Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1183: compensation stationery box

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Yu Duoduo's face was sullen, silent, and did not answer the old man's words.

The old man noticed something was wrong, smiled, and changed the subject, "Are you here for dinner?"

Tang Xiaonan shook her head, took out the stationery box from her schoolbag, and put it on the table, "Grandpa Yu, this is the stationery box that my cousin and I gave to Yu Duoduo. Today we quarreled. It was me and my cousin who were wrong and put Yu Duo on the table. Duo's stationery box is broken, we bought it new."

Yu Ziyang and his wife looked at each other, what happened?

"Who wants your broken stationery box, mine is a birthday present from my mother, can you afford it!"

Yu Duoduo threw away the stationery box in disgust. The birthday present from her mother was unique, so she didn't want the fake compensation from these two hillbillies.

Yu Ziyang's face sank, no matter what the whole story is, the granddaughter's behavior is too rude now, and she has no education at all.

And he felt that the granddaughter must be the first to pick the head, and sisters Tang Xiaonan were not the ones to cause trouble.

"Shan Xing, tell me what happened." Yu Ziyang asked.

Liu Shanxing first looked at Yu Duoduo and then at Tang Xiaonan. She was very embarrassed. She had a different idea for Huo Jinzhi and naturally didn't want to offend Tang Xiaonan, but she had to live in Yu's house and she couldn't offend Yu Duoduo. Either way it's wrong.

"Grandpa Yu, let me tell you."

Tang Xiaonan told the truth truthfully, "Because Yu Duoduo always rolls his eyes at me these days, and whispers that I am a hillbilly, I feel very uncomfortable, I endured it for a few days, but I couldn't hold it back today and quarreled with her. ,

My cousin thought that Yu Duoduo was bullying me, and also quarreled with Yu Duoduo. My cousin was a little irritable and tore up the stationery box. She didn’t know that it was a birthday present from Yu Duoduo’s mother. I would like to apologize to Yu Duoduo. "

"Who wants your apology, I don't care!"

Yu Duoduo screamed, she hated Tang Xiaonan's self-righteous appearance, all the good people let her finish, it was hypocritical and disgusting.

"Shut up for me!"

Yu Ziyang roared angrily, and the veins on his forehead bulged. This was entirely his granddaughter's fault. He didn't know that his granddaughter behaved like this in school. Why did she look down on farmers?

Fortunately, the environment is relaxed now. If a few years ago, the granddaughter's open mouth would have killed the whole family sooner or later.

"Xiao Nan, Yuxiang, you are not wrong, it is my fault, I did not educate Duoduo well, I apologize to you."

Yu Ziyang's expression was very serious, and he was a little sad. He was so wise, yet he raised such a stupid granddaughter, alas!

"Grandpa Yu, don't say that, my cousin and I are both at fault." Tang Xiaonan was even more embarrassed, she couldn't bear the apology of her elders.

Mr. Qi's rounding up the game~www.readwn.com~ Okay, it's not a big deal for a child to talk a little bit. "

Yu Ziyang glanced at his granddaughter in disappointment, feeling very helpless. His granddaughter is now too crooked to see, and he doesn't know if he can correct it. He has to tell his wife that he must discipline the child strictly in the future. It came from her temperament.

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Mr. Qi sat down for a while, and then left with sister Tang Xiaonan.

"Grandpa Qi, go to my aunt's house for dinner, brother Huo will also come to eat." Tang Xiaonan laughed.

"Okay, I'll take you home." The old man readily agreed, he was too lazy to cook by himself, either in a cafeteria or a restaurant, he would be happy to have ready-made meals.

"Xiao Nan, don't dare to fight against Yu Duoduo because of your grandfather Yu's relationship, that child is spoiled, don't let it go, scold him if you need to." The old man protects the calf and doesn't want Tang Xiaonan to be wronged.

"I'm not afraid of her, Yu Duoduo can't help me, Grandpa Qi, who is Grandpa Yu Liu Shanxing?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

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