Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1181: Chai Yuxiang Hair Biao

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"No, both of them bullied me, why should I apologize!" Yu Duoduo cried and cried, aggrieved to death.

"Why did we bully you and beat you?"

Chai Yuxiang sneered and grabbed Yu Duoduo's plastic stationery box. The pattern was a cute cat fishing. It could be automatically attached to the box, and there was a magnet to attract stones. This kind of stationery box is now the most advanced, and it is not affordable. Of course, the price is not cheap.

"I'm going to bully you, you're just like this stationery box."

Chai Yuxiang tore it with force, and she tore the sturdy stationery box in half. The pens and rubber rulers and compasses inside were scattered all over the ground. Everyone was stunned and looked at Chai Yuxiang dumbfounded.

Pi Xia was very excited, looking at Chai Yuxiang with burning eyes, and made up his mind to develop this girl into a member of the school's women's volleyball team. With such a powerful explosive force, it would be a pity not to play volleyball.

Yu Duoduo was so frightened that it took a long time for her to regain her senses. When she saw the dismembered stationery box, she burst into tears.

"You pay for my stationery box. This is my mother's birthday present. You pay... hiccup..."

The girl was really sad, she cried several times, picked up the broken stationery box from the ground, and after a few spells it didn't work, she cried even louder.

"You compensate me for the stationery box... You are a bandit... I will never pay attention to you again, and you are not allowed to come to my house..."

Yu Duoduo squatted on the ground, crying recklessly, and didn't even hear the bell rang. When the teacher entered the classroom, the girl was still crying.

This class is the language class of the head teacher, Teacher Xia. Seeing Yu Duoduo crying, she frowned slightly and had a headache.

"Why is Yu Duoduo crying? Can anyone tell the teacher what happened?" Teacher Xia asked.

"Teacher, that's what happened."

Squad leader Li Weihong stood up and explained what happened very succinctly, impartially, and clearly described the matter. Even their conversations, not a single word was wrong, was really a small expert in reporting.

"Chai Yuxiang, Tang Xiaonan, is this the case?" Teacher Xia asked.

Both of them stood up, Tang Xiaonan nodded and admitted, "The monitor is right, because Yu Duoduo and I quarreled first, my cousin thought that Yu Duoduo had bullied me, so she came to avenge me, teacher, it's all mine Wrong, I am willing to accept punishment!"

It was indeed her fault. She was a mature soul anyway, so how could she quarrel with a brat? Although Yu Duoduo was annoying, she really didn't care.

"Teacher, it has nothing to do with Xiao Nan, it's the stationery box that I tore up, you punish me." Chai Yuxiang rushed to admit her mistake.

Tang Xiaonan glared hard, telling her not to be a hero, Chai Yuxiang just pretended not to see it, holding her head up like she was going to die, she would rather die than give in.

But Chai Yuxiang is not easy to provoke, she added: "Yu Duoduo bullies Xiao Nan every day, saying she is a country bumpkin, her eyes are looking at the sky, and her nose is higher than a cow's nose. Xiao Nan and I are from the countryside, but what happened to the farmers? She is, why does she look down on the peasants, I just gave her a small lesson because I was angry!"

Teacher Xia can't help laughing and laughing. It's so intense, and it's just a small lesson?

This Chai Yuxiang looked pretty and had a dry temper.

But Yu Duoduo was indeed wrong, her thoughts were too unrighteous, she had to have a good talk with Yu Duoduo's parents so that the parents could guide the child correctly.


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