Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 110: Tang Aijun of the town house

"It's so annoying, it won't take me long to go by myself." Gu Yunchuan didn't really want to go to other people's houses for dinner.

Now every household has limited food rations, and everyone is very conscious. They don't stop by when it's time to eat, and they try to eat less at other people's houses.

"It's a dozen miles away, you have to walk for more than an hour, let's go, you can eat at home."

Tang Laifu couldn't refuse, Gu Yunchuan had to follow him obediently, but he was grateful, and his views on the Tang family had changed a bit. Outsiders said that the Tang family was rude and unreasonable, but he felt it was okay.

The most terrifying thing is to follow others' words. Maybe the Tang family is indeed a bit arrogant, but it was amplified by the rumors of people with a heart, right?

Still, what you have to see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears is the most real!

When Huo Jinzhi returned home and Tang Aijun was there, he looked very impatient, and when he saw him, he said angrily, "I'm going home, take a good look, your mother has no arms or legs, I have completed my mission."

Niang Xipi, those bastards' eyes are covered in shit, why are they both running to Huo's house like a dog smelling shit, seeing Su Wanrou, an ugly woman barking louder than a male dog, forced him to take it out Town house treasure - killing pig knife.

After revealing the name of Daozi and his father, those second-rates did not dare to mess around, but they kept wandering around Huo's house, waiting for him to leave, Tang Aijun didn't dare to neglect, he didn't care about Su Wanrou, an ugly woman, but his sister was angry.


Huo Jinzhi was very grateful, and Tang Aijun was much more pleasing to the eye.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for Xiao Nan's confession, ... I will take care of your mother's life and death..."

Tang Aijun's expression was awkward, and he was very uncomfortable with Huo Jinzhi's present politeness. He still prefers to fight, and he was very uncomfortable with being polite.

"Thanks to Aijun today, three or four second-rate sons came here, and Aijun suppressed them by himself." Mr. Qi gave a thumbs up and praised him. After getting along for a day, he had already figured out Tang Aijun's character.

He is a smooth donkey who likes to listen to good things, and his mind is very simple. As long as he follows the child's mind, he is actually very easy to get along with. What's more rare for Tang Aijun is to keep his promise.

For example today.

People who can keep their promises are generally not too bad. Mr. Qi has changed a lot about Tang Aijun.

Tang Aijun's expression became even more awkward, but he was very useful in his heart. He said carelessly, "It's just a few little bastards. As soon as I show up, they will be cowardly. They will call my name when they come again, and they won't scare them to death!"

Huo Jinzhi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and nodded, "Okay, give your name."

Tang Aijun raised his chin even higher, and waved his hand triumphantly, "Go home!"

Su Wanrou lifted half a catty of meat and shouted, "Don't forget the meat."

"No more!"

Tang Aijun didn't turn his head back, and went down the mountain with arrogance. This family is pitiful, so let them eat the meat.

He is going back to eat big meat buns.

Su Wanrou was helpless with her meat in hand, and looked at her son in embarrassment, not knowing what to do.

"Eat it tomorrow."

After Huo Jinzhi said something, Su Wanrou was relieved. She took the meat into the kitchen and brought out three bowls of vegetables. The steamed pork with dried plums has been steamed several times. Crispy and not greasy, especially for rice, as well as bowls of fried vegetables and fried radishes, all fried with lard, specially served to Tang Aijun.

"Eat quickly, are you hungry?"

Su Wanrou filled a large bowl of sweet potato rice with less sweet potato and more rice, and placed it in front of Huo Jinzhi.


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