Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1191: more brother

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"I have nothing to do with her. Don't be suspicious. Look at my pocket. It's cleaner than my face. Can Meng Lina like me?"

Tang Laijin angrily took out his four pockets, dropped a few steel rods, and rolled around on the ground.

Yang Lijuan couldn't help laughing and glared angrily, "Your mother said that I won't let me give you money, it's alright, I'll give you another hundred in a while, you can save some money, I still want to buy another house Woolen cloth."

"Why do you want to buy a house again? Didn't you just buy one in the spring?"

"This time the house is good. There are two storefronts. It's on Jiefang Road. I can open another restaurant and save the rent."

When talking about the house, Yang Lijuan is in high spirits.

Tang Laijin lacked interest. He felt that his family had enough houses to live in, so he could save money and buy a house.

"You can't live in it if you buy so much, and the rent is not high. If you buy this set, don't buy it."

"What do you know, Mr. Qi said that buying a house is the most reliable investment, so don't worry about it." Yang Lijuan scowled, and rushed to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Tang Laijin muttered in a low voice, "Don't let me take care of it and tell me, you can buy it if you don't."

There was a cartoon on the TV, and Tang Aijun watched it with relish. Tang Laijin squeezed his nephew away, "Have you done your homework? You still watch cartoons when you are so old."

Tang Aijun stepped aside and said cheerfully, "Uncle, you can get a color TV back. My classmates have a color TV at home, and they look good."

"Your classmate has a color TV at home? Who is it?" Tang Laijin became interested, and he could actually afford a color TV. The conditions were quite good.

"There are two, you don't know them. They have relatives in Xiangjiang, and they sent them by post. Uncle, can you buy one?" Tang Aijun pleaded.

Tang Laijin was so impatient, and because he was moved, he agreed, "Next time you make progress in the exam, I'll buy a color TV and come back."

"Come on, don't go back on it!"

"You little uncle, when will I stop talking, I'm not your father!" Tang Laijin snorted, the uncle and nephew reached an agreement, and Tang Aijun happily went to work.

He must improve so that he can watch cartoons in color.

Time flew by, and November entered in the blink of an eye. The sycamore trees in Songcheng were bleak, and the ground was covered with golden sycamore leaves. Su Wanrou gave birth to a fat boy in mid-October.

It is said that this big fat boy weighs eight pounds and twenty taels, and Su Wanrou is so tired that it took two days and one night to give birth, which hurts a lot, so Mother Su plans to let her daughter have a double full moon and can't go out until the end of December.

After Xu Jinfeng called to congratulate her~www.readwn.com~ she simply asked Su Wanrou to go out again during the Chinese New Year, and she was not in a hurry to get married.

This fat boy was named Ye Yuandong by the mad master, in memory of his brothers who were sleeping in the rainforest.

Back then, the brothers would joke around in their spare time. If they were fortunate enough to go back alive, they would still be able to marry a daughter-in-law. Regardless of whether they were born male or female, they must be named Far East. This child belonged to all of them, and it would not be a waste for them to be brothers for life and death.

As a result, among so many brothers, only he and Lou Tiezhu left alive, but Lou Tiezhu also died, leaving no children and half a daughter. The mad master thought that he would have no more children, and the name Far East would not be used again. .

Unexpectedly, when he was middle-aged, he got a fat boy.

Tang Xiaonan, congratulations to Huo Jinzhi, there's an extra little brother~www.readwn.com~Get cash] Follow vx public.Public number【Book Friends Base Camp~www.readwn.com~You can also get cash!

But Huo Jinzhi was not very happy. He seemed to have something on his mind. He didn't hide it from Tang Xiaonan, and told the secret he recently discovered, "My father may have an illegitimate child outside."

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