Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1087: 2 Marriage must be careful

Principal Shou died happily, this family is really happy, and they are very good at learning, no wonder they can train college students.

Tang Laifeng and Teacher Cai came out of the room, and everyone looked at them with hope.

"How are you talking?" Principal Shou asked with a smile.

Teacher Cai blushed and said embarrassedly.

Tang Laifeng was more generous and said, "I've agreed with Teacher Cai. If he hasn't changed his mind in a year, I'll agree."

The smile on Tang Baishan's face immediately froze. If there were no guests, he wouldn't be able to scold this stupid daughter to death.

What a year, how many things can happen in three hundred and sixty-five days, according to his wishes, he can decide the marriage now, make wine after a while, and cook the raw rice, even if there is another angel, he will not be afraid. .

Principal Shou was also a little stunned. He thought it would be settled today, but he quickly understood what Tang Laifeng meant, and couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

This Comrade Tang Laifeng is not like other divorced women who drag their children. She is willing to marry a man in order to find a long-term job. Tang Laifeng is more thoughtful and more confident.

She is not just looking for meal tickets, but also a partner who can combine spiritually. She has deep thoughts.

"What's your opinion, Xiao Cai?" Principal Shou asked.

"I have no opinion, listen to her."

Teacher Cai whispered, her face even redder.

"Then it's settled. I will come to the door in a year, and I must wear these shoes." Principal Shou laughed, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

Zhang Manyue's side prepared a meal, including chicken, meat and fish, which was very rich. Principal Shou had a full meal and left with Teacher Cai.

Tang Baishan, who couldn't hold back for a long time, sank his face as soon as the guests left, and accused: "Do you think you are eighteen years old? You still have your tail up? How can Teacher Cai not be worthy of you? A child, you are still on the air, and you have to wait a year? Hehe... After a year, maybe they will find a yellow flower girl, how can they still like you?"

Tang Baishan, who was in a bad mood, didn't like his words. He hated that iron is not steel!

Zhang Manyue stabbed the old man hard, Tang Baishan snorted, don't smoke too much, he was going to die of anger.

"Third brother calm down, listen to what Laifeng thinks." Tang Peng persuaded and looked at his niece encouragingly.

Tang Laifeng pursed his lips stubbornly, his eyes flushed, and said, "If he gets married to the yellow flower girl in a year, then I won't marry. I'm marrying a man, not a meal ticket. The money I earn now is enough to support myself. With three children, there is no need to marry a man for that salary, I just want to pick a man I like, and if he can't wait a year, I don't need to marry."

Tang Xiaonan nodded secretly, what Auntie said was right, the second marriage must be cautious and not rash.

Grandpa was really impatient, and grandpa also looked down on aunt too much. He always felt that aunt was not worthy of Teacher Cai, but in fact, except for the cultural difference, aunt and teacher Cai were a complete match.

"You're lucky now, you can earn some money a month, and you're not an iron job, in case the factory collapses one day..." Tang Baishan was stopped by Tang Pengzheng before he finished speaking.

"What nonsense are you talking about, third brother, the factory is prosperous, it will only get better and better, how can it go bankrupt, even if you go to the West, my factory is still fine!"

Tang Pengzheng was not happy. If he said that he was fine, he couldn't say that the garment factory was not good.

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