Dressed As A Waste Prince, The Queen Mother Made Him A Puppet Emperor

Chapter 60 You Can You Come? It's Not Worth Your Life To Be Mad! There Are Also Veterans Of The

this night.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the entire Daqian Imperial City looked extremely dim.

"There are assassins!"


"Concubine Hui!"

Suddenly there was a panic scream in the harem, and then a fire broke out, and the day was chaotic!

Wan Lianshan, the commander of the forbidden army, arrived with his guards and found a concubine, several maids and eunuchs lying in a pool of blood.

And when he was rescued from the fire, his flesh and blood had already been burnt to pieces.

"how so!"

Wan Lianshan had a solemn expression on his face.

The guards of the palace, what a samba!

How could there be an assassin lurking in?

"Block all the main roads in the palace!"

"No one is allowed to enter or leave. Once you find suspicious objects, arrest them immediately!"

Wan Lianshan reacted quickly and immediately issued an order.

"Yes, Commander!"

Not long after, Lu Qingge rushed to the harem.

He didn't care much about the other concubines.

But Luo Qingxue must not be in trouble!

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened in Luo Qingxue's bedroom.

"His Majesty......"

"I'm fine."

Luo Qingxue appeared and comforted her softly.

Behind her is Vermillion Bird, one of the commanders of Jinyiwei!

Seeing that the two of them were safe and sound, Lu Qingge breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, there are many strong guards."

A cold light flashed in Lu Qingge's eyes.

He faintly felt that this matter was coming for him!

Otherwise, how could such a murder happen in the heavily guarded palace?

"Who is the dead man?"

Lu Qingge asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is... Concubine Hui!"

"This is my subordinate's dereliction of duty, please be punished by Your Majesty!"

Wan Lianshan immediately knelt on the ground, sweating profusely, with a look of panic and anxiety on his face.

Everyone knows that Concubine Hui is His Majesty's favorite concubine.

Now that there is an accident, the relevant people, etc., may not be able to escape the sale!

"Concubine Hui?"

When Lu Qingge heard this, he couldn't help showing a weird expression.

In my mind, the slightly bloated concubine came to mind!

This is indeed a concubine that Lu Qingge' likes.

Otherwise, after Lu Qingge ascended the throne, the tide would rise and all boats would rise, and he would not be named Concubine Kui.

However, the person 15 likes is not the current Lu Qingge, but his predecessor!

As for Lu Qingge himself, he has never seen that concubine Hui since he crossed over.

After all, in his impression, that posture was not what he was interested in.

It can only be said that the taste of the predecessor is relatively strong!

"Is there any aspect where the more inferior you are, the more you want to express yourself?"

Lu Qingge thought strangely in his heart.

The previous Cultivation Base, I don’t know why I like to drive heavy trucks that consume fuel.

Aren't you afraid of being consumed?

"Commander Wan doesn't need to blame himself."

"The incident happened suddenly, tonight you are responsible for finding out the truth, just make up for it.

Lu Qingge said calmly.

Since she is not the concubine I like, it is not a pity that she will die.

Lu Qingge really didn't feel anything.

It is even more impossible to blame own confidant general for this.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

"The general will definitely investigate this matter!"

Wan Lianshan was pleasantly surprised and moved, he never expected that His Majesty would not punish him severely!

He was almost ready to take off his black hat!

The people around were amazed when they saw this!

Isn't Concubine Hui His Majesty's beloved concubine?

Why is it that His Majesty is not sad when someone dies?

No anger at all??

"My concubine, you'd better move to my bedroom, the guards there will be safer.

Lu Qingge took Luo Qingxue's hand and pulled her away.

"All according to His Majesty..."

Under the light of the fire, Luo Qingxue's pretty face flushed slightly.

Wouldn't the two have to get along day and night in the future?

"Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

After Lu Qingge left, Wan Lianshan immediately regained his stern look.

Regardless of whether His Majesty blames it or not, it is his dereliction of duty!

If he can't find out the murderer, he can't absolve himself of the blame!

Can result.

Strict investigation all night, not even the shadow of the murderer.

No clues were found.

The murderer seemed to appear out of nowhere.

And this night is destined to be unsettled!

In the middle of the night, murders and arson occurred in several places in the imperial city!

The Forbidden Army is busy.

There is no clue about the palace case.

However, in other cases in the imperial city, many perpetrators were caught.

They were all Rivers and Lakes people!


"These Rivers and Lakes are reckless, if they eat the bear's heart and leopard's guts!"

Wan Lianshan's face was ashen.

The murder in the palace was enough to give him a headache.

Unexpectedly, Rivers and Lakes Practitioner jumped out to make trouble!

