Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1261: Pit for the scumbag

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Huo Xiu didn't have much working capital on hand, at most 10,000 yuan in the bank. He didn't like to save money. He would buy a house if he had the money, but the house could not be disposed of right now. of this house.

Huo Xiu frowned and could only borrow money from Nizi.

He was about to be ridiculed by this idiot again. Huo Xiu was full of dissatisfaction, and he was more dissatisfied with Meng Liyan. He couldn't handle even this trivial matter.

Although he hated Huo Jinzhi's disobedience and unfilial piety, Huo Xiu had to admit his ability. This renegade son was born to do big things, and he couldn't figure it out, and suffered several losses.

Although Huo Xiu suffered many losses, he was strangely relieved, pained and happy, which is his best portrayal.

Huo Xiu, who originally wanted to take good care of Meng Liyan, now has a lot less mind, and the joy of recognizing his daughter for the first time has also faded, and he even has some regrets. If he knew that he would lose so much money by recognizing his daughter, he might as well not recognize her!

Huo Jinzhi received a call from the scumbag, everything was as he expected, he came to borrow money.

"Why do you need so much? I can't have 10,000 yuan in cash now, but if you need it urgently, I can borrow it for you, but you have to pay interest." Huo Jinzhi said sincerely.

"Why don't you even have 10,000 yuan? Didn't you just negotiate a few big orders?" Huo Xiu suspected that Ni Zi was deliberately lying to him.

"As soon as the money arrives, I will buy a house. The company's working capital is only a few thousand yuan. Are you in a hurry? Just wait for a few days."

Huo Xiu was dubious, and he didn't have the heart to verify the truth of Nizi's words. Right now, he just wanted to get money, otherwise the big order would fly.

"Can't wait, how much interest do you borrow?"

"Three-point profit, not high."

"Three points is not high, this is a loan shark, who did you ask to borrow it?" Huo Xiu opened his mouth as if he had swallowed a duck's egg.


This is a bright robbery!

He felt that Nizi was playing tricks, but he still had to dig in.

"Usury is the beheading of interest, the three-point interest is very righteous, do you want it?" Huo Jinzhi sneered, if it wasn't for the sake of his father, he would directly behead the beheading and kill the old man.

[Beheading interest is a type of usury. For example, if you borrow 100,000 yuan, you first take out 20,000 yuan as interest, and you actually get 80,000 yuan, and the loan note says you borrow 100,000 yuan, so don’t take usury loans. deceitful]

Huo Xiu...he has to thank this pervert?


Huo Xiu gritted his teeth and said that the end of the year was approaching and he couldn't borrow any money at all, so he could only jump into this pit.

Fortunately, he only needs to negotiate the order of the department store, and the three-point profit is not unaffordable.

"Okay, come to the company to get the money, I'll ask a friend to borrow it~www.readwn.com~ Huo Jinzhi was also very happy, and took out the 10,000 yuan he had prepared earlier from his pocket, as well as an IOU.

Give it to the scumbag in a while.

"Which friend did you ask to borrow it?" Huo Xiu couldn't help asking.

"Tang Laijin's wife."

"Aren't you in a good relationship with the Tang family? The little fat girl is still your little daughter-in-law, so why do you still pay three cents for borrowing money?" Huo Xiu mocked.

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"Father and son have to settle accounts, not to mention just in-laws, so make sure you do the math."

Huo Xiu stabbed in his heart, and he felt that this idiot's words became more and more yin and yang, and he must be connoting him.

After getting the money, Huo Xiu was quite happy with his work. He made an appointment with Aunt Meng to negotiate and called witnesses. The 20,000 yuan was given at one time, and the 30 yuan per month would also arrive on time.

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