Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1076: 2 mothers' business mutual support

"I will find someone to propose marriage as soon as possible, goodbye to Patriotic mother, be careful on the road!"

Teacher Cai walked as she talked, feeling so happy that she turned both of her feet and almost hit a tree. Xu Jinfeng was overjoyed to see it, she was so stupid, she even told her to be careful, she was about to hit a tree.

But she really didn't expect that Teacher Cai is a young girl, a college student, and a teacher of No. 1 Middle School. Even if she could find a girl with such good conditions, she would actually like the sister-in-law.

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What Xu Jinfeng is more curious about is, when did the sister-in-law hook up with Teacher Cai?

"Wait a long time, talk to Yunchuan for a while."

Huang Yingchun came over at a trot, a little embarrassed, and made up her mind to buy a women's bicycle. It is much more convenient to ride on her own. She told her son about it just now, and the son said that he would buy it for her for a few days and go home on weekends. Teach her how to drive.

"I just came out. I heard from Aiguo that Yunchuan was the first in the whole school in this exam. It's amazing." Xu Jinfeng was particularly envious and a little sour.

Since Gu Yunchuan and the second child went to school in the same class, every time Xu Jinfeng went to deliver food, he would inquire about Gu Yunchuan's grades. Every time, Gu Yunchuan was better. Of course, her second child was not bad. To maintain this state of study, FD University will definitely have no problem.

But she was still jealous that Huang Yingchun had such a good son, who looked smooth, studied well, and was sensible and filial.

However, Xu Jinfeng is also sincerely happy for Huang Yingchun. It used to be really hard, but now it is finally over.

"Patriotic also did well in the test. The school ranked 32nd, an improvement of more than a dozen places compared to the last time. Yunchuan said that Patriotic is not yet full, and will do better in the future." Huang Yingchun smiled honestly.

"How can he be compared to Yun Chuan? It's far behind."

Xu Jinfeng humbly said a few words, but then changed his words, "But my second child is smart since he was a child, and he can count quickly. His sixth grandfather said that this child is a material for reading."

"The four children in your family are all smart. The eldest has already gone to college. The second child will definitely be admitted, and the third and the younger will not be bad either. Sister Jin Feng, your luck is the best." Huang Yingchun praised.

"Your luck is also good, Yunchuan will have great prospects in the future, you can just wait and enjoy it."

Xu Jinfeng's face was full of smiles, her mouth couldn't close, Huang Yingchun was a little more reserved, but she was also full of smiles, happy from the bottom of her heart.

The two mothers held each other for a few minutes, and then rode home.

After returning home, Xu Jinfeng, who couldn't hold back, couldn't take care of the work in the garment factory, so he parked the car and ran to the old house to find his mother-in-law to report the important event.

Zhang Manyue came out with a bucket full of pig food and was about to feed the pigs when she heard Xu Jinfeng's loud voice.

"Mom... where are you, I have something important to tell you!"

Zhang Manyue's hands trembled, and the pig food almost overturned, so he quickly stood still, and Xu Jinfeng also rushed in with a gust of wind.

"No matter what you shout, you are a mother-in-law."

Zhang Manyue grumbled angrily, picked up the pig food bucket and walked to the pig sty. She didn't expect Xu Jinfeng's so-called big event at all. The eldest daughter-in-law likes to make a fuss.

"Mom, it's a big happy event. Someone is looking at Laifeng and wants to come to propose marriage."

Zhang Manyue didn't stop, and since her daughter divorced, there have been many people who came to propose marriage, but it was either that they were dissatisfied with the man, or that the man disliked Laifeng and brought three children. She is now numb to this.

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