Dream, where True Love Lies

5 Dream 4: Visitation

"My son! So you've arrive, are you on your way to greet me? How's your journey?" King Aidan asked as he hugs his son.

Genrou hugged him back and replied, "Oh, come on Dad, it's just another tiring trip. But luckily, the Turtle Clan agreed not to pursue they're attack anymore. I convinced them to retreat for a while. But I bet, the peace that I asked them is not going to last that long. So we need to move now Dad, we need to make advances."

"Hmmm...Very good my son, I'm so proud of you. Just leave the rest to me." The king assured as he pats Genrou's shoulders.

Genrou smiled feeling accomplished, and he remembered…"Oh Dad, I forgot. I came here to tell you that I'm gonna travel today to go south. I'm gonna visit the Phoenix clan."

"Oh, you're right, your fiancée's eighteenth birthday is next week, and you also need to make preparations. Now go, tag along with them tomorrow alright."

"Yes Dad, I'm going now."


The king later went to see the queen. "What would you like to say my queen? Aren't you going to rest?" He asked while worriedness is evident in his eyes. He then sat at the queen's bed and put his arms gently on the queen's shoulders.

The queen looked at the king and suddenly asked, "Have you seen the girl? The girl whom Genrou brought home?"

"A girl!? Genrou brought a girl here? I haven't seen her yet and he did not even mention her to me when we were talking. Why did she not greet me when she arrived here? Tsk. Such a disrespectful child, she is not worthy of Genrous' attention." The King implied with a sulking tone in his voice.

"Now, now my King. Genrou's just being hospitable, nothing else. Besides isn't he going to marry the chosen one?"

"That's what I'm saying. Genrou's engaged so why did he bring a girl home?"

"My king, I'm telling you, this girl is not a simple girl." The queen strongly connotes.


"The girl whom Genrou brought....She's a Mortal." She professed.

"What!? My queen you fill me with surprises huh, so now that's the reason he brought her here?" With a widened eyes and a 'can't believe' tone in his voice, the king reacted.

"Yes, and I want you to check on that girl my king because she's not simple at all. We all know that no mortal is able to live here. Not even a minute. So why? She's not the normal mortal that we know my king. Or is there something more about them that we do not know of? She speculated as she puts her hand on her chin.

"No. There's nothing more about them that we do not know, I'm sure of that my queen. You see the well-known diviner Eigel and his aides made a lot of research about mortal's right? As well as the immortals who experienced being mortals in their life was a great help in finding informations about those beings." Ascertained the king.

The queen was not really convinced by the statement of King Aidan, but in her mind she knows that what he said was all truth. She couldn't argue with that, but then a thought came to her mind.

"Then, if what you said was all true, what about we begin an investigation about her?" She suggested while holding onto the king's garment.

"My queen Mishal, I know that you are curious about the existence of the lady, I know this is not a simple matter, moreover, Genrou is involved and we also need to inquire her umm---What's her name?"

"Fai, that mortal's name is Fai." The queen strongly hinted with a serious expression in her face as her eyes straightly looks directly to the king with a furrowed brow.

The King was taken aback upon hearing that, he became stiff and had his eyes wide open."Wawawa-wait, it's not like what I think it is right?"

The queen responded,"I think what you think is what I am thinking too, I get this feeling that it is somewhat connected to what we have been searching for, for this past 13 years."

"Phoenix Clan's lost princess, Fai Zephyr, the chosen one!" Both exclaimed accompanied with a surprise tone in their voices.


Meanwhile, Genrou who's riding a horse arrived at the Phoenix Clan's Empire.

"State your Business." The soldier who's guarding the front gate said.

"Woah, mister, are you new here?" Genrou asked leaning his body on the horse while getting close to the guard's face.

"So what if I'm new? (*took a step back*) From your looks, I presume that you're one of the arrogant rich kids from other clans." The soldier assumed while an insulting tone was evident in his voice.

Genrou took a deep breath and arrogantly concurred, "True, I'm arrogant, I'm rich, and I'm from another clan. But you missed out something. I AM MORE THAN WHAT YOU IMAGINE." He stared strongly at the guard as he indicates what he is capable of doing.

The soldier flinched and did not say a word as he takes a step back. After few seconds, Genrou smiled and added, "So can you please let me in now?"

Even though the guard got swayed, he still stayed on guard and drew his weapon indicating that he would not let Genrou in as he let out a glare in his eyes.

"Oh easy man, I believe you're a good soldier and you're doing your job. But let me get this straight, please do your job properly, do it right." Genrou advised and signed as he face palmed, "Ugh, this is soooo wasting my time." (Should I just explain to him? But I don't want to, I hate explaining.)

Then another soldier came, He saw Genrou's horse and hurriedly run towards him." Prince Genrou, it's been a long time since I last saw you! Welcome to the Phoenix Clans' territory." The soldier welcomed him with a full smile painted on his face.

