Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1112: The business has started

At this time, the four foreigners have already selected their clothes, bought two tunic suits, two pairs of pants, and a shirt, while the girl bought a cashmere coat, shirts, trousers, and a few beautiful skirts, which they plan to wear when the weather is warm. .

Although they disliked the fact that the skirt was really good cloth, the style was so beautiful that they were willing to try it because the price was too cheap.

So many clothes are only about 400 yuan, mainly the tunic suits and coats are expensive, and the others are only about 10 yuan, which is unbelievably cheap.

"It's a good deal, your things are too cheap, and this money can only buy one piece of clothing in our country." Jian Lian was surprised.

The four of them paid and changed into clothes. It was too cold, but they didn't leave, and it seemed like they had something to say.

"Xiao Nan, I want to trouble you with something. Can we hire you as our translator? We came here to inspect the market, but we couldn't see the translator." The boy Johnny asked.

Tang Xiaonan was stunned. She originally planned to play for another ten years, and then start foreign trade when she was eighteen years old, but she was so talented that she couldn't hide the light!

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Foreign trade is her specialty, and she is familiar with it.

"Of course, what kind of business do you want to do?" Tang Xiaonan asked directly.

Johnny was stunned for a moment, and felt that the little girl in front of him was skilled in business. She didn't look like a little girl at all, but he was not particularly surprised. Geniuses are everywhere, maybe this little girl is a genius.

"Zippers, buttons, toothpicks, socks, hair accessories and these small things, we also hope that the factory can process the products we want, your styles are a bit too old-fashioned." Jane said.

Tang Xiaonan understood in her heart that these people were the first traders to come to Wucheng for gold digging, and they would all be big bosses in the future. They wanted to take advantage of the cheap labor and raw materials in China in exchange for a huge price difference.

Of course, it is also a good thing for Wucheng, and it is even more good for her, her career can finally start.

"I can help you contact the processing factory. I am more familiar with this place than you are." Tang Xiaonan laughed.

She wants to eat kickbacks, compatriots eat less, foreigners eat more, and the kickbacks on both sides can be very full.

"This is great, we are worried that we can't see the processing factory, Xiao Nan, you are an angel sent by God!"

Johnny hugged Tang Xiaonan happily and wanted to kiss her on the cheek. This is the etiquette of his country. Tang Xiaonan also knew it, so it was very calm, but Xu Jinfeng didn't know.

The nervous Xu Jinfeng stepped forward and grabbed Johnny's collar, and shouted sharply, "What rascal are you playing!"

She even dared to be a hooligan in front of her, and she became impatient.

Johnny was strangled by the neck, unable to move or understand, but he felt Xu Jinfeng's deep murderous aura and didn't dare to move.

"Mum, they are just greeting me, this is the way their country greets, it's nothing." Tang Xiaonan explained.

"That won't work, how can there be a kiss to say hello, what is it like, come down to me."

Xu Jinfeng took Tang Xiaonan down and stared at the four foreigners vigilantly, not wanting to take advantage of her daughter.

Tang Xiaonan explained, and Johnny and the others realized that they had made a mistake and smiled embarrassedly.

"Mum, they want me to be an interpreter. I'll take them to the market." Tang Xiaonan said.

"Don't run outside, you'll be back later, I don't think these foreigners are good people." Xu Jinfeng was a little worried, but he still agreed.

You can rest assured in the market, as long as you don’t run out.

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