Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1084: See you at ease

Tang Laifeng did not agree in the end, but he did not refuse.

"Wait another year, if your mind hasn't changed, then I'll agree."

Tang Laifeng also wanted to try a new life, but she didn't want to agree easily. She didn't have her own opinion on the first marriage, and it was all up to her parents. The result was unsatisfactory and ended in divorce.

For the second marriage, she didn't want to follow her parents' arrangements anymore, she wanted to make her own decisions.

Teacher Cai was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed and nodded vigorously, "Okay, I will propose marriage again in a year, and I will not change my mind."

Tang Laifeng couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled. She was really an idiot, but she still couldn't figure it out. After hesitating for a while, she couldn't help but ask, "You...why did you choose me? My culture is so different from yours, and my age is also different. Not too young, and dragged on three children, any woman is better than me."

And she is not as beautiful as Su Wanrou, she was pretty when she was young, but now she is old, how good-looking can she be.

Teacher Cai blushed and replied solemnly: "You can make me feel at ease, I will feel at ease when I see you, and feel that I am still in the world. You may have heard of my previous experience. Most of the time, I live for the sake of living. When I was hungry, I even ate mice. The books I read and the knowledge I learned couldn’t bring me any food, only insults and hardships…”

His voice was choked, Teacher Cai covered his face, even though several years had passed, he still didn't want to recall those years.

Every time he thinks about it, his heart still hurts, his whole body is like ice, and he is afraid that such an experience will come back again.

Tang Laifeng stretched out his hand, paused in Guan Kong, and finally landed on Teacher Cai's back, patting him lightly to comfort him.

Although Teacher Cai is a few years older than her, in Tang Laifeng's view, this man is like her son, weak and helpless, and a little stupid, and needs her comfort and care.

"I'm a useless person. I don't know how to farm, and I don't have the strength. I've been kicked around like a ball by many farms. They don't want me because I can't create value."

Mr. Cai's voice was a little more aggrieved. During those years on the farm, every day was tormented. Some other college students who had the same experience as him adapted very well, from gentle intellectuals to good farmers.

But he can't. He can't learn to farm in his life, and he hates farming.

The leaders of the farm scolded him for looking down on the peasants, saying that he was a bad habit of the bourgeois young master, but he did not agree.

Society is made up of many industries. People in each industry are great and glorious. Only by performing their own duties can a perfect and harmonious society be formed.

Farmers are great, but not everyone deserves to be a farmer. What he learns is to teach and educate people, so his mission is to cultivate talents for the country, not to cultivate food crops in the fields.

He just couldn't understand, let the hens go to plough the fields, and let the cattle go to lay eggs, what is the reason?

That's why, even after being transformed for more than ten years, Mr. Cai still couldn't figure it out. He is a very stubborn person, and because it is difficult to transform, many people have been transformed and returned to the city. He is the only one who still plays like a ball on the farm. After kicking and kicking, in the end, it was his parents who trusted him to teach in the Huaquan Township Middle School.

Fortunately, gold can shine wherever he goes. Teacher Cai's talents are fully displayed in the town. He was discovered by No. 1 Middle School in only two years, and he took the initiative to report to the Education Bureau for talents.

"They don't understand. You are a teacher. Of course you don't know how to farm, and you don't need to farm. Those people are messing around. You're right." Tang Laifeng comforted.

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