"Has the murderer been caught elsewhere!"

Wan Lianshan looked at his subordinates and asked.

"Caught part of it."

"The other part of the Cultivation Base is too high, and they are still hunting down the ministers!"

Several subordinates responded tremblingly.

"Not one can be let go!"

"Rebels, directly kill Unforgiven!"

Wan Lianshan shouted angrily.

All of a sudden, Phoenix City was rocked by wind and rain.

For many, it was destined to be sleepless nights!

Lu Qingge also didn't sleep.

Actually is not bothering about those things outside.

After all, how could Luo Qingxue sleep with such a beautiful woman by her side?

Those who can fall asleep are either fools or trash.

It was bright daylight.

Lu Qingge washed up and felt refreshed.

"Your Majesty, there is no clue about the murder in the harem last night."

"The subordinate suspects that someone helped the murderer to sneak into the palace!"

Shangguan Haitang was helping Lu Qingge get dressed while reporting the day.

It's really embarrassing for her to juggle so many things at the same time.

"It's not easy to be able to kill people in the palace without people being able to find out."

Lu Qingge smiled coldly, having already expected it in her heart.

"What about outside the palace? I heard it was quite lively last night!"

Shangguan Haitang replied:

"The killing incident in the imperial city was done by people from Rivers and Lakes."

"The saintess of the Moon Worship Sect appeared and attracted many decent people to hunt down and kill her."

"Several dens of the Demon Sect have been taken away by those so-called decent sects."

"Oh I got it."

When Lu Qingge heard this, he was slightly taken aback.

He originally thought that these two things would be related.

But right now, that doesn't seem to be the case!

Of course, the chaos in the imperial city may also be fueled by someone with a heart behind it!

"It seems that there will be another quarrel this morning."

Lu Qingge rubbed his brows, ready to face up.

after awhile.

Lu Qingge came to Xuanzheng Hall.

All civil and military officials are ready and stand respectfully.

"There is an opening book."

Lu Qingge's face was completely blank, as if he didn't know anything about what happened last night.

"Your Majesty, the old minister has something to do!"

Wang Song stood up first, with a low tone.

"Last night, a murder occurred in the palace!"

"Even Concubine Hui has been persecuted!"

"It can be seen that the guarding power of the palace is worrying!"

"As the commander of the imperial army, Wan Lianshan is absolutely to blame!"

"And up to now, he has not found the murderer. I don't know how to take on the position of commander?"

"Even murders happened in other places in the imperial city!"

"Give this person the responsibility for the safety of the imperial city and the imperial palace, how can the ministers rest assured?"

Wang Song looked distressed!

In fact, he almost laughed out loud when he heard the news last night!

Originally, he thought that other murders in the imperial city were instigated by the Queen Mother secretly.

The result is not!

Really help me too!

Overnight, with so many murders happening, Wan Lianshan's position as the commander of the forbidden army has come to an end.

"Aijia also feels restless now."

"The imperial palace is so important, yet there are so many hidden dangers!"

"How can Aijia live in peace in the future."

The Queen Mother also spoke coldly.

Watching the two people's performance, Lu Tige was frozen in his heart.

These two guys jumped out so quickly, maybe the murder in the palace was related to them!

What's more, with the protection of Power like Zhao Wuji beside the Queen Mother, is it still unsafe?

Can a Celestial Realm killer fail?

"Empress Dowager, Lord Wang, please be safe and don't be impatient."

"The incident happened suddenly, Commander Wan is already doing his best to investigate, and the truth will surely come to light soon.

Lu Qingge responded indifferently.

"Your Majesty, your beloved Concubine Hui has been killed!"

"Are you still kept in the dark?"

The Queen Mother asked incredulously.

Lu Qingge's expression of indifference, is he too ruthless?

Could it be that in order to keep Wan Lianshan, the scheming can go so deep?

Hearing this, Lu Qingge almost couldn't help laughing out!

That's the love of your former adopted son, daddy doesn't love it!

It can only be said that you wanted to plot to assassinate and killed the wrong person!

Thinking of this, Lu Qingge's gaze became sharp.

If he hadn't strengthened the guards in Luo Qingxue's bedroom, maybe the one being targeted tonight would be her!

"This matter, I will naturally investigate to the end!"

"But it's not the time to punish anyone until the results are out."

Lu Qingge scanned the crowd coldly.

"Your Majesty, the whole night has passed.

"But what did Commander Wan find out?"

"And what is the criminal department doing?"

"Obviously the people involved in the murder case in the Imperial City have been caught, but they haven't been able to interrogate any clues!"

"The old minister has reason to suspect that the Ministry of Punishment is shielding criminals!"

Wang Song had a look of indignation.

