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Aunt Meng didn't react, and looked at Huo Jinzhi blankly. His words were all around her ears. She could hear every word clearly, but she didn't understand what it meant when they were connected together.

Huo Jinzhi was very patient, and then said: "You go to my company every day to make trouble, which has seriously affected the operation of my company. You have a big debt and you have a conflict with my father. You should find my father to solve it. Come to my company and make trouble, don't you think?"

Meng Liyan's eyes darkened, but now she understood.

The younger brother said that the company is not his father's, should he be lying?

My father clearly said that the company belongs to him, how could it be his brother?

"You lied, the company belongs to Dad!"

Meng Liyan shouted excitedly and glared at Huo Jinzhi angrily.

Tang Xiaonan rolled his eyes and couldn't help but said, "please find out, the company is obviously my brother Huo's, and your scumbag is just working for brother Huo."

Chai Yuxiang immediately agreed, "Dad and dad are so affectionate, those who didn't know thought you were raised in Huo's house, I know why you are licking your scumbag because of that trading company, right? But you want to I'm disappointed, that company has nothing to do with your scumbag, it's my little girl... it's from Big Brother Huo!"

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Tang Xiaonan glanced angrily, and Chai Yuxiang smiled ingratiatingly, almost missing it.

But she was not wrong. Xiao Nan will marry Huo Jinzhi sooner or later, and then the company will be Xiao Nan's.

Neighbors couldn't help but inquire about Yang Lijuan and his wife, and the relationship was so chaotic that they were all stunned.

Yang Lijuan is very enthusiastic about popularizing science for the neighbors, "Xiao Huo's father is nothing, he messes around outside, divorced with Xiao Huo's mother, Xiao Huo and his father don't deal with it, but Xiao Huo is very capable, and he runs a company by himself. , and pity that his father has no food to eat, so let his father come to work in the company and pay him some salary every month."

"Who knew that Xiao Huo's father and Meng Lina would have a daughter. The world is too small, but Xiao Huo doesn't plan to recognize him. He doesn't even want to recognize his father, so naturally he won't recognize a half-sister."

It was only then that the neighbors came to their senses, and all of them were so excited that their eyes lit up.

"It's understandable if you don't recognize it. The son must feel sorry for his mother. There's really nothing to recognize as a father like that."

"In other words, Meng Liyan's father is not actually the boss~www.readwn.com~ just works to get paid."

"Meng Liyan is stealing chickens this time without losing money. The rich dad didn't recognize her, and he broke up with your nephew, and the rich brother didn't recognize her either, so he's left with two ends!"

The neighbors were chattering, all gloating.

Yang Lijuan was even more happy, and she added: "Xiao Huo's family is a big family, and they are very particular. The serious descendants are all going to be on the genealogy, do you know?"

"I know, there is an official in our hometown, and their family has a genealogy that has been passed down for more than two hundred years."

"The little Huo family also wants to be listed on the genealogy, but Meng Liyan, this little slut, is not a maid, and her status is not good, but it is not impossible to be on the family tree, but the elders in the family agree, but the elders in the Huo family listen to Xiao Huo's words. "

Yang Lijuan deliberately sold her off, and the neighbors urged her to quickly say, "Xiao Huo agrees or disagrees?"

Meng Liyan also pricked up her ears. What she cared about most was the genealogy. Her father promised her that when she returned to her hometown to worship her ancestors during the Chinese New Year, she would get this done, but for some unknown reason, she was very flustered.

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