As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Xianyu clearly saw Yu Longyao's expression froze.

In the next second, he clenched his fists as if nothing had happened, and smiled lightly, "Listen to your wishes."

Jin Xianyu felt that this person was really arrogant and had a good face. He was obviously disgusted by her words, but he still maintained a calm appearance.

Yu Longyao raised his wrist and twisted it twice, trying to struggle.


Then he asked softly in surprise: "Is this a reminder-love Gu?"

Jin Xianyu straightened her skirt and said frankly, "When I bought the medicine, Na Danxiu said that this medicine can turn the most chaste strong woman into a slut."

Yu Longyao looked at her calmly.

Jin Xianyu rolled his eyes and smiled sweetly, "I'm looking forward to seeing you turn into a decent slut."

Yu Longyao wanted to say something with the attitude of being in control, but her heart seemed to be hit hard by something.

The effect of the drug kicked in.

His brain became hot for a while, those black eyes that were like water and glass became darker and darker, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead. The whole person was stunned and dazed, so uncomfortable that the cold sweat instantly soaked through the single clothes.

Wrapped around the wrist is... Binding Immortal Cable?

Yu Longyao had to turn his eyes to the front to divert his attention.

The multiple enchantments in front of him are like layers of cages under the cover of his head.

The corners of his lips subconsciously twitched into a smile. After all, this scene is too familiar. His close family and friends, out of fear and fear of him, had also shrouded cages one after another to prevent him from escaping the seal.

They have handed down his portrait, the photostone, from generation to generation, guarding him like a pervasive fly.

However, he still found an opportunity to put it all on fire. The Jade clan who guarded his body wanted to know his appearance again, but they dared not spy on him.

He actually didn't think much of it at all, he just thought it was fun. Just like he noticed Jin Xianyu's trick just now, but he didn't stop her.

Yu Longyao subconsciously wanted to pinch her chin, and secretly said something interesting.

But the next second, his smile stiffened, and he couldn't say a single word again.

The surging tide hit him almost by surprise. The blood vessels under the skin throbbed violently, slamming into the cage like a beast in a cage, hitting Yu Longyao at a loss. it a little too much.

Jin Xianyu looked at Yu Longyao in front of him in surprise.

His expression was stiff, the smile solidified on the side of his lips and disappeared little by little. The pretentious expression he tried to maintain became a world famous painting.

Soon, Yu Longyao's breathing became rapid, and her tender white face flushed with thin red.

The messy black hair was scattered on his shoulders, and those eyes that were like two pills of black mercury lost their focus. The blushing lips were moving, and the appearance of her hands being tightly bound, it was rare to have a kind of pitiful and lovely feeling that you can pick up.

Yu Longyao's reaction was beyond her expectations. After all, Xie Fuwei poured all three achievements into the potion, and she poured it all into Yu Longyao.

"..." No matter how you look at it, Yu Longyao is much weaker than Xie Fuwei!

"Is it really not going to kill anyone?" Jin Xianyu murmured, looking at his terrifying legs.

At this time, Yu Longyao has not lost her mind. He even squeezed out a smile, "lifting the weight lightly" and said, "...Xiaoyuer, do you take care of me?"

His black hair was soaked through, and the sweat dripped down his forehead, moistening the slender Wuxiu's eyelashes.

"No," Jin Xianyu shook his head resolutely, hesitated for two seconds, showed an expression he couldn't bear to look directly at, and said sincerely, "I just think it's embarrassing to have an orgasm—to die."

Yu Longyao: "..."

Yu Longyao has lived for thousands of years, and has always been interested in matters between men and women. It is indeed a blank slate in this matter. This made the medicinal effect of the acupuncture-emotional Gu become more and more unbearable.

At this time, even if Yu Longyao wanted to be more flexible, there was nothing he could do. He propped up his legs, and the wet black cloth wrapped his slender and thin legs, outlining elastic and explosive lines.

Yu Longyao has never been a person who can suppress his own desires. He just instinctively rubbed the grass under him, and his eyes were blank.

After calming down, he tried his best to grasp the gleam of clarity in the drowsiness, and tried to keep smiling: "Good boy, help me untie it."

It was just the trembling voice and the fluctuating breathing that betrayed the calmness on his face that he tried to disguise.

"Are you sure?" Jin Xianyu smiled slightly and stood up in a leisurely manner, letting her play with a small ball of golden light in her hand as if it were alive.

Under the guidance of Bai Pingxiang, her spirit control skills almost changed from quantitative to qualitative, leaping to a new level.

The golden light wrapped around Yu Longyao's neck a few times like a small snake.