His goal is very clear, that is to bring down the Commander of the Forbidden Army and the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice!

"This is indeed the dereliction of duty of Commander Wan and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. Your Majesty, please be aware of the details!"

"The humble minister seconded the proposal!"

Several ministers immediately stood up and echoed.

Obviously it was instructed by the Queen Mother and Wang Song!

"Your Majesty, the general will definitely find out the truth!"

"Your Majesty, I will also cooperate with Commander Wan and interrogate you strictly! Please give us some time!"

Both Wan Lianshan and Zhang Juyi knelt down, with expressions of sincerity and fear.

Zhang Juyi was also secretly worried.

I didn't expect that I would run into big trouble just after I took the position of Minister of the Ministry of Punishment!

If His Majesty is disappointed, even if he is not dismissed, I will have no face to continue to stay in this position!

"I understand, I will give you some time to investigate clearly."

Lu Qingge nodded slowly.

"Your Majesty, this matter is inappropriate!!"

"If other ministers neglect their duties and are treated so leniently, then the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty will lack awe in the future!"

Wang Song's words were conclusive and he tried his best to oppose the Tao.

"Your Majesty, if these two people are incapable, Aijia suggests that someone else be in charge of the investigation!

"Their duties should be suspended for now!"

Immediately afterwards, behind the bead curtain, came the empress dowager's stern voice.

Seeing this, Lu Qingge couldn't help but slightly frowned.

This time the incident was indeed a big one.

Although he can forcibly suppress it, it is difficult to convince the crowd!

You can't adopt the iron and blood policy whenever you encounter anything, right?

Just as Lu Qingge was pondering.

A burly old man came walking like a dragon or a tiger.

"Veteran 'Huo Dongyang', see Your Majesty!"

After the old man entered the Great Hall, he gave a sleepy salute.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this burly old man!

"Isn't this Marshal Huo?!"

"Why did it appear in the Xuanzheng Palace today?"

030 It turns out that this burly old man was also a veteran of the Three Dynasties!

He is the only surviving veteran general of the Daqian Dynasty!

He once commanded the three armies and made great military exploits.

However, in the late stage of the former emperor's reign, Huo Dongyang seldom interfered with the affairs of the dynasty.

But his prestige in the army will definitely not decrease much!

This was the 'Military God' level marshal back then, who was worshiped by countless soldiers.

"Marshal Huo?"

"Why do you have time to go to court today?"

Lu Qingge showed doubts on his face.

At the same time, there was a strange coldness in the depths of his eyes!

Like Wang Song, this person is highly respected and has an astonishing status.

Although he no longer has much authority in the court, words still carry a lot of weight!

There are many civil servants, military generals, high-ranking officials, and elders who are serving today.

When you see these two people, you have to respectfully call them 'senior'!

Lu Qingge was not worried that the other party was invited by the Queen Mother.

After all, in the original book, Huo Dongyang and the queen mother's camp are not in the right direction.

The reason why Lu Qingge's heart was full of waves was because this person was the first nobleman of the son of fortune!

It was he who recommended Xiao Fan to the imperial court, joined the imperial army, and opened the road to a bright life.

"Let's see what attitude this old man has!"

"I remember at the beginning, he wasn't an enemy of the original body."

"The reason to recommend a son of fortune is simply because you have old acquaintances with the people around the other party and appreciate the other party."

Lu Qingge thought to himself.

at this time.

Huo Dongyang opened his mouth full of arrogance, but was quite humble:

"The old minister came here uninvited, and I hope His Majesty will forgive me."

"The old minister was only alarmed when he heard many things happened in the palace and the city.

Lu Qingge asked meaningfully:

"Oh? Then Marshal Huo, what do you think about these things?"

Lu Qingge clearly sensed the other party's kindness!

Definitely not looking to find fault!

And he just checked with the system on purpose.

Find the [Attitude] column of the other party, mainly look at: friendly!

as expected.

I saw Huo Dongyang sternly said:

"As His Majesty said, the top priority should be to investigate the murderer!"

"Instead of arguing here."

"And if the person in charge is temporarily replaced, it will only delay the development."

"It's better to give Commander Wan and Master Zhang a chance to step up their investigation and atone for their crimes.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

Huo Dongyang's words were obvious enough.

Clearly supporting His Majesty!

No one would have guessed that the grand marshal of the three dynasties appeared this time to help His Majesty...

It's incredible!

The faces of Wang Song and the Queen Mother couldn't help but change slightly!

They never expected that such an accident would happen!

"It's the decision of the elders of the royal family!"

"Otherwise Huo Dongyang would never appear!"

The queen mother quickly thought of the key, secretly gnashing her teeth!.

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