Dream Life
Episode 55: The Reward of the Helper
Follow the traces of Soldier Ant and head west.
Moving about thirty minutes from where he defeated the twelve soldier ants, he heard the battle coming from the front. Apparently, the other adventurers who found the main unit are attacking.
From our point of view, on the south side, at the foot of the mountain, a dozen adventurers were fighting nearly a hundred soldier ants.
From above, you can see the black ants moving to flock to the bait.
The adventurers were quite hands-on "who," with the swordsman avant-garde, and the magicians were dealing precise damage from between them.
Furthermore, the avant-garde also had heavy-duty warriors with axes for both hands, which broke to smash that hard head.
Sometimes wind blades (windblades) and light spears (shining spears) fly from the rear, but this one seemed to have no effect other than traction.
I groaned, "That's amazing," and I said, "What do you think we should do?," he asked Liddy and Beatrice for their opinion.
"Right. With all this number, you won't be told to take it or anything, and first of all, you'll be pushed off by a soldier ant like that."
"I agree. Too many. You'd better get a machete."
Why I asked, because I've been told not to disturb you before if you think you're struggling and come in to help.
Objectively, it was clearly struggling and if we hadn't come in to help, we'd have suffered a lot. I guess you still didn't want to be deprived of your reward. He complained to us after his life saved him. After that, I started listening to Liddy and Beatrice.
Our current position is about 100 meters north of where we are fighting. The Soldier Ants were only attentive to the adventurers and we were in a great position to ambush.
Run down the hill as quietly as you can.
When we approached a distance of about fifty m, we found an ant in the soldier ant with an unusually large belly. Apparently, he's the Queen Ant.
Closer, me and Sharon stood on a rock. Then he fired a flaming storm (Firestorm) at a queen ant in the center of a soldier ant.
I'm going to move two giant swirls of flame again this time, but this time I'm going to move them to draw a spiral clockwise from the center.
Because you don't have to say anything about Sharon to breathe together, two flaming swirls paint a beautiful swirl pattern on the meadow.
To protect the Queen Ants, the Soldier Ants cannot escape, and one foot after another is burned by flames. About twenty people flipped over, and about ten more moved strangely, and the firestorm vanished.
By then, the ants were divided into two directions: the adventurers and us.
Liddy and Sharon unleash their magic on the ants from the rocks. I went beside Beatrice and decided to protect the Liddies.
I also tried to stick my sword in Soldier Ant's mouth as I watched Beatrice's falling in love spear. But because of the different range between the spear and the sword, I almost got stuck in my giant jaw more than once. In the end, I gave up defeating him with one blow and focused on breaking my leg.
Since there are so many of them this time, I will use Demon Martial Arts to strengthen my muscles and add an attack with the feeling of breaking my leg.
The sword of Beltram - the Dwarf's blacksmith in the village of Lasmore - was just as cleavage, and strengthening his muscles with demonic martial arts made it easy to sever the hard outer shell for the price.
Still, it required at least three attacks on one, so it was likely to surround itself many times. But each time, Beatrice or Liddy follow me.
(After all, you're being helped by both of us. Whatever the magic, we need to raise the arm of the sword a little more...)
There are many parts of magic that can be managed with imagination. But swordsmanship is almost impossible to do more than your skill. Only the amount of training and strength appears as an achievement. So the immaturity really stands out.
When I was four and Beatrice defeated more than twice that, Soldier Ant's attack finally stopped.
Looking at the adventurers who were fighting, the pressure on them was loose and rejuvenated all at once because Ali turned to us too.
Still, there are a few left, but it's a good level to say I almost wiped them out.
Finish sweeping the remaining enemies and take a breather.
The first adventurers fighting seemed to have three parties hitting it together, and there were sixteen of them all. Though the injury is borne, there appears to be no dead, and the healer is treating the injured.
When we got up, three adventurers came from the other party. Apparently, a representative came to discuss it.
As Beatrice stands for us, we will negotiate. I decided to go on the spot and listen.
The adventurer at the other party is Marion, a third-degree adventurer's magician. He's a man in his mid-thirties with a giant, tough face comparable to Beatrice's. He wears used leather armor and has a Hulbert.
Swordsman Neville, also a third-degree adventurer. One head smaller than Marion's, but still looks like it could be about a hundred and eighty cm. I often have a grin on my burnt face in the day. He has a slender long sword and a small shield and, by the way, wears armor reinforced with metal.
