Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1189: always restless uncle

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Tang Xiaonan looked over vigilantly. Coincidentally, the street light at the entrance of the alley was broken, and the light was very dim. She saw only a slender figure with a standard S shape.

She should be not too young, her voice does not sound like a young girl, she must be at least thirty, which is the most charming age for a woman.

"Sister Meng is going to dance again!" Tang Laijin greeted with a smile.

"I hate it, I'm only twenty-eight and younger than you. You're not ashamed to call me eldest sister." The woman sneered.

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help rubbing her arms, saying that Wu Nong's soft words were the most suitable for acting like a spoiled child. Sure enough, this woman's voice can hook a man's soul away.

Her uncle's soul is probably already floating in the sky.

Tang Xiaonan's head is very big. Her uncle's ability is really good, but all the men's minor problems are not solved. When she sees a beautiful woman, she can't move her legs. She has just started a small party, and now she is having an affair with a mature woman.

"That's Miss Meng? But why do I hear people say that you are almost forty, ten years older than me." Tang Laijin teased.

"Who said that? Which **** ruined my reputation. I'm only twenty-eight years old, and I just celebrated my twenty-eighth birthday a few days ago. Those people are just talking nonsense. Boss Tang, don't believe their nonsense."

The woman scolded her righteously and sternly, her voice softened again, and she glared at Tang Laijin, but the light was too dark. If she threw her wink, she would be blind, and Tang Laijin couldn't feel it at all.

"Xingxingxing, you are twenty-eight this year, twenty-seven next year, and eighteen-one flowers in a few years."

Tang Laijin flirted with the beauties with a hilarious smile, not taking advantage of the cheap or white, even if the woman was older than him, she couldn't tell, she was in her early thirties at most, and she would act coquettishly and flirt. See, many men in the alley were fascinated by her.

It has been almost three years since he moved to this alley. When he first came, Miss Meng said that she had just passed her twenty-eighth birthday, and now that she is twenty-eight, a fool would believe it.

"I hate it. I'm going to dance. Do you want to go with Boss Tang? It's very interesting."

Miss Meng invited her softly and touched Tang Laijin with her body. She probably sprayed a bottle of toilet water on her body, and kept choking her nose.


Tang Laijin and Tang Xiaonan's uncle and nephew sneezed together ~www.readwn.com~ earth-shattering.

Tang Xiaonan rubbed her nose and shouted to Tang Laijin, "Uncle, you still need to help me with my homework."

"When am I going to tutor... oh yes... right, uncle wants to help you with your homework, Miss Meng, I'm so busy, I wish you a good night!"

Tang Laijin was gnashing his teeth in pain, and his lower back was about to be crippled. The older the little niece, the less cute she was, and she was not at all caring.

"Boss Tang is really a good uncle, let's make an appointment next time, Gu Debai!"

Miss Meng glanced at Tang Xiaonan clearly, waved her hand tenderly, and walked away with high heels, leaving behind a strong smell of toilet water.

Tang Xiaonan sneezed again, fanned the wind vigorously, glared at Tang Laijin, and warned, "Uncle, if you continue to do things again, I'll tell Mamma to tell Aileen not to call you Dad!"

This uncle really perfectly interprets "a man becomes bad when he has money", and he starts to work when things get better. If Yang Lijuan's heart is really chilled, this family will definitely be broken up.

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