Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1216: affectionate scumbag

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Tang Xiaonan grabbed her cousin and third brother, and hid aside, she had already heard who the man and woman were.

It was Huo Xiu and Meng Lina.

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"I didn't lie to you, my daughter is dead, Li Yan is my sister, who are you listening to nonsense!" Meng Lina stammered, but she was unconvincing.

Even Tang Xiaonan could hear her guilty conscience, and Huo Xiu naturally didn't believe it. He already had solid evidence that Meng Liyan was his daughter.

"Take a good look at this. Twenty years ago at this time, you gave birth to a daughter at the Maria Hospital. This is the birth certificate at that time. The doctor who delivered you was called Chen Xiaowei, and Li Yan was six pounds and six taels when she was born. …”

Huo Xiu took out the birth certificate from his pocket. Fortunately, Meng Lina did not give birth at home 20 years ago, but went to Maria Hospital. Maria Hospital was founded by foreigners before liberation. Although it changed its name after liberation, But the locals in Songcheng are still used to calling it Maria Hospital.

This hospital was founded by a British obstetrician and gynecologist. His original intention was to see that there were many women in China giving birth by themselves at home. The sanitary conditions were very poor, and many women had accidents or even died due to childbirth.

Therefore, the British doctor raised funds and founded the Maria Hospital. At first, it only accepted pregnant women. Later, the scale became larger and larger, and it became a hospital dedicated to serving women and children.

What Huo Xiu didn't know was that the reason why Meng Lina went to Maria 20 years ago was because the fetus was not in the correct position and could not give birth after a few hours.

Seeing the yellowed birth certificate, Meng Lina knew she couldn't hide it. Thinking of the hardships of the past 20 years, she resented and resented, and said sadly, "Yes... Li Yan is your daughter, you want to be now. Ready dad?

Where have you been twenty years ago? You don't even say hello, you disappear when you say disappear, have you ever thought about me? I'm only seventeen years old, and I'm not married yet. How can I be a man with a big belly? "

"I couldn't help myself at the time. Who knew something would happen suddenly, Lina, I'm sorry for you, but I'm not here to find you and my daughter now."

"Twenty years, Huo Xiu, do you know how I got here in the past twenty years?"

Meng Lina burst into tears~www.readwn.com~ She sympathized with her own experience, if not forced by life, which daughter of a good family would be willing to make money from flesh and blood?

With an old mother on the top and a young and seriously ill daughter on the bottom, what else can she do except rely on her pretty face?

Over the years, she has endured cold eyes and abuse, and it's nothing more than an outsider's, but even her own daughter despised her, and said her money was dirty. These words were harsher than a knife, and pierced her heart with blood.

"I know it's not easy for you, I know it in my heart, sigh... It's not easy for me these years, I almost died several times, and once I only had one breath left, Lina, you know what I was thinking at the time What is it?"

"What is it?" Meng Lina asked sobbing.

"It's you. The things I did with you, your smile and voice, are like a movie, and I still remember them."

Huo Xiu's voice was full of affection. If he hadn't known this guy's scumbag attributes, Tang Xiaonan would have believed that he was telling the truth.

"Really? You didn't think about your wife and son?" Meng Lina said in a sour tone, with a bit of joy.

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