Xu Jinfeng didn't go back to the booth, but went out and called Yang Lijuan from the restaurant.

"Lijuan, let me tell you, the third child has a thief, you have to be on guard..."

Barabara, Xiaofang and Tang Laijin's little flames that have not yet become a climate, Xu Jinfeng exaggerated more than ten times, and gave them all feedback to his sister-in-law.

Yang Lijuan on the other end of the phone was very calm, "Thank you, sister-in-law, I'll be over tomorrow."

Tang Xiaonan secretly admired her mother's operation. It was really good for her to do business. Her mother would use tricks. Instead of fighting with you face to face, she made small reports behind her back. This is called wise.

Xu Jinfeng hung up the phone, snorted triumphantly, and led Tang Xiaonan back to the booth, asking the third daughter-in-law to clean up the vixen, and she was waiting to watch the show.

Yang Lijuan arrived very quickly and arrived the next morning. She also dressed up carefully, with straight-leg pants and a light-colored suit. She also painted her eyebrows, put on lipstick, and wore a heart gold necklace. came up.

"Why are you here?" Tang Laijin was very surprised, and he was still a little empty.

"There's nothing wrong with the restaurant, I'll come and see, how is your business?"

Yang Lijuan remained calm and looked at the four salesmen with cold eyes. Xu Jinfeng said on the phone yesterday that the most demonic one was the vixen, so she recognized Xiaofang at a glance.

Truly a fox.

"Business is good, did your sister-in-law call you?" Tang Laijin asked tentatively, worried that his sister-in-law would sue, or else his daughter-in-law would come by coincidence.

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"No, what is my sister-in-law calling me for? It's nothing important. Why are you sweating so much? Are you feeling unwell?" Yang Lijuan sneered to herself, but her face was even less dewy.

"It's a bit boring today, and I have too many clothes on."

Tang Laijin wiped his forehead, but he was relieved. It was better if his sister-in-law called, maybe it was a coincidence.

Yang Lijuan asked about the running water of the booth. The business was really good, but even so, she could still pick out the thorns.

"Don't you think the labor cost is too high? I calculated it just now. Three salespeople can basically meet the needs of customers. Four salespeople are too wasteful. They also need forty or fifty wages a month, and five or six a year. Hundred yuan, this money can be saved completely."

Yang Lijuan's words made the four salesmen shudder, worried that they would be laid off and that they could not find such high-paying jobs outside.

The minimum salary is 35 yuan, but there is a commission for selling a piece of clothing. This month, they all took about 50 yuan. Xiaofang is the highest, with more than 60 yuan.

The monthly salary of college students is only 45 yuan. Their salary is higher than that of college students. Except for working here, it is impossible to pay such a high salary in other places. Who would be willing to leave?

"Business is not very good today, so it seems to be relatively empty. If I get busy, the four people won't be able to do it. I'm still thinking about recruiting two more." Tang Laijin laughed.

"How many good days were there in that month?"

"We are busy on weekends and holidays, and other times are free," Tang Laijin said.

"It means that there are only seven or eight days a month when you are busy, and it is usually light, so there is absolutely no need to hire people, and you have to save some costs for the factory."

Yang Lijuan stood on the righteous and said that Tang Laijin couldn't say anything.

In fact, the four of them are indeed a little free. Even if it is a holiday, the four of them are free. At that time, he just thought that four auspicious, four seasons make a fortune, three is not good.

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