The last is Emilia, a Grade IV female adventurer and swordsman. She's not that tall and has a sharp look of grumpiness, she's about thirty years old. He has a bastard sword and wears dull, vermilion leather armor.
On their behalf, Marion has spoken.
"Honestly, thank you. We're not the only ones who got pushed out."
Beatrice nods, "Oh, not immediately, but because he seemed like he didn't have a hitter. In contrast, Emilia has pinched her mouth.
"I can handle it without any help. Marion says she can't afford it, but we had it. Just so we're clear, it was an extra treat."
Beatrice looked down at Emilia and said, "Tell me. The way I saw it, you guys looked the best," he said, laughing with his nose.
And I say, "So, you're willing to tell me that I can't give you a share because I got in the way," and I stare.
Emilia also stared back at Beatrice, and the two female adventurers felt like a one-touch instant. In contrast, Marion rushed in between.
"No, the share is fine with that thing for what you knocked down. We'll take what we stabbed to stop it."
In Marion's words, Beatrice, who was staring at Emilia, stares at Marion.
"That would be crazy. He stabbed me in the stomach, and I got hit in the leg by this magic. Is Ali going to take it with me? Neville, you think the same thing."
Neville erases the grin that was floating and says nothing.
Beatrice spoke in a frightened tone,
"Then I'll have plenty to talk about in the tavern. That's okay."
Marion said, "No, wait. Give me a minute," I said, and I started consulting with the other two.
I was frightened.
This was a pretty nasty situation, but I was still frightened before I felt angry at them for being able to take this attitude.
(But you don't seem to know that if I did this, no one would help me. No, Neville seems to know, but do you feel pushed off by the two of us)
I sidetracked Beatrice and made him turn his attention.
"Let me negotiate. We'll talk in our favor."
Beatrice nods, but makes a face wondering if she's really okay.
Marion and the others came back when they tried to say something.
"Again, you can't give up what you stabbed me to stop. I don't care if you talk to me at the tavern."
(You know Beatrice is in our house, so you're out strong. Now you realize you're hardly going to a liquor store and you can never spread the rumors)
I said, "I'm Zacharias Lockhart. You've probably heard about the name," he called it, adding to the story.
Emilia seemed to say something, but she starts talking before that.
"We claim ownership of the magically almost immobile demon. That's also simply because I stuck my sword out at a rolling ant. That's what I'm saying."
Neville looks disgusted, but Emilia breathes, "I guess it's from the guy who stabbed the stop".
"But maybe he just put his sword up against the guy who was dying of our magic. How do you prove that?
Emilia can hang up, "The kid's a mess.
I ignored Emilia and asked Marion the same question.
Marion said, "How do you prove a corpse? It would be strange for us alone to prove it," he has argued.
I thought that's what I'd say. I'm as calm as I can be.
"The guy who collapsed with our magic clearly has burnt marks. We can prove it, but how are you gonna prove you stabbed the stop?
Marion solidified with that word.
I was wondering if I fit in.
"Then why don't we do this? Fire Attribute The rights of the guy who ate magic (...) are ours. We get that soldier ant (...) demon crystal stone. Let's do all the soldier ant (...) material that's rolling here to you guys. Then you'll get what you want."
Emilia is still saying something bumpy, but Marion is silent and seems to be calculating in her head.
I act like I've boiled the business to encourage his decision.
"If you don't like that, I'll give it all to you! Instead, I'll sue the Alliance for taking it from us. Orb in this situation - demon props for ID. It's recorded as committing criminal acts, etc. - If you look into it, you should be remembered as taking someone else's reward. If that's okay with you, then do it yourself! Beatrice, let's go!
I took advantage of the fact that there are items in the guild policy that do not deprive people of their accomplishments.
It's a natural rule, but this happens a lot for what it's worth. In particular, there are veterans who distribute unfair rewards to newcomers. It is a text to prevent this, but of course, they should also know about that text.
My word broke Neville.
"Wait. I've had enough of those terms just now! Marion, Emilia, you guys are on your own! But I'm never gonna work with you guys again! Mostly, I don't feel sorry for my kids just because they helped me. Even I have a pride. I don't want to be rude any more!
Marion said, "Okay. I'll convince you that," he conceded. Emilia stares at me after she stares at Neville and Marion, but Beatrice stares back at me and turns away.
"Then I'll check again. Of the ants (...) corpses in the middle, those with traces of magic are ours. All Soldier Ant (...) material here instead belongs to you. That's good!
With the look that Neville was convinced, Marion nodded with the look of a threesome that Emilia was not convinced.
