Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1171: New roommates are not easy to get along with

"My name is Tang Xiaonan."

Tang Xiaonan wrote her name on the blackboard. Chai Yuxiang followed suit and wrote her name, and whispered, "My name is Chai Yuxiang."

"My grandma also called me Xiao Nan." A female classmate said loudly.

Everyone else started booing, saying that they were also called Nannan, or Xiaonan, both male and female.

Songcheng's dialect is similar to Yuecheng dialect. Children are called Nannan, boys are Xiaonan, and girls are also Xiaonan. If you walk around the alley, you can hear Xiaonan all the way.

Tang Xiaonan's name was chosen by Tang Laifu himself, because Tang Shaozheng was not in the village at that time, he went out to meet friends, and was in a hurry to apply for his household registration, so Tang Laifu put his nickname on the newspaper, and he was used to it.

But Tang Xiaonan personally liked this name very much. She was called Tang Xiaonan in her previous life, and she didn't want to change her name.

Teacher Xia said softly: "Xiao Nan, you should use your big name when you go to school, and your nickname is used at home."

"My real name is Tang Xiaonan, and that's the name on the hukou book." Tang Xiaonan replied generously.

Chai Yuxiang also said, "Teacher, Xiao Nan is this name."

Teacher Xia thought it was funny, how could she give the child such an intimate name? It seems that this classmate Tang Xiaonan must be very favored at home. Judging by her dress, her family background is also very good.

Tang Xiaonan wanted to sit with her cousin, but they were too different in size. As a result, Teacher Xia placed her in the front row, and Chai Yuxiang got her in the last row.

The new tablemate was petite and cute, but she didn't seem to like her very much. As soon as Teacher Xia left, the new tablemate glared at Tang Xiaonan, and used a compass and ruler to deepen the three-eighth line in the middle of the table.

"Don't cross the line."

The girl warned in a low voice, her eyes were full of disgust, and she whispered, "Hillbilly."

She used Songcheng dialect, which was slightly different from Yuecheng dialect, but Tang Xiaonan could understand it completely.

Moreover, she looked at it just now, and the three-eighth line is quite fair, with the same width on both sides, which means that although the new tablemate is a little small, he is not a bad person. It is estimated that he was raised by his parents.

Tang Xiaonan squinted and saw the textbook next to her, with the name Yu Duoduo written upright on it.

I couldn't help but feel that the surname was Yu, wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Before coming to school, she heard Mr. Qi say that Yu Ziyang's granddaughter is about the same age as her and is also in this school. It is very likely that her new roommate is Yu Ziyang's granddaughter.

If it's true, this Yu Duoduo is too unlovable, not like grandpa Yu Ziyang's easygoing at all.

There was no class on the first day of school, so the teacher sent them new textbooks and asked them to go home and wrap them up. The next day, the class was officially started. Tang Xiaonan found that there were English textbooks in the new textbooks, although they were all simple grammar and vocabulary, but It is only 1982, and many cities across the country have not yet popularized English.

The quality of education in Songcheng is really at the leading level in the country, and English has been popularized so early.

During the recess, many students gathered around, mostly female students, but also a few male students.

"Tang Xiaonan, where is your home?"

"It's from Yuecheng. It takes four hours by car." Tang Xiaonan answered truthfully.

"so far!"

"Why did you run so far to go to school?"

"Are your parents here?"

The classmates asked in vain, basically out of curiosity, but there was a voice that seemed harsh, it was Yu Duoduo, "The people in Yuecheng are very poor, they are all mountains, and they can't even get enough to eat when they are hungry. ."



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