Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 115: can't be reckless

In the book, Chai Boliang had an affair, and Tang Laifeng called her parents' brothers to make a scene, but she was angry, but Tang Laifeng didn't get it, because the Tang family was too ruthless. Tang Laifeng almost went out of the house when he got divorced.

The biggest property of the Chai family is the two booths. The money to buy the booths was borrowed by Tang Laifeng from her parents' house. As a result, the money was not paid back when they divorced, and the booths were not obtained. It seemed that they had won, but they had suffered a big loss.

Now that Chai Boliang hasn't had an affair, he can't be arrogant. He must fight a wise battle.

First, you have to find a counselor who can advise and speak well.

"Dad, the old witch is dead. I won't admit it if she pinches me. She's more cunning than the big bad wolf." Tang Xiaonan rolled up his sleeves, the black green on his arm became even bigger, and there was a large area of ​​light purple around.

Tang Laifu's body was cold, and Xu Jinfeng's chopsticks paused, and stopped chewing, his face black as charcoal.


Xu Jinfeng threw the chopsticks and said angrily, "I'll go with you tomorrow morning, the old lady can't kill the dead old lady."

She didn't even dare to use a lot of force when combing her baby girl's hair. She was very careful. The old woman was so impatient that she dared to pinch her little girl.

With another snap, Tang Aihua suddenly slapped Tang Aiguo with a slap and cursed, "You corpse, let you look at Xiao Nan, how could that dead old woman bully her? Useless thing!"

"that is."

Tang Aijun muttered in a low voice, if he went, he would definitely not let Xiao Nan be bullied, and even a strand of hair would not fall out, and the second brother would be useless.

Tang Aiguo looked at him sullenly, Tang Aijun shut his mouth angrily, turned his head and muttered unwillingly, he was guarding the ugly woman all day yesterday, he was suffocated to death, the only motivation to support him was the big meat bun, In the end, when he came back, he didn't even get a xiaolongbao, and his heart was cold.

Naturally, he would not have any grudges against Xiao Nan. His sister was only six years old, so it was normal for him not to remember. Tang Aijun only complained about his second brother, so the grown man didn't even remember the meat buns. Hmph, he must have forgotten it on purpose, because he was jealous of him, because his sister. like him more.

"Second brother didn't see it. The old witch is cunning. She only pinched her when she was not there." Tang Xiaonan hurriedly explained that her conscience didn't hurt at all when she wronged an old lady.

But not all old people are kind and amiable.

Chai's mother is an evil mother-in-law. In the book, Tang Laifeng's tragic ending accounts for most of the reason. She knew for a long time that her son was having an affair, but she didn't say a word. She even helped her son to hide it. , scolding people if they don't like it, and doesn't understand Tang Laifeng's weak body at all, and his heart is completely black.

There is also Chai Yuxiang, who also had a very bad life in the book. After only two years of primary school, her mother Chai asked her to set up a stall to earn money. Tang Laifeng's mother and daughter didn't keep a penny. She brought her son and grandson to eat meat. Tang Laifeng's mother and daughter couldn't even get enough to eat, and they had to work.

In the book, there is a chapter dedicated to the tragic life of Tang Laifeng's mother and daughter. Tang Xiaonan was furious when she saw it. Although Tang Laifu took people to Chai's house to make trouble, he turned rational into unreasonable. Tang Laifeng was swept out of the house and returned to her parents' house. , life is not good.

Tang Laifeng's health is at a loss, and he can't do much work, which is equivalent to eating ready-made. Over time, even his parents will have quarrels, not to mention his sister-in-law, who is unhappy every day, and Tang Laifeng's health is getting worse and worse. As you can imagine.

Tang Xiaonan made up her mind that Tang Laifeng's fate had to be changed. First of all, she had to appease her parents' explosive temper.


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