Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1200: Tang Xiaopang's dedicated recycling bin

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The black line on Huo Jinzhi's forehead suddenly felt like he was a recycling bin, which was reserved for Tang Xiaopang.

Every time he went out, Tang Xiaopang always had eyes bigger than his stomach. He bought a bunch of food, only one bite of each, and stuffed the rest for him, just like now.

"Don't take it apart if you don't eat it." Huo Jinzhi was a little stuffed.

I can't even understand Tang Xiaopang's happiness, it's just a worthless plastic spoon, why bother to collect it?

He also knew that Tang Xiaopang kept a bunch of useless things, such as candy wrappers, plastic spoons, pencil erasers with various patterns, cigarette boxes, matchbox stickers, etc., which were all worthless things, but this fat girl Like a treasure.

"I still want Chang'e's, just unpack another pack, just one pack."

Tang Xiaonan's hands were itchy. Seeing so many sour plum powder, she wanted to unpack it, just like unpacking express delivery in her previous life, with a unique sense of accomplishment.

"Didn't there already be Chang'e just now? You can't finish it if you take it apart." Huo Jinzhi felt even more stuffed, feeling that he and Tang Xiaopang were separated by the Huangpu River.

Why can't I understand her brain circuit?

In his opinion, the workmanship of this kind of plastic spoon is so rough that no one can pick it up on the ground. How delicate can the small spoon given by the five-cent snack be? However, sisters Tang Xiaopang and Chai Yuxiang are happy to collect them.

These days, there are several dollars spent on sour plum powder, and Huo Jinzhi really can't understand it.

"Chang'e doesn't have only one pattern. My cousin has a dancing Chang'e, but I don't have one."

Tang Xiaonan had already squeezed a pack of sour plum powder in her hand, and she glanced at the big guy quietly, seeing that he didn't say a word, he just assumed that he agreed, and immediately opened it, and couldn't wait to squeeze out a small spoon.

The result disappointed her. It was just a pig's rake. She already had several of them. Red envelope!

"Is it going to be demolished?" Huo Jinzhi teased as if watching a good show.

He would like to see if this girl will dismantle all the ten packs, anyway, it's only 50 cents.

Tang Xiaonan glanced at him and stared angrily at the seven packs of sour plum powder left in her hand. Just when she saw another child coming to play, she gave them both the unpacked packs and snorted proudly at Huo Jinzhi.


Tang Xiaonan unpacked two more bags in a row, and the harvest was not bad. One bag contained Princess Iron Fan, which she had not collected yet, and the other was the common Monkey King. Almost eight of the ten bags were Sun Wukong.

I got two new spoons today. Tang Xiaonan was very satisfied. The remaining five packs were put away and opened after returning home. The two opened packs were given to other children.

"Xiao Nan, don't you eat it yourself?" the proprietress joked~www.readwn.com~ I eat rose stuffed, and sour plum powder is not delicious. "

Tang Xiaonan opened a pack of rose stuffed. In her previous life, she liked to eat this. It was made of rose petals, like candied fruit. It was sweet and crunchy. The money eventually disappeared, and the snack could no longer be bought.

"You still buy it if it doesn't taste good. Your mother will say you wasted money." An aunt said with a smile.

"I don't spend money, Brother Huo spends money."

Tang Xiaonan pointed at Huo Jinzhi, and ate the root rose stuffed proudly. It was the taste in his memory, and it was still delicious.

Several people looked meaningfully at Huo Jinzhi, who was Fengshen Junlang, and at Tang Xiaonan, who was fair and beautiful, all with aunt smiles on their faces.

"Xiao Huo will definitely love his daughter-in-law in the future, she is a good descendant." Uncle Liu joked with a smile.

"Daughter-in-law has to be a little hurt, and childhood sweethearts have no guesses." An aunt also joked.

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