Genrou grinned and spoke with relief, "Finally, there's someone who knows me. Thanks."

And before he enter the gate, he left an advice, "Ah, by the way, please remind your new recruits about my existence, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings in the future. Another thanks" He winked then waved his right hand while leaving.

The soldier bowed to Genrou. After that, he asks the other. "Did you do something to the prince? What did you say to him? Did you disrespect him? Did you huh? Did you!?"

The guard soldier replied with a low voice while bowing his head out of shame, "I didn't know he is a prince. Why didn't he say so when I asked what his business in here is, I could've said something nicer."

"Is it important to know what his business is in here!? You punk! (*punches the guards head*) He hates explaining himself. Don't you know that!? (*In a hopeless tone with a face palm*)Ah--forget it, it's my fault, (*sobs*) because of my negligence and shortcomings, I couldn't even teach you the basics as your superior."(*Continues to sob*)

The guard comforted his subordinate with a glistened eyes, "Sir, I'm sorry, it's my fault for being dumb."

*Immediately returns to normal* "Oh, I'm glad that you know you're dumb. Anyway from now on, remember that face ok? He's the future son-in-law of the Phoenix Clan just so you know."

"Ah-ah fu-future son in law!?" The guard shockingly responded as if he was thunderstruck.

"Yesss~~~ and you just disrespected your future master~~~"The soldier indifferently said while he shrugs his shoulders.

The guard soldier was dumbfounded when he heard it and dropped on the ground..."No wonder." He hopelessly uttered.


On the other hand, Genrou arrived at the Phoenix Clan's main palace.

In the hallway as he walks, he saw the maidservants, eunuchs and palace workers busy preparing for the upcoming occasion --- the princess's 18th birthday.

All of them were hands on in the preparation. As he continues to walk, he saw his fiancée's cousin, Princess Blaze. She walks toward him and greeted him.

"Your highness, you're here. The majesties were waiting for your arrival. They have been informed that you have arrived, thus they told me to accompany you to go to their quarters"

"Long time no see, princess Blaze. Then shall we go?" A light smile was showed on his handsome face.

"Ah by the way, congratulations on having another member of your royal family prince Genrou" Princess Blaze gladly congratulated as a she radiantly smile with her pink eyes.

"Thanks, you're coming to the banquet tomorrow right?"

"Of course your highness, how can I miss such a joyous occasion?"

Genrou agreeably nodded with a smile. Princess Blaze smiled genuinely while walking with Genrou. She kept stealing glances at him until suddenly he asked…

"Princess, do you remember your cousin's face?"

The question caught her attention. She smirked and replied, "You really know what to ask prince *looks at him* Did the news finally get to you that I, besides her parents and the great Eigel, saw her face 13 years ago?"

"Yeah, the news didn't arrive at other clans. I just heard it from here a few months ago. But I did not have the chance to ask you, now I have. You know they didn't let the world see her face not until she becomes seven right? But luckily, you took a glance at her before she got abducted at the age of five. So I was just wondering what she looks like, I mean, my fiancée, is she even beautiful?" he wondered.

Silence was present for a few seconds. Blaze was clearly sad of his curiousness. But then she said, "I was 7 when she was 5, I was really curious of what the destined one looked like. Wondering if she was pretty like a goddess or having some sort of extraordinary beauty. You see, as a child then, I was mischievous so I sneaked into her abode, but I saw none. Fortunately, I lost my favorite hairpin there. When I was crying as I search near her quarters, a child came to me. She handed me the lost hairpin. You wanna know what I saw?"

"Yes of course, I want to know. The heck, why are you stopping? Come on don't leave me hanging. Continue." An eager tone was clearly heard in his deep voice.

She chuckled while placing her hand her mouth gracefully. "It's so nice to see you so all curious hahaha. Anyway, it's a young servant."

"What?A servant?"

"Yes, it's a little servant that I saw. She was wearing a servant's clothing but her face was covered with a transparent cloth that you cannot even see through her face. Until, a maid called out to her, she said "Princess" and some other things like "Why are you wearing that kind of clothing". The little girl panicked as she heard the voice, as if she was escaping but got caught. I thanked her for finding my hairpin, she just nodded. And finally, a rushing wind came, making the cloth in her face getting swayed away. I remember, I was amazed by the beauty that I saw."

"Beauty? As in you saw a beautiful 5 year old child?" Genrou who's curious asked in high hopes.

"Well yes. I did not expect that such a beautiful child were in front of my eyes. She had captivating ruby-like colored eyes, her lashes were long, obviously her skin is fair, and she had pointed nose and cute natural rose lips, her moderate wavy hair was also in a scarlet color. You might think she's just an average beauty in my description but you never know until you see it yourself. Then after I took a glance at her, the maid took her immediately and stared at me as if she's saying that I saw nothing. And by that, I realized that I saw what I shouldn't. And for a moment, I knew she was my cousin, the destined one."

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