Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1168: Finally took off the hat

This year, Mopanshan and two other children took the college entrance examination. One of them failed, and the other was admitted to the secondary school. It was a boy from the Huang family. Although it was only a secondary school, the family was also very happy.

Now the country has a unified package for distribution, and if you pass the test, it means that you will fly out of the valley, and you will be a cadre who eats the national grain in the future.

At the beginning of August, Tang Aiguo's notice also came, it was FD University, and the whole village was boiling.

No, it should be the whole town.

After Gu Zhiyan, the second student admitted to FD, but Tang Aiguo's student status is not in Yuecheng, and his honor has nothing to do with Yuecheng, but Yuecheng Education Bureau is still happy.

Because there is another person who is admitted to the University of God, and it is Gu Yunchuan, who is the champion of the Yuecheng college entrance examination.

Just like Gu Zhiyan three years ago, the leaders of the Education Bureau went to Gu’s family to say hello, and the bonus was upgraded to 100 yuan. The Yuecheng newspaper published a group photo of the education bureau leaders and Gu Yunchuan, and also wrote an emotional article.

Mrs. Gu, who has always lived in seclusion, began to show her face. The first thing the old lady came to cook was to hold a big banquet to celebrate her grandson's entrance into the University of God.

In fact, Gu Yunchuan didn't want to make a big deal. He didn't think it was something worth celebrating to get into the university. He just fulfilled his grandmother's long-cherished wish. It wasn't difficult for him, and it wasn't something that made him particularly happy. Son.

However, he has always been accustomed to obeying his elders, and even if he is unwilling, he will not refute, and still let the old lady arrange the banquet, but he has buried some dissatisfaction with the old lady in his heart, just a trace.

August has passed in a blink of an eye, and September is coming soon.

Mr. Qi also ushered in good news. His hat was finally taken off. The county sent someone down and told him to go to the relevant department to go through the formalities, as well as more than ten years of compensation wages.

It was the result of Yu Ziyang running around, and he brought the people from the county down. After the people from the county left, the old man hugged Yu Ziyang and burst into tears, crying like a child.

"Ziyang, I can finally straighten up and be a man. They finally know that I am innocent..."

Yu Ziyang also burst into tears, unable to utter a word. When he was told to take off his hat, he, like the old man, cried bitterly while holding the document. All the years of wastage and grievance were condensed in tears.

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help wiping her eyes, her heart was sour, but she was more happy.

The old man in the book couldn't wait for this day until he died. He couldn't rest his mind.

The ending of this life has finally been rewritten. The old man is in good health and can continue to work in the position he loves and cultivate talents for the country.

Tang Xiaonan really admires the mind and sentiment of the old man. Even if he has suffered unjust injustice, suffered so many grievances, and hesitated for more than ten years, the old man still loves this land and still wants to cultivate talents for the motherland. .

Even the 'hot-blooded youth' who bullied him, the old man never complained, he just felt it was a pity.

Because the old man felt that young people should sit in the school and study hard, instead of wandering around and making troubles like in previous years. Many schools have been closed. This is the most distressing place for the old man.

Education is the foundation of a strong country. The old man often said this. He was saddened by the stagnation of education over the years, not his own experience.

Fortunately, everything has changed and everything is in time.

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