Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1166: Waiting for a reunion

"I can't bring one box, just bring a few bottles. I'm welcome."

Xu Gongzi is also a cheerful person, and he really likes to drink, so he accepted it without seeing other places, and chatted with Tang Shaozheng about the romantic scene and the previous Shiliyangchang.

And they even have friends they know together, but they're not really friends, because that person is a well-known courtesan in Hangzhou. Although Mr. Xu is from Songcheng, he once worked in Hangzhou for a period of time. quite familiar.

"The world is really small. I didn't expect brother Wen Zhi to be friends with Miss Mengjiao. I haven't heard from her for a long time. Is brother Wen Zhi still in touch with Miss Mengjiao? I heard that she married a wealthy businessman?"

Wen Zhi is Tang Shaozheng's name. He is a dozen years older than Xu Gongzi, and he can barely be called a brother. Xu Gongzi seems to be obsessed with that Miss Mengjiao.

Tang Shaozheng sighed, "Maybe I haven't seen it for a long time, but in this world, it shouldn't be too good."

Xu Gongzi sighed, "Good luck tricks people."

The two of them didn't feel sad for too long, and they soon became enthusiastic. After all, that Miss Mengjiao was just a passerby, and at most it was just a sigh, and it couldn't affect their lives.

It was late at night after dinner, and Mr. Qi was drunk for the first time. Huo Jinzhi carried him back, and Tang Shaozheng was also very drunk.

Although his life in Mopanshan is stable, he is far away from the usual circle of friends and the life of a drunken fan. He is actually aggrieved. Today, he can finally relive the past with Xu Gongzi. Tang Shaozheng is naturally happy in his heart. , was carried home by Tang Laifu.

Xu Gongzi left the next day, and he had to rush back to the United States to inform the Qi family of the good news.

"I'm afraid it won't be so quick to come here. It took me half a year to go through the formalities this time. Now I'm stuck, and I have to go to Xiangjiang. Don't worry, Mr. Qi. I'll inform your family as soon as I get back."

Before leaving, Mr. Qi went to see him off, and Mr. Xu comforted him again.

"I'm not in a hurry. I've been waiting for more than ten years, and it's not less than half a year. Thank you for bringing me good news. The journey back is smooth."

Mr. Qi's mood has calmed down, half a year is enough, he can afford it.

It's reassuring to know that your family is doing well.

Xu Gongzi took a few bottles of Beauty Drunk and left, and Tang Pengzheng didn't let Qi old man herd the cows.

"Mr. Qi, you can do whatever you want. The work points are the same as before, and so is the food." Tang Pengzheng promised.

He can still make up his mind about this matter. A great professor who is looked up to by foreigners, it is too outrageous for him to use it to herd cattle, and his ancestors will scold him to death.

"How can I do it? I'm idle when I'm idle. The cows that have been herding for so many years are suddenly not allowed to be released. I'm still not used to it. It's still the same as before, don't take special care."

Mr. Qi refused. He hasn't taken off his hat yet, so he can't make it difficult for Tang Peng to do it. It's not tiring to put a few cows, but he can exercise his body. In recent years, his body has become much tougher, thanks to cows every day.

Tang Pengzheng couldn't beat him, so he asked people to take care of him in private, so that Mr. Qi would not be tired. Anyway, the investigation is not strict, and maybe even people like Mopanshan and Mr. Qi have forgotten. Three points, he still has the final say.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost two months since Mr. Xu returned. In July, the weather became hot, and Tang Aiguo was about to take the college entrance examination.

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