Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1049: afraid of getting married

Tang Xiaonan was a little shy. She was still young, so why did she mention having children?

And, with whom did she have children?

She doesn't even know who her future husband is. The most important thing is that she has never thought about getting married now. She was a non-marriageist in her previous life and didn't want to live with a man she didn't know well. The perverted man, or the domestic violence man.

In her previous life, she had a female college classmate. She had a good relationship and a very sweet appearance. She was the first to get married in a dormitory class. Her husband was a company executive, a talented person who could earn money, and was very fond of her classmates.

Tang Xiaonan and her classmates are very envious of this female classmate, and feel that she has found true love and will be happy for a lifetime.

But this female classmate was showing her affection and spreading dog food in the Moments every day before her marriage, but after getting married, she seldom posted on Moments and smiled less. Sometimes she didn't speak at class reunions, she became more and more haggard and thin. See she's not having a good time.

But when asked, she refused to say, only said that her health was not very good.

Two years after getting married, this female classmate committed suicide by swallowing medicine. Before committing suicide, she sent a last word in a small group of several of their classmates, saying that she could not hold on, and lived in fear every day, carefully living like a dog, But she still couldn't satisfy her husband, beat her at every turn, and she was not allowed to tell her friends and parents, otherwise the man would be detrimental to her friends and parents.

The last words were very long. It was two o'clock in the morning, and many people were asleep. This female classmate chose to make her last words at this time. She didn't want anyone to save her at all. Maybe she just wanted to vent.

However, this female classmate should not die. Tang Xiaonan happened to be working overtime that night. When she saw her last words, she immediately called the police and found the female classmate's parents, which saved the female classmate's life.

It's just that the physical injuries are too serious, not only physically, but also psychologically. At the hospital, Tang Xiaonan couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the old wounds on her female classmates.

How could this be done by that caring man?

It's hidden too well.

Although the man was punished by law, the cheerful and lively female classmates in the past no longer have a sweet smile, and it took nearly two years of recuperation to live a normal life.

This is also a good luck for a female classmate. It happened that Tang Xiaonan saw her last words, and her parents who loved her cared and cared for her. Only then can she get out of her pain. Many other women who have been subjected to domestic violence and PUA may not be able to leave until they die. When they came out, no one knew the true colors of those perverted men.

Tang Xiaonan was really afraid of meeting such a man. She disguised herself too well. She was not very keen-eyed and did not dare to gamble with her life.

It's better not to get married and to stay safe.

"When the little girl gets married in the future, she must find someone who knows the basics, not just casually. She has a good appearance and must be able to earn money. She must be a college student and must be close to home. The mother-in-law can't be a professional, even more if there is no mother-in-law. All right."

Zhang Manyue also talked about her granddaughter's future mate selection criteria, or double standards.

She was not a kind mother-in-law herself, but she hoped that her granddaughter would marry a man without a mother-in-law. Tang Xiaonan was so happy to hear it.

Tang Baishan agreed very much, "Forget it, mother-in-law, children without mothers are not very good, it is better to have both parents, I see that Yunchuan's child is very good, Yingchun has a good temper, and being a mother-in-law will definitely not be difficult. nah."

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