Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1193: The IQ of the boss is also short-circuited

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Huo Jinzhi gritted his teeth and rubbed Tang Xiaonan's head a few times, and the braids were loosened.

actually despised him.

Smelly and unscrupulous.

"If you don't eat it, I will eat it myself."

Huo Jinzhi ate it all by himself, deliberately chewing it fragrantly, Tang Xiaonan rolled his eyes angrily, and took the tongs and clamped the walnuts by himself, but with too much force, the small walnuts were crushed into slag, and the meat became crumbs. .

She even tried to clamp three walnuts, but they all failed. She was so angry that she threw the pliers away and took a small walnut and opened her mouth to chew.


Tang Xiaonan's tears flowed from the pain, and there was a **** taste in her mouth. She hurriedly stuck out her tongue to look in the mirror, but she bit it, and blood was seeping out.

"Let me see."

Huo Jinzhi held her chin and asked her to open her mouth, her expression suddenly serious, and the bite was not light.

"What are you in a hurry, walnuts won't run."

Huo Jinzhi poured a cup of warm water for her to rinse her mouth, and couldn't help but say a few words, Tang Xiaonan was already in pain, and he was so angry that he kicked him after hearing this bullshit. It wasn't because of this guy, but now he said Cool talk.

"I'll get some medicine."

Huo Jinzhi coaxed in a good voice. This fat girl is just like water. She has more tears than water from the faucet. She is very afraid of pain.

"What medicine?" Tang Xiaonan asked vaguely.

I can't put purple potion in my mouth, I can't use iodine, and now the watermelon cream has not come out, what else can I use?

"Get some salt to disinfect."

Huo Jinzhi thought about it and found a good way. He used salt to sterilize his flesh wounds before, and the effect was not bad. /point coins!

Tang Xiaonan didn't think much about it, her tongue was hurting to death, and her brain was not very smart. Thinking about the big guy would never be wrong.

Huo Jinzhi went to the kitchen to get a salt shaker and came out. Tang Xiaonan opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue, and sprinkled some salt on the wound. The sudden tingling made Tang Xiaonan scream.

"Ah... it hurts... it hurts to death..."

Tang Xiaonan was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe. She rolled on the sofa regardless of her image. She never knew that sprinkling salt flowers on the wound would be so painful. It was like washing the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

Huo Jinzhi was taken aback, the salt jar fell to the ground, and the salt was sprinkled all over the ground. He thought that something big had happened to Tang Xiaonan. The first time he was frightened, his mind went blank, and his IQ became negative.

"What happened to Xiao Nan?"

As soon as Yang Lijuan entered the house, she heard the cries of slaughtering pigs, and rushed in quickly. Seeing Tang Xiaonan crying miserably, she was also frightened, thinking it was a serious illness yesterday.

"Water... drink water..."

Tang Xiaonan felt better~www.readwn.com~ The saliva was diluted with salt, and it didn't hurt as much, but the tongue was numb.

Huo Jinzhi hurriedly poured a glass of water for her, Tang Xiaonan poured it in one breath, and her mouth was not so uncomfortable. She kicked several times in anger, "It's all your fault!"

"I used to disinfect with salt and it didn't hurt at all, and it worked very well."

Huo Jinzhi knew that he was wrong and took a few kicks, which made Tang Xiaopang vent his anger. Anyway, he didn't hurt.

"Of course you don't hurt, can I be the same as you?"

Tang Xiaonan was so angry that she wanted to bite this guy. The boss's ability to endure pain must be at the level of a boss. How could she be a small person compared with the boss, and she suffered such a big loss in vain.

Tang Xiaonan, who was getting more and more angry, kicked her hard again, and finally relieved her anger. Huo Jinzhi rubbed her legs. Seeing her angry expression, she reached out and handed it to her to chew on.


Tang Xiaonan snorted arrogantly, raised her head and ignored her.

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