Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1102: only wholesale

The price authority Huo Jinzhi gave them was relatively large. For this kind of quilt, Huo Jinzhi gave them nine yuan and eight. The booth fee and management fee were all paid by the company. salesperson's.

Who doesn't want to earn more, Li Qingsong naturally refuses to let go, but he is looking at people, this is all based on adaptability, and the price is not fixed.

Aunt's entanglement is also very strong. It is best to pay her ten dollars and a quarter. Li Qingsong looks like he is vomiting blood, and Aunt is proud of the winner.

"Auntie, don't tell the outside world it's this price, or I'll really lose money."

"Don't worry, I told the others that it was a ten-dollar triangle."

"That's good, auntie, you can promote our store more!"

Li Qingsong had the aunt put up a quilt, which cost 10 yuan in total, with a total of six designs. All of a sudden, more than 660 were sold. One order was all of Xu Jinfeng's turnover.

"Auntie, I'll have someone propose it to you."

Li Qingsong asked one of his subordinates to take the aunt out. There are many tricycles at the entrance of the market to help people deliver.

"Thank you, you guy's service attitude is really good, I'll buy again next time." The aunt is very satisfied.

"Okay, next time you come again, I will definitely give you a discount."

Li Qingsong sent Auntie away, recorded the account, put the banknotes in the drawer, and continued to greet other guests. Although the business was not a rush, it was endless, and most of them came to wholesale.

"Do you only do wholesale?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

Huo Jinzhi nodded, "Retailing is too troublesome, but wholesale is easier."

He no longer looks down on the retail money, and he doesn't want to compete with other stall owners for cakes. He wants to be at the top of the business chain.

Tang Xiaonan secretly admired that the big man's business acumen is very powerful. At this speed, Huo Jinzhi's business kingdom will only be more magnificent than the book. It's on.

"Boss, the price of that shameless Chen Ye is lower than ours."

The guy who delivered the goods before ran back in a hurry, looking angry.

Chen Qian also set up a booth in the market and sang a show against Huo Jinzhi. He had all the products Huo Jinzhi had.

Huo Jinzhi was very calm. "Don't pay attention to them. Our prices remain the same. We won't let go if we bite to death. We only tell our guests that you get what you get for every penny. Cheap products are definitely not good products."

He wouldn't be stupid enough to fight a price war. That would be killing a thousand enemies and hurting himself eight hundred. In the past, he used a price war to defeat his father, but now he doesn't need to hurt Chen Qian.

The market is so big, and Chen Qian doesn't have the ability to swallow the whole cake. His main market is still in the north, and he can't compete in the south.

Furthermore, his quilt cover and fabrics this time were newly found by Mad Ye. He only cooperated with Mad Ye. Chen Qian didn't have many varieties. Huo Jinzhi was sure that he could win even if he didn't cut the price.

Tang Xiaonan's stomach growled a few times, Huo Jinzhi frowned again, and said unhappily, "Why haven't you eaten yet? Your mother and the others didn't buy food?"

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"Mom and aunt are so busy they are dizzy, and they didn't eat."

Huo Jinzhi shook his head and led Tang Xiaonan out to find food. He was already skinny like a monkey, and if he didn't feed him a little more fat, he wouldn't be able to meet anyone.

He found a restaurant and ordered fried edamame shredded pork with pickled vegetables, braised crucian carp, and a three fresh soup. Tang Xiaonan was so hungry, he ate two bowls of rice and a bowl of soup, and Huo Jinzhi ate the rest. , He is also busy and has not eaten until now.

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