Jin Xianyu hooked his fingers and pulled Yu Longyao's neck to force him to raise his head.

The golden light sank into the flesh, leaving a deep red mark on the Adam's apple.

Yu Longyao's eyes at this time can be called pitiful. His eyes turned red due to irritation, his black curly hair stuck to his temples, his eyes were confused, the water vapor filled his eyes, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down violently.

He turned his head sideways and glanced at Jin Xianyu. Breathing hard, but still unwilling to give up, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Xiao Yu'er, do you really want to help me?"

At this time, Jin Xianyu was like a grand feast that Yu Longyao could see but couldn't eat.

Strangely, he had no interest in this delicacy before.

Sweat dripped on his eyeballs, and the slight hotness became a kind of irritation, and any slight stimulation at the moment could make him tremble. Yu Longyao's densely embroidered eyelashes trembled, and her dark eyes were moist, staring at Jin Xianyu almost intently.

When he met Jin Xianyu's gaze, he curled the corners of his lips and his eyes were deep. If his eyes had substance, he would probably have thrown her to the ground and swallowed her to the bones.

But he couldn't even move. This was the first time in thousands of years that he was so embarrassed.

Jin Xianyu's black-and-white eyes are as clean as pebbles washed with water, so he can "watch" him from outside.

Too bright, too clean.

He fell uncontrollably in the abyss, and he stretched out a thought to pull her down with her.

...the effect is amazing!

Jin Xianyu was thinking wildly, wondering if she was kicked and injured some time ago, but now she has been given so many drugs, will it leave any sequelae.

Perhaps because she cut off the love thread, no matter how attractive Yu Longyao is now, she can't have any interest.

If you're interested, should you kill him?

She manipulated the golden light to stop on his chest, Yu Longyao trembled violently.

Jin Xianyu's eyes were like two small knives, carefully scraping every inch of Yu Longyao's coral pink skin. Just one look made Yu Longyao's fingertips go soft and her heart go soft.

His chest was ups and downs due to disordered breathing, and the icy golden light seemed to pierce his chest in the next second. Under the cold and disgusting gaze of the girl, Yu Longyao actually gave birth to a kind of pleasure of being abused.

"I advise you not to." He curved his lips, as if he could see what she was thinking, "Just as you have a heart-to-heart vajra body protection, I also have some self-protection methods."

These words were never falsified, and it was also the reason why Jin Xianyu didn't make a move. She didn't dare to act rashly when she didn't know whether he had reserved the latter to invite Jun into the urn.

Jin Xianyu glanced at him, and looked away because the appearance of him was too indescribable.

"Hmm." After getting no response from Jin Xianyu, Yu Longyao pursed her lips a little aggrievedly, and fluttered her eyelashes, "Xiao Yu'er, maybe you can kill me in another way?"

His shirt was soaked with sweat and pressed against his skin, revealing his pale, powdery chest.

Why, why not look at him.

Yu Longyao's eyes were red, and she could not wait to press Jin Xianyu on top of him.

It felt amazing, like stacking rocks, his favorite game.

Build one stone after another high, stretch out your hand to push it down, and enjoy the pleasure of building and destroying.

Jin Xianyu's eyes seemed to be adding weight for him, one piece, another piece. In desperation, Yu Longyao could only bend the corners of his lips, without blinking, and stared at her tightly, his trembling became more intense, his chest muscles Tight and raised high, he made various endearing gestures, like a fish struggling and bouncing on the chopping board, he was using her gaze to masturbate.

But after all, it was just an idea in her head, and it couldn't compare to the smoothness and softness of her skin.

"So, how about we cooperate?" Yu Longyao's eyelashes were completely wet with sweat, he panted hard, smiled and persuaded, " help me loosen, I can help you get rid of Xie Fuwei, we can first Make a blood oath, I will no longer force you."

"I admit, I lost to you, a crushing defeat."

The "Blood Oath" is a commitment between monks based on blood and blood. If one party breaks the contract, the incantation will pierce the heart of the other party.

This promise made Jin Xianyu a little moved, but it was just that, she didn't believe that Yu Longyao would really be good.

Even if he was in such a state of embarrassment, Yu Longyao was like a devil tempting people to fall into **** at this time.

In response to this kind of scorn that he thinks can trick people's hearts, Jin Xianyu firmly expressed his refusal to cooperate, and said seriously: "Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Yu Longyao: "..."

Yu Longyao's eyes became deeper and deeper, and he managed to smile, "...I found that there was indeed some misunderstanding between us."

It is obviously not a wise choice to go with Yulong Yaoxu and Wei She.

