Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1225: 1 flower in the village

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Gu Yunchuan is much prettier than this Fu Haiwen, and Su Wanrou's nephew, Sultan Qing, even killed him a hundred times.

My cousin's eyesight is not good.

"Is it good-looking?" Chai Yuxiang leaned over and asked, trying to get her cousin's approval.

"so so."

Tang Xiaonan said casually, and then got the big white eyes of the two female classmates next to her, glaring at her, as if she had done something evil.

Chai Yuxiang hurriedly dragged her away, went to sit down on the other side, and then said, "There are many female classmates who like Fu Haiwen, Xiao Nan, don't talk nonsense, and be careful of getting revenge."

Tang Xiaonan was helpless, this world couldn't even tell the truth.

The whistle sounded and the game started. Tang Xiaonan endured the whistling north wind and admired the heroic appearance of her third brother. It wasn't that she was watching with a filter. The third brother was really handsome playing basketball.

The ball in the third brother's hand was like glue stuck, and the opponent's players couldn't stop him. As long as the ball was in Tang Aijun's hand, he would definitely score.

So it became that on the court, all the players in red jerseys worked hard to pass the ball to Tang Aijun, and then Tang Aijun shot hard, almost never missed, and the score went up, and soon he was ahead of the opponent by more than ten points.

"Come on Tang Aijun!"

"Fu Haiwen, come on!"

"Come on Zhang**!"


The shouting came one after another, not only Xuan Yujiao and the others, but also the cheerleading team in No. 1 Middle School. Everyone was screaming, and no one wanted to be compared.

This heart-piercing voice also infected Tang Xiaonan. She stood up and shouted at the top of her voice, "Come on, third brother, if you win, let my aunt cook you a big hoof!"

This unusual cry was particularly striking among the voices, and even the players on the field stopped for a second, wondering which idiot was howling.

Tang Aijun smiled brightly, his sister came to see him play, and he couldn't be ashamed.

Next, Tang Aijun seemed to have received divine help. He was as stunned as a giant on the court, as vigorous as a dragon, and soon ended the game, beating the opponent to a point where he was powerless to fight back.

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"Aijun, you did a great job today..."

Fu Haiwen smiled and walked towards Tang Aijun, wanting to say a few words to him, but Tang Aijun ignored him and ran outside the court without talking to a beautiful little girl.

"Third brother, hurry up and get dressed, hurry up!" Tang Xiaonan stared.

"It's so hot, Xiao Nan, why are you here?" Tang Aijun didn't care, he was about to die from the heat.

"I'll come to see your game~www.readwn.com~ Go get dressed."

Tang Xiaonan's eyes widened, Tang Aijun went to get dressed, Fu Haiwen asked curiously, "Is that little girl your sister?"

"Yes, my sister is pretty, she is the prettiest and smartest in our village." Tang Aijun looked proud.

The corner of Fu Haiwen's mouth twitched, is that chubby girl a village flower?

He often hears Tang Aijun complimenting his sister in a fancy way. He thinks that she is an immortal beauty. Of course, she is also beautiful, but his expectations are so high that he is a little disappointed to see him.

Just a stinky yellow-haired girl.

But he was still very envious that Tang Aijun had a sister to brag about, unlike him who didn't have any sisters and sisters, but had a cousin, but he didn't like it.

"Tang Aijun, I will go to your house to eat hoofs tomorrow!" Someone joked.

"No, I don't have enough to eat myself." Tang Aijun guarded the food.

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