"Sister-in-law, isn't our product bad? Why is no one here to buy it? I think the shorts stand over there is selling several orders." Tang Laifeng said in a panic.

"The zipper button stand over there is also selling better, why don't you come to buy it from us." Xu Jinfeng was even more anxious.

She was worried that she wouldn't be able to earn half of the socks, and there were more than 100 yuan.

While talking, a few guests came over, and my sister-in-law stood up straighter and looked at the guests eagerly, hoping that they would come in and take a look.

However, a few customers didn't seem to see these stalls, and went directly to the quilt stall next door, and within a few minutes, a deal was concluded. An aunt bought a few quilts and left with satisfaction.

Xu Jinfeng can't stand anymore. It's been almost an hour since it opened, and she hasn't even sold a pair of socks. If everyone can't sell it, she won't be in a hurry. But now everyone sells well, just her and her sister-in-law not good.

So anxious that Xu Jinfeng slapped **** her thigh, almost breaking her own foot.

It's a pity that this business is not killing pigs, no matter how hard she is, it's useless.

Tang Xiaonan thought about it, took a set of girls' sweatshirts, bright red, and put them on in the locker room. It was still a little cold in March, and the sweatshirts were a little thin, so they wore cool clothes.

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She shuddered, ran to the door of the booth, and shouted loudly, "We sell clothes, including sweatshirts, shirts, corduroy pants, skirts, and durable nylon socks. The prices are affordable. do not miss it!"

The crisp sound was particularly pleasant in the market, and many customers were attracted. They couldn't help but walked over to this side. They saw a beautiful girl wearing a bright red sweatshirt, beaming and very pleasing, and the booth was full of people for a while. people.

"Uncles and aunts, grandparents, come take a look, my clothes must be beautiful and affordable, and you won't regret buying them!"

Tang Xiaonan shouted even harder, and the guests were all interested. Although Tang Xiaonan's sweatshirt looked ugly to her, it was very fashionable now. The price in department stores was even more expensive. A set of children's sportswear at least If it costs 15 yuan, many people will lose half a month's salary.

"How much is a set of sportswear?" Someone asked the price.

Xu Jinfeng and Tang Laifeng didn't react, and looked at the guests stupidly, their brains seemed to freeze.

"A set of 12 yuan. This material is made of acrylic, which is very strong. If my sister wears it, I can wear it for my sister. When my sister wears it, I can wear it for my brother. A set of clothes can be worn for ten years. It must be a good deal."

Tang Xiaonan sighed and had to play by herself. Fortunately, when Xu Jinfeng and Tang Laifeng were recording the price a few days ago, she wrote it down on the side.

"Twelve yuan is too expensive, can it be cheaper?" A middle-aged woman asked the price. It seemed that she wanted to buy it, but she thought it was too expensive.

"Auntie, the sportswear that is exactly the same in the department store is bought by my factory. The wholesale price is 12 yuan, and the department store sells it for 15 yuan. My family sells it at the wholesale price. If you don't believe me, feel this material, is it the same as the department store? It's the same in the mall, if I lie to you, I'll be a puppy."

Tang Xiaonan took a set of sportswear and let the middle-aged woman feel it. The material must be no problem. It is a very strong acrylic fabric. Like Zhenliang, it is the favorite fabric of the common people, because it is durable and cheap.

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