Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1206: Silly batch 3 brother is fooled again

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"No, I'll exchange rabbit spirits with you? I have two rabbit spirits."

Chai Yuxiang's eyes were glued, so after doing her homework for a while, her cousin had two more that she didn't have, and she envy her to death.

"If you don't change it, if you change it, it will be gone."

Tang Xiaonan shook her head vigorously, although she didn't have the Rabbit Essence, but these two were the only ones she had, and they definitely couldn't be exchanged.

Chai Yuxiang curled her lips in disappointment, but when she saw the five packets of sour plum powder on the coffee table, she was refreshed, picked up one packet and opened it, but unfortunately it was a Monkey King.

"Why is it all Sun Wukong, I already have twenty or dozens of Sun Wukong."

Chai Yuxiang grumbled and complained, three mouthfuls ate a packet of sour plum powder, and she threw away the spoon.

"Cousin, I'll unpack another bag for you to eat."

Tang Xiaonan's hands were itchy too. Anyway, there were only four packs left, so they could all be taken apart.

"Give me the spoon."

Chai Yuxiang didn't really want to eat it. These days, she had eaten hundreds of packets of sour plum powder, and it was really unappetizing. If she hadn't collected all the spoons, she wouldn't have bought it if she was beaten to death.

"I'll see what kind of spoon it is."

Tang Xiaonan didn't agree. If it was a spoon she didn't have, she wouldn't give it.

The corners of Huo Jinzhi's mouth twitched, and he saw through the girl's careful thoughts at a glance. She didn't have such high enthusiasm for giving ten yuan, but she still played with a worthless broken spoon. I really couldn't understand the idea of ​​this fat girl. .

"Haha... it's a rabbit spirit!"

Tang Xiaonan looked at the small spoon in her hand with surprise. It was the rabbit essence that Chai Yuxiang wanted to exchange with her just now. Today's harvest is really not small. I collected three spoons that she did not have. It was a great sense of accomplishment.

Chai Yuxiang was very envious, how could she not have such a good luck, the most recent one was either Sun Wukong or Zhu Bajie, and her teeth were sore from eating it.

"Let the third cousin eat it, I can't eat it anymore." Chai Yuxiang touched her teeth and felt sour before she could eat it.

Tang Aijun glanced disdainfully, "Who wants to eat it if it's not sour!"

Auntie has cooked so many good dishes, all of which he likes to eat. He is stupid to eat this sour food.

"Third brother, this one has an appetizer and can eat an extra bowl of meat." Tang Xiaonan coaxed.

Tang Aijun's eyes lit up, "Really?"

After living in the uncle's house, his biggest regret every day is that his appetite is too small, his eyes are always bigger than his stomach, there are so many delicious food, but his stomach can't hold it any more. Appetizers, he is still willing to eat.

"Really, when did I lie to you?"

Tang Xiaonan's face was sincere, and Tang Aijun nodded, her sister did not deceive him.

Chai Yuxiang rolled her eyes~www.readwn.com~ The third cousin has only grown taller and has no memory in the past two years. The number of times the cousin has lied to him can't be counted with her fingers and toes.

Tang Aijun poured all the sour plum powder into his mouth, frowned immediately, and shook vigorously, so sour that he doubted life.

Tang Xiaonan was so sour herself. In addition to attracting children, this sour plum powder with a small spoon is also useful for people to taste it slowly. Because it is too sour, it is definitely unbearable to eat too much in one bite. A small spoonful is just fine.

Her third brother eats like a tiger and wolf, really worried about whether his teeth can still bite the meat?

After all, his third brother hated eating sour the most, and he couldn't stand a little sour.

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"Third brother drink water."

Tang Xiaonan handed over the water, Tang Aijun hurriedly poured it, his face wrinkled, "More water, this thing sticks to the teeth!"

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