

Aoki shook his head and said, "It's not that he has a problem, it's that everything here has a problem."

Su Huilan was stunned, turned to look at Situ, and found that Situ was looking up at the sky with squinted eyes. Looking at Du Wa again, Du Wa was sitting on the edge of the deck and meditating against the railing. The sunlight shone on her face, like a jade Buddha statue.

The fire was burning. Anderson put the skewered fish on the fire and grilled it. The aroma made people forget about scientific and unscientific issues and kept swallowing their saliva.

After all, it was too hot on the deck, so Aoki suggested: "Everyone, let's go to the cabin and rest. When the fish is cooked, take it in and eat it."

Alice suddenly remembered the mummy in the cabin, and said with a little fear: "There are dead people in the cabin."

Boris said disdainfully: "So what? They are already dead and will not come to compete with you for food."

Alice glanced at the talkative and rude Russian with disgust and said, "I don't want to eat in the same room as a mummy."

Boris wanted to say something else, but Ivan patted him on the shoulder and said: "Boris, let's go and help the lieutenant colonel move his position. Sitting on the bridge is indeed an eyesore and a hindrance to rest after dark." .”

Boris always obeyed Ivan's words and said helplessly: "Well, I have always done the rough work of throwing corpses into the water. I am very curious about what the lieutenant colonel and the captain look like when he floats from the water. , will he become fat and white?"

Boris’s words made people’s hair stand on end, and Alice shouted: “Hey, the dead man is the most important, can you not throw him into the water, put him in the cabin below, and let him stay with his crew? !”

Ivan nodded and said, "Okay."

"Oh, women are so troublesome!" Boris complained, took a rosin torch, walked to Petru, stretched out his hand and said, "Borrow a fire, brother."

Petru pointed to the burning fire next to him angrily and said: "There is a fire there!"

Boris turned around angrily, "I just wanted to see if your new lighter works."

He lit the torch and walked into the bridge with Ivan. After a while, people heard Boris's furious roar from the bridge: "Fuck, why do these clothes turn to dust when I touch them!..."

Then there was another buzzing sound, and then it became quiet.

The only sound on the deck was the crackling of wood in the fire.

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