Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1270: Those who wear shoes are afraid of bare feet

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"Let's talk at home!"

Tang Aiguo dragged his younger brother back, and looked at the moaning woman on the ground with a warning. The account must be counted, but not now.

"You guys are sick, you've been bullied to the end, what are you still doing, don't pull me..."

Tang Aijun was still screaming, but no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't resist the two of them. Huo Jinzhi and Tang Aigun dragged him aside, and Tang Aijun had to follow them honestly.

"Losing money, the mad dog you raised bites you, pay me a thousand yuan!"

The mad woman screamed again. There was blood on her left calf, and there was some bleeding on the ground. The ingot was bitten hard, and she probably saw a bone.

"Pay your mother*!"

Tang Aijun scolded loudly. He hadn't heard the third brother swearing swearing for a long time. After he went to Songcheng, Tang Aijun became a lot more civilized, and suddenly he heard Tang Xiaonan was a little stunned.

Although the swear words are unpleasant, but listening to them now is very relieved, this crazy woman really needs to be scolded, she is crazy for no reason, she really needs to be beaten!

The farce ended with the Tang family losing 20 yuan. Zhang Manyue was so angry that he didn't eat dinner, and he didn't have a good look on Tang Baishan, and he didn't even prepare his favorite appetizer, peanuts.

"Eat shit, how many peanuts can you buy for 20 yuan, don't eat it!"

Zhang Manyue's face was drawn to the old man. If it wasn't for the grandchildren's return, she would never cook for the old man and let him drink the wind.

Tang Baishan didn't dare to say a word, he didn't drink any more wine, he didn't have any food or drink, and it was boring to drink.

"Grandma, grandpa should lose money. In the end, it was Yuanbao who bit someone. If you don't lose money, people will gossip." Tang Aiguo advised.

"Who made her crazy, I haven't settled with her yet!"

Zhang Manyue was still not reconciled, her granddaughter was bullied, and she couldn't swallow this breath no matter what.

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"Don't let people stop it. People say that our family's dog bit a person. It's the mad woman who suffered a loss. It may also be said that our family is bullying others, and twenty yuan is a good deal to get rid of bad luck."

Tang Baishan explained in a slow manner that he was also distressed for money, but for long-term consideration, he still had to pay for the 20 yuan.

After all, today is different from the past. His Tang family is now the top household in the village, his son can earn money, his grandson is admitted to the top spot, and he even went to Songcheng to buy a house, not to mention Mopanshan, even the whole town can be considered The first one is ~www.readwn.com~ The villagers are holding it face to face, but there are people who say all kinds of things behind their backs. The human heart is like this. When you are poor, you will step on you. When you are rich, you will have a lot of pink eyes. Okay.

"It's not like you don't know, how many people want to see our family unlucky now, the more this time, the less we can't let people catch the wrong thing. If the 20 yuan is lost, those people won't be able to pick the wrong one!"

Tang Baishan broke up the explanation with the old woman in a good voice, and spent money to keep her safe. The barefooted are not afraid of wearing shoes. The Tang family is now a big family, and Huang Tieqiang and his wife are so poor that there is no old man on top, and no small ones on bottom. Crazy is not easy to deal with.

Zhang Manyue calmed down and wanted to understand, but she was still annoyed, she had never suffered such a big loss in her life.

"How come the richer you are, the more careful you are living your life, alas... I'm still comfortable before!"

Zhang Manyue sighed and remembered the past life. Although he was a little poorer, he could scold him whenever he wanted, and beat him whenever he wanted.

It's not like now that you have to be careful and careful when you say something, you can't provoke right and wrong for your children and grandchildren, it's really embarrassing!

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