Nowadays, there are only two film competitions that Hong Kong filmmakers often participate in, one is the Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards, and the other is the Asian Film Festival. [;First release] There is also a Hong Kong International Film Festival held several times, but few people take it seriously.

The Asian Film Festival was transformed from a competitive event to an exhibition film festival several years ago because of the war between Japan and Hong Kong and Taiwan. Now, no one takes the so-called Asian film stars and Asian film queens seriously.

Therefore, at this time, Hong Kong filmmakers, whether they are film company owners, directors or actors, most valued the Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award.

In the golden autumn of October, the annual Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards came again. When the list of nominations for major awards came out, the Taiwan media was in an uproar.

Oriental DreamWorks, Best Sound Recording, Best Film Interlude, Best Original Film Music, Best Costume Design, Best Art Design, Best Editing, Best Original Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress, Best Actor, 11 nominations for Best Feature Film and Best Director.

It was released in Taiwan for almost half a year before it was released, and it was unanimously recognized from the general audience to the film critics. It is understandable to get 11 nominations.

The problem is that it doesn't stop there. The summer release in Taiwan swept the box office in Taiwan and won more than 36 million Taiwan dollars in box office revenue in one fell swoop. On the nomination list announced by the Golden Horse Awards Organizing Committee, it also won two nominations for Best Editing and Best Supporting Actor. This Best Supporting Actor nomination was actually nominated by Kang Jianfei...

And those that have not yet been released in Hong Kong have also won 7 nominations for Best Original Movie Music, Best Costume Design, Best Art Design, Best Original Screenplay, Best Actress, and Best Feature Film.

In other words, this year, the three films of Oriental DreamWorks have actually won 21 Golden Horse Award nominations.

This has happened many times before, but it was Taiwan's China Film Company that won the honor, and this time it was a Hong Kong company that received a lot of nominations for the film.

The predecessor) Pantothenic acid chokes claiming: "...Is the Golden Horse Awards a film competition held in Hong Kong or a film competition held in Taiwan? The Golden Horse Awards Organizing Committee awards all the awards to Hong Kong people, it is better to move the Golden Horse Awards to Hong Kong to hold it. already."

It was renamed and founded last year. The founder is Lin Rongsan, the boss of the Triple Gang, who uses sensational reports and sharp comments to attract attention. This time, he touched a tiger's beard. Because the Golden Horse Awards are nominally sponsored by the News Bureau, the comments are simply slapping the News Bureau's face, and the report was warned to rectify the day after it was published.

It is a comment: "Taiwanese films have entered two extremes. One extreme is that the film is extremely vulgar, commercialized, and shoddy; the other extreme is that the director only pays attention to the art of the film and does not consider the box office market at all. If things go on like this, Taiwan will of commercial films will be eliminated due to poor quality, while art films will be in trouble due to lack of funds. In this Golden Horse Awards, a Hong Kong film company actually won 21 nominations, both in terms of box office and reputation. Taiwanese filmmakers should wake up..."

The Golden Horse Awards have not yet started. Taiwan's media is the first to quarrel. The center of the discussion is whether to set a limit for the Golden Horse Awards, such as specifying how many nominations the same film company can get at most.

It was under such circumstances that Kang Jianfei brought Zhong Chuhong and Guan Zhilin to Taipei ahead of time to promote with Lin Qingxia.

of excellent. Taiwanese audiences have already seen it, but it has not yet been released in Taiwan. Many fans are looking forward to this film starring Lin Qingxia and nominated for several Golden Horse Awards. Taking advantage of the Golden Horse Awards, if Kang Jianfei can take the opportunity to promote it, then the box office after the release will definitely be much higher.

Zhong Chuhong has just finished filming and is about to star together with Zhou Runfa. This time, I took a few days to come to Taipei to promote and participate in the award ceremony. As for Guan Zhilin, who also hurried back from the United States, her move to bring her parents back together seems to have no effect. Her father Guan Shan came back earlier than her.

To do publicity, it is natural to find a program with great influence. The highest-rated TV program in Taiwan today is China Television. China Television has long carried out the reform of the separation of television production and broadcasting. Although it is broadcast in China Television, the production company is Hanxin Film and Television Production Company, and the television station is only responsible for reviewing programs.

Kang Jianfei asked Yu Kanping to contact the producer Huang Shaoyan, when the other party heard that Lin Qingxia was going to appear on the show. Immediately agreed, not only did they not want any publicity fees, but they could reimburse Kang Jianfei and others for their air tickets.

This is a matter of getting what they need and hitting it off. Kang Jianfei wants to use publicity, and Huang Shaoyan wants to use Lin Qingxia's fame to increase the ratings of the show.



In the studio, Zhang Xiaoyan smiled at the camera and said, "Hello, everyone from the audience, I'm Zhang Xiaoyan, welcome back... Next is the 'artist performance' segment. Today, our program team invited four celebrities, four The big stars who have never appeared on our show. Please come on - Mr. Kang Jianfei, Miss Zhong Chuhong, Miss Guan Zhilin, and our beautiful Lin Qingxia!"

