Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1070: Too young to find a wife

"Thank you, kindly, I'm going to Mr. Xie Qi, and Mr. Yu..."

Gu Yunchuan, who had always been calm, was so excited that he was incoherent, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Grandpa Qi doesn't need you to thank him. He said that you should prepare well in the evening and don't be late tomorrow. Principal Zhao doesn't like people who are not punctual." Huo Jinzhi reminded coldly.

He couldn't warm up talking to Gu Yunchuan, and when he saw this guy, he felt angry again, but he didn't admit that he was out of jealousy.

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Anyway, it's not pleasing to the eye.

"I'm going to the city today, and I'll go directly to No. 1 High School for the exam tomorrow."

"up to you."

Huo Jinzhi snorted and prepared to go home. After thinking about it, he took out a key and gave it to him, "This is my house in Yuecheng, and I can live there."

He was just worried that this guy would be embarrassed by Grandpa Qi if he failed the exam. He was definitely not out of kindness. He was not a good person.

Gu Yunchuan smiled warmly, but didn't take the key, "I'm going to stay at Zhijun's house, but I still want to thank you."

Huo Jinzhi immediately withdrew his hand, unable to hold back his love.

However, how did this kid get to know Lou Zhijun so well, and when he thought that when Lou Zhijun disappeared, he was also found by this kid from thousands of miles away, and Huo Jinzhi suddenly guessed something.

Looking at the other party for a long time, Gu Yunchuan felt a little guilty and blushed, "Is something wrong?"

"You and Lou Zhijun...Are you having sex?"

As soon as Huo Jinzhi finished speaking, Gu Yunchuan held his mouth, panic flashed across his face.

"What nonsense are you talking about, don't talk nonsense like this, it will ruin Zhijun's reputation. She and I are just good friends, so don't say such things in the future."

If the grandmother and mother hear it, it will be even worse, and they will definitely ask the truth, which is very annoying.

Huo Jinzhi got rid of it and snorted coldly, "I don't care about your shit, I warn you, don't fail the exam tomorrow and lose Grandpa Qi's face."

"I will take the test well." Gu Yunchuan was full of confidence.

He will definitely pass.

He sent Huo Jinzhi out, and brought him some Qingming noodles made by his mother. Huo Jinzhi accepted it rudely.

"It doesn't matter if you and Lou Zhijun really have a relationship, and you're not too young."

They had already stepped into the car, Huo Jinzhi said abruptly, seeing Gu Yunchuan's appearance of petrochemical in the wind, Mr. Huo was very satisfied and rode away.

He is indeed not young, he is two years older than him, and he has a fat daughter-in-law who gives him ten yuan in pocket money every month.

Gu Yunchuan's face turned as red as a persimmon, but Lou Zhijun's peaceful smile appeared in his mind, his face turned red again, and his heart was confused.

However, he soon recovered his mood, and was ready to go back to pack his things, and he would go to the city in a while, and he must have a good score in the test tomorrow.

The next day, Mr. Qi was very calm. He had confidence in Gu Yunchuan. At three or four in the afternoon, Yu Ziyang called.

"Master, Principal Zhao just called me, and the child took the Yue Lao exam last month. His grades were very good, and he could be ranked in the top 20 of the school. Principal Zhao said that he can enroll at any time, so I let him Put this child in Tang Aiguo's class, and the two children take care of each other."

Yu Ziyang is also very happy. As a teacher, the happiest thing is to find a good seedling and cultivate a sense of accomplishment that is incomparable with money.

That night, Gu Yunchuan's family came over, and even Mrs. Gu, who didn't go out easily, went out, brought a bunch of things, and came to thank Mr. Qi.

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