Dream Guide

Chapter 619 Flowers and Apricots

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and Hu Xing hurriedly drove to Liuying Lane.

The entire Liuying Alley has been demolished, and only the original Ruhua Bar building remains. It serves as a project command center during the day and lives alone in it at night.

That building is an old house. It was originally surrounded by many trees and houses. This kind of short house is not very afraid of wind. Now it has been demolished and there is nothing to block the wind. When the windmill comes, it is a question whether this house can withstand it. question.

She notified the engineering department and arranged for some people to reinforce the house, but she was still worried and planned to take out the life-long flower.

When the car arrived at Liuying Lane, Hu Xing saw a bald man standing on the ruins at the entrance of the lane.

She stopped the car and stuck her head out of the car window. The wind blew with sand and dust, making it difficult to open her eyes, but she could still see the bald man clearly.

"Mr. Hou?" Hu Xing shouted to the wind, "Why are you standing here?"

Hou Biao stood there motionless.

Hu Xing thought he didn't hear it because the wind was too strong. She moved the car forward, moved to Hou Biao's side, honked the horn, and said loudly:

"Mr. Hou! Don't be so dedicated, your security company has no one left!"

She knew that Qingmu had told Hou Biao before leaving, asking them to focus on protecting Lifespan. It has been almost three years. Security personnel have been watching the alley 24 hours a day every day, and they have not missed a day.

But now that this place has been demolished, apart from the construction workers, other casual people will see it if they come in. Moreover, a wall has been built around the perimeter, and there are special security guards guarding the gate. It is much safer than before, and it does not require any special protection.

Hou Biao glanced back, but still didn't speak. He turned back and stared ahead, which was in the direction of the old willow tree. Not far behind the old tree was the Ruhua Bar. The tree and the house stood alone, and Hou Biao also stood alone, surrounded by ruins made of dismantled bricks and stones.

Hu Xing felt that Hou Biao was a little strange. He looked stupid, especially his eyes, which were dull, as if he had lost his soul.

But after all, she was not very familiar with him, and he ignored her, so she couldn't say anything more, so she drove forward.

Bishenghua heard the sound of the car and came out to greet her, saying, "It's such a windy day. What are you doing here, young lady?"

Hu Xing said: "I'm not worried, come and have a look."

Bishenghua said: "What's wrong with you? I'm here."

Hu Xing said: "I just don't trust you! If you are blown away by the wind, Master will scold me to death when he comes back!"

Bi Shenghua said: "It's hard for you to still call him master, it's been almost three years!"

Hu Xing said: "Once you are a teacher, you are always a father. I am a serious person who has worshiped as a teacher and given me a gift."

Lifespan is busy making tea for Wu Xing. Hu Xing said:

"No, Sister Hua, I just don't feel comfortable coming over and taking a look. How about you move to my place? Anyway, I feel lonely living alone. The house is so big, so you can be my companion."

"It's time for you to find someone to accompany you." Bishenghua said.

"Then you should clean up quickly." Hu Xing said, "Stop making tea. I have plenty of good tea there."

Bi Shenghua smiled and said: "I mean, you should find a man to accompany you!"

"Ah? What are you talking about!" Wu Xing blushed, then rolled her eyes, looked at Bi Shenghua's heroic face and body hidden in the loose sportswear and said, "Aren't you just a fake man? !”

Bi Shenghua spat and said, "You are no longer a policeman but a gangster, right?" Then she added, "You still miss him, right? It's a pity that he is just a piece of wood, and I don't know where he is now."

Hu Xing said: "If you say you don't care about me, that would be a lie, but it's not what you think. From the day I recognized him as my master, I have been very clear about the relationship between me and him. Even if he is the root of Wood, that's your wood too, only you can make the wood 'flower'. And I am a 'Xing'er', and when it grows it will be sour and bitter."

Bi Shenghua did not expect that Hu Xing would say such words, and her body relaxed a lot unconsciously. Since the cooperation on the Mulberry Garden project, the two of them have become very familiar and have a good rapport, and now they have an even closer relationship.

Hu Xing once asked her whether Aoki was dead or alive. She was the first and only person to ask such a sensitive question in front of Bi Shenghua, and she asked it so directly.

Life Flower did not blame her, but admired her carefree and straightforward temper. The daughter of a rich family, doesn't she live with a mask? There are not many people who can live their lives like Hu Xing.

Bi Shenghua looked at the new buds on the old willow tree and said with an almost stubborn expression and tone: "He is alive, he can't die!"

Hu Xing looked a little distracted when she saw Lifespan Flower. She patted her shoulder and said, "Let's go to my house and come back after the windmill passes."

Bishenghua thought for a while and said, "Forget it, your house is too rich and expensive, I can't live in it."

Hu Xing said: “But it’s too unsafe for you to live here!”

Bi Shenghua said: "I'm going to stay at the bar for two days. It just so happens that I haven't seen Xiao Qi and Mo Yu for a while. I wanted to see if they destroyed my Ruhua Bar sign."

Hu Xing thought about it and thought it would be okay, so she said: "Oh, I originally thought that there would be strong winds these days and I couldn't go out, so I could have someone to chat with. Now, now I have to be alone."

Bi Shenghua said: "You can take the beauty to your place to stay for two days. The child has grown up now. Her eldest father is a criminal police captain, so he doesn't know how to take care of a little girl. And I think Shi Dazhuang is a good person..."

Hu Xing said: "They are going back to southern Yunnan."

"Oh... I should go back and take a look, it's a pity..." Bi Shenghua looked regretful.

"What's a pity?" Hu Xing didn't know why.

"What a pity that your family has such a big house!" Bi Shenghua said with a smile, "Captain Shi probably has never lived in such a luxurious house."

"Where can that old-fashioned guy like him live..." Hu Xing suddenly realized what she was talking about, her face turned red, and she pretended to spend her whole life, "What are you talking about!"

Bi Shenghua smiled and hid behind, "I think you two are quite suitable!"

Hu Xing chased while fighting, "You're afraid that I'll snatch wood from you. You must have done it on purpose!"

Bi Shenghua said: "Do you dare to say that you have no good impression of him at all?"

Hu Xing said: "I have a crush on you. I came to pick you up and live with you, but you didn't go!"

Bi Shenghua said: "I am not a man."

Hu Xing said: "You are more popular with girls than men!"

The two of them chased each other and reached the window. Hu Xing suddenly glanced and saw the bald Hou Biao standing under the willow tree.

She stopped, pointed out the window and said: "Hey, Sister Hua, don't you think that's Hou Biao? I saw it when I came in just now, and I didn't even say hello to him. Why does he look a little...that...stupid?" Really?"

Bishenghua walked to the window, sighed and said: "He has been here for several days, standing like that every day. I asked him what he was doing, and he said that Aoki asked him to protect me. I asked him to come in. Come and sit down, he said that Aoki told me not to affect my life. If I asked him anything else, he stopped talking, as if he had lost his memory."


"Yeah, he doesn't seem to even remember his name, he only remembers what Qingmu told him, which is really strange. I asked him what else he could remember besides that, and he only said three words - Yao Jingjing. "

Today's Hu Xing is no longer Wu Xia Ameng. She knew as soon as she heard that there was something wrong with Hou Biao's consciousness. The reason why he remembered what Qingmu told him was that Qingmu must have left a deep imprint on his subconscious mind. As for Yao Jingjing, how much he must care about this woman to still remember her name even after his consciousness is damaged!

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