Kang Jianfei and three beauties walked into the studio from the backstage. The stage of Variety Show 100 was ten square meters in size, and there were very few audiences at the scene. There were about twenty or thirty people sitting around the stage.

But compared with other variety shows, this studio is already very luxurious.

When Kang Jianfei, Zhong Chuhong, and Guan Zhilin came on stage, the reaction was not enthusiastic. When Lin Qingxia appeared, the audience immediately stood up and shouted.

Zhang Xiaoyan smiled and said, "Welcome to the four of you. Let me introduce myself to everyone."

Kang Jianfei said into the microphone: "Hello, friends from Taiwan. I am this movie will be released in Taiwan on November 1. I hope everyone can support it at that time."

Zhang Xiaoyan replied, "Hey, Mr. Kang is not only a director, he is also the boss of Oriental DreamWorks. We watched all the movies invested by Mr. Kang this year."

Lin Qingxia also smiled at the camera: "Hello everyone, I'm Lin Qingxia..."

Halfway through the conversation, Kang Jianfei joked: "Qingxia, you don't need to introduce yourself. I don't think anyone in Taiwan doesn't know you."

Zhang Xiaoyan exclaimed strangely, "Yo, the two of you seem to be in a very close relationship. Is the rumor from last year true?"

Seeing that Guan Zhilin's face was a little uncomfortable, Kang Jianfei laughed and said, "Qingxia and I are good friends."

Guan Zhilin didn't wait for Zhang Xiaoyan to speak again, she already said in Cantonese: "Hello everyone, I'm Guan Zhilin, I play the role of Xiang Hong in the film, I hope everyone can like my performance."

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhong Chuhong, I'm playing Bai Niu in Chinese..." Zhong Chuhong was in a bad state. He worked overtime yesterday to finish the show. After arriving in Taipei, he didn't sleep well and ran to record the show.

It's not an interview program. The unit that Kang Jianfei and the others are participating in now requires artists to perform.

After a few chats, Zhang Xiaoyan said, "Mr. Kang, you have sold more than 100,000 copies in Taiwan. I heard that this record was composed and played by you all by yourself?"

Kang Jianfei said modestly, "That's right."

Zhang Xiaoyan said, "I also bought that record. I really want to hear your live performance."

This is all pre-arranged by the program team. Kang Jianfei took out Tao Xun and played it soon.

After playing a song, Zhang Xiaoyan arranged for Lin Qingxia, Guan Zhilin and Zhong Chuhong to perform a selection of questions. Lin Qingxia's identity is a drunk, Guan Zhilin's identity is a policeman, and Zhong Chuhong's identity is Lin Qingxia's hawker.

Zhong Chuhong didn't know where to get a hat worn by an old woman, squatted on the stage and shouted in broken Mandarin: "Apple, a fragrant and crisp apple..."


The audience turned back and forth with laughter, and Zhang Xiaoyan was also stunned. She didn't expect that Zhong Chuhong could speak Mandarin so wonderfully, how the pronunciation of the word "apple" sounded like "ass".

"Ouch..." Lin Qingxia's drunkard came over crookedly and vomited wildly as soon as he arrived at Zhong Chuhong's "booth".

The two soon quarreled, and then the policeman played by Guan Zhilin also joined in.

This is an impromptu short play, without any script or lines, but Guan Zhilin and Zhong Chuhong's lame Mandarin is full of jokes, not to mention Lin Qingxia's self-destructive image as an alcoholic.

After a performance, the studio was already full of laughter.

At the end of the program, we talked about some things about the movie, and the recording was finally completed. Those live audiences came over to ask Kang Jianfei and Lin Qingxia to sign As for Guan Zhilin and Zhong Chuhong, they were directly ignored by the live audience.

After getting rid of the audience, Kang Jianfei took the three girls out of the studio together. As soon as he walked out of the China Television Building, he suddenly heard someone shout in surprise: "Qingxia, you are also on the TV station!"

Kang Jianfei looked at the sound, but it was Qin Han in a straight suit. He couldn't help but ask, "Is he still pestering you?"

Lin Qingxia also had a look of helplessness and said, "I met it twice a while ago."

Qin Han ran over, pretending he didn't see Kang Jianfei, and said to Lin Qingxia, "Qingxia, let's go to Sister Chen's house for dinner later, she's going to open a new play."

"Sorry, I'm not free!" Lin Qingxia was afraid of Kang Jianfei's misunderstanding, so she took the initiative to hold Kang Jianfei and walk past Qin Han.

Qin Han was frustrated when he saw this, while Guan Zhilin pouted angrily, and Zhong Chuhong followed indifferently. Outside the China Television Building, several reporters who had come to film Qin Han quickly recorded the scene with film.

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