Jin Xianyu suspects that he has a bit of straight male cancer and a performative personality. The most suitable way to deal with this kind of straight male cancer is to put play, rags, and **** humiliation who treats others in their own way—humiliation . No need for her to do anything, the effect of medicine will arrange him clearly.

At this time, a woodcutter suddenly came over not far away.

As soon as she saw the woodcutter, Yu Longyao suddenly became hoarse, her whole body stiffened, her eyelashes trembled, and she watched Jin Xianyu walk over to talk to the woodcutter in horror.

Of course, what Jin Xianyu said was asking for directions, the weather, etc. with great integrity, and he seemed to be chatting with the taxi driver master with ease.

As a woman, she could choose to stab Yu Longyao to death, but she would never humiliate him with such inferior means.

This is not to take care of Yu Longyao, this is just to take care of herself, worthy of her own conscience, she will not let herself fall into a devil under the influence of him in the process of revenge.

Even if she takes revenge, she will be neat and tidy.

What's more, this is a danmei article, and it's not the world of literature that passers-by are fine--the flesh of the brain.

However, she still went a little far, deliberately cut off Yu Longyao's investigation, and prevented him from hearing the details of the conversation between the two as a threat.

When she said goodbye to the woodcutter and returned to Yu Longyao, Jin Xianyu was surprised to see a bit of fear in Yu Longyao's eyes.

Seeing her turn back alone, he seemed relieved.

Compared with that Yu Longyao who was in a wave of boundless waves, Yu Longyao at this time was more like a bear child who was arranged to be clear. He was indeed frightened by the effect of the medicine, by her intimidation.

He was really afraid that she would find some big guys to play Billy!

Narcissism, selfishness, performative personality... Jin Xianyu's mind quickly flashed this weird idea, Yu Longyao may just be a arrogant child who hasn't grown up at all, a hundred-year-old giant baby.

Perhaps to ease her inner fear, Yu Longyao bent the corners of her lips and opened her mouth again.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Jin Xianyu suddenly had an unbearable urge to shut his mouth.

"I never thought, Xiaoyuer, you still can't bear me."

"No," Jin Xianyu shook his head, "you're not so beautiful that you make the woodcutter's beastly furious."

Shame on the woodcutter.

Yu Longyao: "..."

"I just thought of how to deal with you." She continued, lowering her eyelashes, spreading her palms, a little mouse with golden light in her palms quickly got into the barrier and climbed to Yu Longyao's chest.

Almost at that moment, Yu Longyao understood what Jin Xianyu wanted to do!

But he moved his fingertips, and before he could react, he was drowned by the overwhelming golden light. Jin Xianyu's voice echoed clearly in his ears through the golden light.

"Thanks to you, I have managed to learn how to use my spiritual sense to seize the house these few days."


She was afraid of his body-protecting method, so it was inconvenient to do it herself, but she might as well find a mouse to help her ride the thunder.

When the golden light penetrated the energy that Yu Longyao used to defend himself, the mouse was also bounced into pieces by the airflow.

Immediately, there were tiny fluctuations in the energy around him!

If it wasn't for the fact that he and Bai Pingxiang had not learned spirit control skills before, Jin Xianyu would never have been able to seize this fleeting opportunity, break through the defense, and take advantage of the situation to unleash a murderous awe-inspiring force that would approach Yu Longyao's gate of life!

The blood of the mouse almost splattered his face along with the minced meat!

As if struck by lightning, Yu Longyao froze in place, her eyelashes trembled, and blood beads rolled down her eyelids. Yu Longyao's expression was so stunned that it looked a little funny.

Apologizing inwardly to the heroic sacrificed mouse brother, Jin Xianyu walked to Yu Longyao and calmly stroked his hair to show him.

"I forgot to tell you, I have already cut off the thread of love, thank you for the water of forgetfulness, although it is useless to me, it is quite handy to use it against you and Xie Fuwei. Thank you for your useless work these days. I."

"Also, I used all your spiritual stones to buy medicinal pills and magic weapons, and now they have been shipped to Kongtong, you don't have to worry about your inheritance being uninherited."

Yu Longyao didn't speak for a long time.

His eyes fell firmly on the roots of her slightly red hair, and when he looked at him, he suddenly laughed, his eyes were so cold that he seemed to want to kill her, and he would never stop with her.

After a long time, he smiled slightly, "It's really good--"

Jin Xianyu didn't want to listen to his last words before he died, and his five fingers suddenly exerted force, and the golden light penetrated into his beating heart.

At this moment, Yu Longyao was quickly engulfed by the golden light, a terrible blood hole split open in his chest, and his eyes lost focus.

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