The four of Johnny's were whispering, discussing the price.

"I think it's very cheap. The price in Xiangjiang is nearly one yuan, and it's less than half of this. The retail price in our country is 1.2 dollars. God, it's too profitable!" The girl Jane's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Jane, the retail price is not the transaction price. We are wholesale, and we have to remove customs duties and transportation costs." The boy Felix reminded.

Another girl is called Bessie. She is tall and slender, but her face is not as plump and delicate, and she doesn't like to laugh very much, and her expression is very serious. In modern words, it is a senior face.

Bessie took out the calculator and clicked it, and said, "I'll do the math. Even if the price fluctuates by five cents, the price of four cents, excluding customs duties, transportation, and other various costs, will be sold at wholesale prices. Twenty cents to thirty cents a card, maybe more."

"Wow, that's a lot of money." Johnny smiled.

"This price is very suitable, but we can still lower the price. I always feel that the female boss did not offer a sincere price." Felix said.

The other three nodded. In business, they definitely want to lower the price.

The voices of the four were so small that Tang Xiaonan couldn't hear them clearly, but she could guess what was being discussed, and she definitely wanted to lower the price.

Many people think that foreigners are stubborn and have no intentions. In fact, they are very wrong. Many foreigners are also very shrewd in business, and they are very stingy, and they will bite every penny.

Zhou Xinqun was apprehensive, worried that the order would be yellow.

"Xiao Nan, is the report too high?"

"It's okay, take a look later."

Tang Xiaonan was very calm, she had seen such scenes a lot in her previous life.

Zhou Xinqun was suddenly a little ashamed. She was not as big as a little girl, and she had eaten rice for decades.

After the four of them discussed it, Johnny came forward, "Xiao Nan, can you make the female boss cheaper? The price is too high, we can't afford it."

Tang Xiaonan gave him a deep look. The little girl's clear eyes made Johnny extremely ashamed. God forgives him for deceiving a little girl.

"I'll help you ask."

Tang Xiaonan didn't break this guy's lies, and chatted with Zhou Xinqun a few times, but didn't ask at all, but Johnny and the others thought Tang Xiaonan was bargaining for them, and felt even more ashamed.

They deceived innocent and good children, and God will not forgive them.

But money is still to be made.

"I asked for you, that's what happened, this price is already very favorable, because you are foreigners, we Huaxia are very hospitable, and if you have friends from afar, you must be graciously entertained, so the quotation for you, It’s a little lower than the domestic quotation, and basically no money is made, and if it is lower, it will lose money.”

Tang Xiaonan opened her eyes to talk nonsense, her big eyes twinkled, but she was innocent.

The four of Johnny were even more ashamed. In fact, the four of them did not have as much experience in the arena as Tang Xiaonan. They were all fresh graduates, and they were the opponents of Tang Xiaonan, who was a duck to water in foreign trade in the previous life.

"Otherwise, let's take this price. It's really cheap, and we can definitely make it." Jane couldn't bear to bargain any more, she felt that she was bullying the child.

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Everyone else thinks the same, and it's a really good deal.

"Xiao Nan, we can accept the price, but the quality must be guaranteed. If the quality is not up to standard, we will not accept it." Johnny said.

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