Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1046: No tears without seeing the coffin

Zhang Manyue is still in command, "Move that bell too, don't need the quilt, move this bed away!"

The bride ran out and said angrily, "The bed is my dowry, why do you move it!"

"You are already married, and the dowry belongs to his family, so it must be repaid!"

With a wave of Zhang Manyue's hand, the brand-new bed was carried away, and the tractor was full, but Zhang Manyue was not satisfied, she had to get something more.

In a blink of an eye, the happy new house was evacuated, and the furniture in the living room was also gone. It suddenly became deserted. The bride was so angry that she cried, she glared at the groom angrily, and ran back to the room. I regret marrying in.

"Don't move, I'll pay you back, don't move!"

My cousin finally couldn't stop her, and if she moved further, she was afraid that her newly married daughter-in-law would be filthy, which would be a huge loss.

"Sister, you'll be fine if you pay back the money early. Where's the money?" Zhang Manyue stretched out his hand to beg.

The cousin gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Manyue, you are so cruel, do you really care about your relatives?"

"Boss, keep moving things!"

Zhang Manyue's face sank, and she actually fooled her.

My cousin was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. Her cousin was ruthless and unjust. She didn't recognize her six relatives. If she didn't pay back the money, she was afraid that her house would be evacuated. If she knew that her cousin was such a cruel person, she would not borrow money.

He also wouldn't hold such a grand banquet. I thought I could earn some face, but now I have lost all my money.

After paying back 200 yuan, the family really has no money, and there are still some debts outside. I am afraid that this deficit will not be able to be filled for several years. It is a sin!

The cousin, who was heartbroken like a knife, took out the money from the house, all in great unity, a total of twenty, and handed it to Zhang Manyue with trembling hands.

"I gave you the money, and the things are returned to my house."

"What's the hurry, I'll count."

Zhang Manyue tapped the spit with her finger, tapped the banknote swiftly, tapped it three times, and the amount was correct, then she put away the money and returned the IOU to her cousin.

"Sister, nothing is true in what you said. You obviously have money, but you say you have no money to pay back. You have to move things before you can take out the money. What do you mean by saying that you didn't renege on your debts intentionally!"

Zhang Manyue is extremely sarcastic, this family is shameless, and there is no need for relatives to do it in the future.

My cousin's face turned red and white, and she just wanted to find a hole to get in. If she had known that the Tang family was so arrogant, she would definitely not have defaulted on her debt.

It's alright now, I've lost face, I've lost my money, I still owe a lot of debt, how can I live!

Tang Laifu and the others brought back the things on the tractor, started the tractor again, and prepared to go home. He had to go to the road construction site to transport sand and mud. He didn't earn money for a long time, and he felt very uncomfortable.

The Tang family got on the tractor and left suddenly. The villagers looked at the cousin's family with contempt. They had money but didn't pay it back. They didn't want to cry until they saw the coffin.

Before, they thought that the Tang family was a bit arrogant, but now they feel that the cousin's family is too shameless.

On the way back, Zhang Manyue gave the money to Yang Lijuan.

"Mom, just keep the money." Yang Lijuan didn't ask for it, it was only two hundred yuan, she really didn't like it.

Now the daily turnover of the restaurant is more than 2,000 yuan. Excluding the cost and salary, as well as the expenses of water and electricity, the net profit is 300 to 400 yuan per day, and one month can earn a household of 10,000 yuan.

However, Yang Lijuan didn't tell Tang Laijin about the actual profit, only that she earns sixty or seventy dollars a day, one or two thousand yuan a month, not too much, not too little, Tang Laijin would not doubt it.

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