"Since you need it, the contract is in your custody."

I don't know if it's because Yu Mian's eyes are too eager, or the prayer on his expression is too obvious, but Lin Jianshen agreed to her request.

"Thank you!" Yu Mian happily touched the A4 paper in her hand, fearing that the paper would be crumpled, thinking that she had seen a book before, she hurried to the hospital bed and found a magazine beside the bed , and then carefully clipped the paper in.

After she finished clipping the paper, closed the magazine, and looked up again, she glanced at Lin Jianshen who was looking at her from the corner of her eye, and then suddenly remembered that there was another person in the ward.

Noticing that Lin Jianshen's eyes fell on the magazine, Yu Mian blushed, and was trying to save her image, so as not to let him misunderstand that she is a fan.

But when she glanced at the magazine and saw the characters on the cover of the magazine clearly, it was like pouring cold water on it, and Yu Mian's fiery mind immediately cooled down when she saw an idol for the first time.

The magazine is an entertainment magazine. When Yu Mian woke up, it was placed by the bedside. The cover character of the magazine was Chu Yan, whom the original body had recently been obsessed with. Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Yu loved her daughter so much that she bought it for her. Put it here.

Looking at the huge solo photo of Chu Yan on the cover, Yu Mian wanted to cry but had no tears.

It's over, it's useless to say anything now, just now he denied that it was not because of Chu Yan's hospitalization, but immediately slapped him in the face, would the idol think that she was deliberately lying to him?

Thinking about the fact that the original body lost weight crazily because of star chasing, so hungry that he fainted and was hospitalized, it must have spread throughout the circle of friends. Although she wasn't the one who actually did these things, Yu Mian can only pinch her nose to recognize her now that she is in this body.

Yu Mian felt that she needed to be rescued, so she raised her hand tremblingly, pointed at the magazine with a sad face, and said, "This book is not mine, really, trust me, I don't like Chu Yan at all..."

Lin Jianshen: "..."

The girl blinked her big wet eyes, looked at him pitifully, her small nose was reddish from crying, and told him anxiously, as if eager to prove her innocence, Lin Jian looked at him coldly, and felt A little sense of absurdity arises.

Although the two had a marriage contract, he didn't meet Yu Mian many times, and the few short encounters were enough for him to get a little understanding of her temperament.

It's not all about being sharp and rebellious, but the girl in front of him didn't give him a good feeling in the past.

Acting needs to figure out the state of mind of the characters. Lin Jianshen also has some insights in viewing people. The first time he saw Yu Mian, he could see that there might be unknown reasons. She seemed to resent her family and reject all thoughts. People close to her only stay in their own small world, close their hearts, and do not communicate with the outside world.

At first glance, he defined her as a girl who was hurt and unwilling to reveal her heart.

In the same upper-class circle, he has also heard some rumors recently that she was infatuated with a celebrity, moved out of the house by herself after arguing with her family, and posted insinuating remarks about him on Weibo.

He didn't care about it. If the assistant hadn't told him, he wouldn't even have noticed her resentment, and the source of her conflict with her family was the marriage contract in name only.

Lin Jianshen has his own principles. At the beginning of the cooperation, he consulted the other party's opinion and got her consent before getting engaged. But since she has changed her mind now, he will not force the little girl thing to come.

So he came to the hospital. The contract was drawn up before he came. He habitually made two-handed preparations. If she wanted to divorce, the contract would not be needed.

He subconsciously felt that this contract was completely superfluous, and Yu Mian's choice did not need to be thought about to know that it had no room to play a role at all.

Lin Jianshen knew very well that Yu Mian didn't have any good feelings for him, but what happened today overturned his thoughts.

He has always been keen in observing people, so he can naturally see the real joy, excitement and faint respect in Yu Mian's expression when talking with him. He has only seen these in fans, but there seems to be some subtle differences.

Her emotional expression is not as enthusiastic as that of fans, as if she is deliberately restraining, or maybe her personality tends to be restrained and soft, so her senses are also extremely soft to him.

It was like a gentle warm wind blowing against his face, and like a beautiful flower blooming in front of his eyes, and he felt that the gentleness of the wind and the flower was only for him.

Before waiting for his reply, the little girl pursed her mouth in grievance, her **** eyes were moist and clear, and she watched the tears accumulate in the eye sockets, which were about to overflow and fall.

Whether she likes Chu Yan or not, what does it have to do with him?

"Even if, even if I liked him before...I don't like him now." The girl's voice was soft and full of tears.

Looking past the girl's reddened eyes and touching her eyes with hidden expectations, Lin Jianshen retracted his gaze and took a sip from the water glass.

After a long time, the tone was light: "...um."

A bright color suddenly appeared in the crystal black eyes soaked in tears, like bright stars, shining in the night sky.

Yu Mian smiled through tears, her eyebrows and eyes curved into two small crescents. She laughed for a while, but couldn't help but blush and feel ashamed. She felt that she was too naive. She was already twenty years old, and she shed tears because she was misunderstood.

After her mood calmed down, her rationality slowly returned. Yu Mian held the magazine and sat face to face with Lin Jianshen, falling into inexplicable embarrassment again.

She thought slowly, the original body was not Lin Jianshen's fan, and the two of them didn't seem to know each other very well, but they suddenly became so familiar, would the idol be frightened by her?