"Well, first, strip me of the material we recovered the Demon Crystal Stone. Somebody come with me. I don't want to rub it later."
Marion followed me to "I'll check."
Beatrice said, "It's a big loss. Not at all," he mutters, "but I didn't care.
Collect all twenty-five Demonic Crystal Stones from a magically burning Soldier Ant. There were thirteen more approaching soldier ants, so there are thirty-eight in all.
And get to the biggest guy, Queen Ant. Just the big guy took the big Demon Stone.
Marion, who confirmed that he had taken the Demonic Stone, tried to order the Queen Ant to be stripped.
I say, "Wait," and I control it with my hands.
"This one will be ours. I told you earlier. When you do all the material for Soldier Ant (...). But Queen Ant is the guy we defeated (...) So the material is ours too"
Marion opened her mouth gently, speechless.
Beatrice laughed out loud and slapped Marion on the back with a burn, "That's a distracted punishment for thinking she was a child," she said. Marion wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything just by shaking his head.
I know you regret it, but you can't rub it here and look up the orb in your guild. They have declared themselves convinced on my terms, because if they can be looked into, they will be certified as embezzled.
I didn't mean to rub it with a little money.
I just thought it was a good time, laughing and saying, "I'm kidding. This guy will be fine with mountain splitting. All we have to do is get a quarter of the amount assessed on this guy's material," he told four people, including Beatrice.
The four of them will be faces that say what they are talking about, but only Beatrice will put her hand on my shoulder,
"That's Zach. That's fine with me too. But I'll report this to the Alliance. Don't try to delude me."
That's what I said and I was laughing.
I had been thinking about Marion and the others, but I made a profit thinking about the future.
First of all, I make you realize that I have no loopholes by monopolizing Queen Ants.
But you ended it like this, because a kid like me would have hurt your pride, so there would be resentment. Then it's a hassle after that, so I'll show them the metrics by conceding to them.
Let's get dirty on the gold. Regardless, Neville and Marion should be unable to say anything about this.
This crusade of Queen Ants will be confirmed when we come to sell the material, as we will report it to the Alliance as our handle. Moreover, there are no users of fire attribute magic at their party, so if you look at the burnt outer shell, you can quickly see that we are involved. We sell nearly a third of Soldier Ant's Demon Crystal Stones, so it's easy to tell that we've been the most active.
Even if they've set something up in this situation, the other adventurers just give credit for the narrow amount of people they forgot to thank for getting help, and nobody will support it. Conversely, there will be no more parties to try to work with them, so normally they shouldn't be setting anything up.
Neville has now declared that he will not work with the Marions, and it is likely that he will circulate this rumor in the liquor store. For example, both Marion and Emilia should be frightened and grudging about spreading any more weird rumors.
(But that's a hassle. It's bad for the guys eating at Adventurer Operations, but we're not in so much trouble for money. I had to even say that first time this time, I was going to say I should just give me a quarter of the Demon Crystal Stone. Weirdly greedy, so I also lost money after feeling disgusted...)
In the end, Soldier Ant's Demon Crystal Stone sold for fifty units at fifteen C (Krona) (= fifteen thousand yen), seven hundred and fifty C (= seventy-five thousand yen) and Queen Ant's Demon Crystal Stone for fifty C (= fifty thousand yen). He also earned two hundred C per person as a fourth level crusade reward and four hundred C as a bonus to the Queen Ant Crusade. That alone was a delicious job of 500C (= 500,000 yen) per person.
Furthermore, the outer shell of Soldier Ant was also sold at 32C, and the material of Queen Ant was 400C, so there was a 100C share.
The Marions said they brought home about fifty of the nearly hundred Soldier Ant materials in good condition. Still, they didn't get to 300 C per capita.
I know how efficient our party is.
With that said, it's a freshly tiered four party they were with to go, but they only hunted a handful of five soldier ants.
This time hunting a herd of soldier ants meant that the conditions for remuneration as a fourth degree were laid down. That required more than three crusades per person and, on average, more than three in the case of parties. As a result, they have only received a remuneration of 10 C per normal Grade VI crusade remuneration, without receiving a remuneration of 200 C per person.
Beatrice had this sentiment for them.
"You're just good to be back safe. At that rate, I thought you might get hurt. You can only evaluate what you know about the draw. But I can't let you fail to confirm Zach and Sharon's strength..."
Let her tell you that you should actively gather information about your fellow adventurers for the time being. I couldn't say anything because I'm lazy on that point, too.
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