Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1104: Extra cash

There were more guests in the afternoon than in the morning, and some of them were mobilized. The government has done its best for the market, and mobilized all family and friends in order to add popularity to the market.

Others came here because of their reputation, and some merchants from other places came to buy goods. The small commodity market in Wucheng existed before liberation, but it was not centralized and relatively scattered. Now the government has concentrated these retail investors in the market, which naturally attracts them. Many foreign merchants.

The products in the market are very complete, and there are everything to eat and play. Many customers just came to watch the fun, but they were attracted by the high-quality and low-cost products.

There are also some customers who follow the herd mentality. Seeing that others have bought them, they feel itchy, especially female customers, who are particularly easily instigated by the atmosphere. All their companions have bought new clothes. If they don’t buy them, they will feel uncomfortable.

Both Xu Jinfeng and Tang Laifeng were much more proficient, and they let go of their posture and shouted boldly, while Tang Xiaonan sat as a lucky boy, watching his mother turn from a businessman into a mature businessman, very gratified.

"Sister-in-law, there are only three dresses. If I knew earlier, I would have made more. Is there any more for the third one?" Tang Laifeng said angrily.

"Why, the third one sells better. He got a few pretty girls to stand at the door, one wearing new clothes, and many people go to him to buy. The business is better than ours."

"Then what should I do? I don't have many sportswear and white shirts, and there are only thirty or forty dozen left. I won't be able to hold it tomorrow!" Tang Laifeng was worried that there would be no goods for sale tomorrow.

"Don't worry, the third child said that he had called the fourth uncle and sent a truckload of goods overnight."

"That's good, but what about the socks, the fourth uncle doesn't have any socks." Tang Laifeng became worried again.

Xu Jinfeng calmly said, "I called your eldest brother and asked him to go to Caotang Town to get a batch of socks and deliver them overnight. Let's make a good profit these three days."

"Sister-in-law is still thoughtful. If there is such good business as today's tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, three days will be enough for the previous three months." Tang Laifeng smiled happily.

"It's more than three months, but half a year. I didn't know that doing business would make so much money before, otherwise I would have done it earlier." Xu Jinfeng was a little annoyed.

She used to look down on the money-sellers who came to exchange sugar in Wucheng, she felt that they had nothing to make, and they worked so hard that they could make some money, but now she understood, The knowledge inside is great.

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If you really didn't earn money, why would there be so many people in Wucheng who came out to exchange for sugar? They must be earning money.

"Speaking of it, it's still the good fortune brought by our little girl. After having a little girl, our family's life has become more and more prosperous. I never dreamed of having a good life now." Tang Laifeng sighed with emotion.

Xu Jinfeng couldn't stop nodding, but it was because of her daughter's glory. She wanted to earn more money and buy a generous dowry for her daughter. She was the number one in all Yue City, and she married in a beautiful and beautiful way, so that others would be jealous.

Tang Xiaonan was amused to hear it, but she actually just guided her. The main reason was that the Tang family was hard-working and willing to endure hardships, so that they could have a good life now.

Up to now, except for her own, the fate of everyone else has basically changed. Tang Xiaonan was particularly at ease, yawned and fell asleep. When she woke up, she heard Tang Laifu's voice.

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