She didn't know if she was scared or not, but she definitely felt uncomfortable, because she saw Lin Jianshen raised his hand and touched his forehead. Excuse me or something.

Yu Mian looked at him quietly, not daring to be upright, she was nervous and apprehensive, she made too many jokes, thinking that since too many words would be lost, she would just stop talking.

For a while, Yu Mian was speechless, and Yu Mian focused on peeking at the idol, not aware of the embarrassment of the atmosphere, and also did not notice that the frequency of Lin Jianshen touching his forehead was much higher.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, Lin Jianshen suddenly asked, "Why were you crying just now?"

Yu Mian was brought back to her senses by his voice, thinking he was asking her about the fact that she almost cried because of a misunderstanding, she hurriedly replied with a blushing face, "I, I don't want you to misunderstand, and, besides, I didn't cry..."

She really didn't cry, the tears hadn't had time to fall, they were just in her eyes.

"It's not this." Lin Jianshen shook his head and asked again: "You were outside just now, why were you crying?"

"Ah." Yu Mian opened her mouth, realizing what he asked, her joyful mood suddenly cast a shadow, she lowered her eyelids, no longer looked at the man's eyes that seemed to see everything, and said dryly, "It's nothing..."

At this moment, she suddenly felt that fate was too wonderful. Eight years ago, the homeroom teacher brought his donation and gave Yu Miansheng hope. Now, eight years later, she has finally returned to death, but has a relationship with him.

Yu Mian subconsciously concealed it, and the other party didn't intend to pursue it. Neither of them was good at talking, so the topic ended here.

After a long silence, Lin Jianshen finally bid farewell, and Yu Mian stood up to see him out.

Before walking out of the ward, Lin Jianshen took out a mask from his pocket and put it on his face. The mask covered most of his face, only revealing a pair of dark eyes, the eyes were long and narrow, the eyes were quiet, and the deep eyes were peaceful.

Yu Mian stared at him silently, watching his long eyelashes fall down, his long and slender fingers bent, a circle of pale bone color appeared at the knuckles, and the fingertips were pulling the mask straps to hang behind the ears. Pushing open the door, he glanced down at her, without any warmth in his eyes, as light as a wisp of light wind blowing across her face.

Looking at his figure about to leave, Yu Mian suddenly felt an urge to ask him a question.

And she asked too.

"Do you know a girl named Yu Mian?"

The pace of going out of the door stopped, Lin Jianshen turned around, and when he heard this question, his expression didn't change at all, and he was still so calm.

He pondered for a few seconds, as if he was seriously thinking about memories, and then said: "In my impression, only you are called Yu Mian."

Her nose was sore, even though she had expected it, Yu Mian still had tears in her eyelashes.

To him, Yu Mian is one of the countless people he sponsored, there is nothing special about it, and he doesn't have to remember who she is. But he is the only one in her life, so profound that it takes a lifetime to remember him.

Fearing that the tears in her eyes would be noticed, she turned her face away in embarrassment, and said in a brisk voice: "I overheard the nurse saying that there is another Yu Mian here. She is an orphan. She was in a car accident and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment yesterday. You said it was a coincidence."

Her response was only a short, indifferent "um".

The sound of the door closing could be heard next to my ear, and the tears in my eyes could no longer be held back, and rolled out of my eyes.

Yu Mian pursed her lips tightly, just about to cry, when a slightly magnetic male voice resounded above her head: "And then?"

Because of the mask, the voice sounded muffled, like an explosion in her head.

Yu Mian originally thought that he had left, but at this moment there was another sudden sound, which made her tremble all over, and couldn't help hiccupping.

"You, why didn't you leave?" Yu Mian quickly turned her head, staring at a pair of teary eyes, covering her mouth and looking up at him.

Lin Jianshen's official height is 183, and Yu Mian's own height is 168. As a result, he changed his body and became a short man of 162. When standing with him, he had to lift his neck to see his expression.

Lin Jianshen lowered his head, met her rabbit-like eyes, and said calmly, "You haven't finished your sentence yet."

"Hi--" Yu Mian hiccupped a little, and immediately covered her mouth even tighter, her head to toe was red to the base of her ears.

She didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear that she would lose control of her hiccups and forget to shed her tears. She lowered her head in panic and stopped looking at him, so she didn't see a smile flashing in the man's dark eyes, which was as clear and light as a bird. The reflection on the lake is fleeting.

Lin Jianshen asked, "How's the result of the rescue?"

After a few seconds, she found that the hiccup didn't last, and Yu Mian didn't have the mood to be sad anymore. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and said softly, "She's dead."

"En." It was still a faint response, with an indifference that had nothing to do with him.

As if confiding, Yu Mian didn't care about his reaction, and continued: "She doesn't have a family, so no one handles the formalities for her. Now she is sent to the hospital mortuary. I want to visit her. Our names are so similar..."

The door was pushed open again, Yu Mian raised her head when she heard the sound, and saw the man's tall and straight back, he took a step towards the door, turned to look at her, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Let's go, don't you want to see her? "

Yu Mian was stunned for a moment, and the next moment her pale face burst into a different kind of brilliance.

Following him happily, thinking of what the nurse said, she frowned: "I asked, but the nurse said that she is not a relative, so I can't visit her."

Lin Jianshen pulled up the mask, noncommittal: "How will you know the result if you don't try it?"

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