Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1272: Hedong and Hexi in less than 30 years

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"Don't be afraid, it's alright."

Huo Jinzhi noticed that Tang Xiaonan's face was wrong and covered her eyes.

Tang Xiaonan shook her head, "I'm not afraid."

She is not afraid of the dead, she is afraid of the poisonous snake that is still alive. Where is the poisonous snake Shen Yuzhu?

The more we walked into the village, the stronger the smell of blood in the air. The villagers were all gathered around, all of them looked terrified.

"Have you seen that, Tie Qiang's wife and her concubine were chopped to pieces, blood flowed all over the room, and they couldn't step on their feet. I heard from the police that Tie Qiang's wife was chopped thirty times on her body, that concubine. It also took more than 20 losses, and the bones were chopped to pieces."

"Amitabha, why did such a bad thing happen during the Chinese New Year? A few years ago, it was Huai Lin's family, and now it's Huang Tieqiang. If there is a problem with the feng shui of our Huang family, we have to find a master to see."

The Huang family is very worried. In recent years, the Huang family has not been going well. In the past, the Huang family suppressed the Tang family, but I don't know when the Huang family went downhill and was inferior to the Tang family everywhere.

As far as college students are concerned, so far, the Huang family has only had a secondary school student, and the Tang family has even passed the Fd exam.

"It's really evil. Tell Uncle Jinqiao and invite a master to see the ancestral tomb. There must be a problem with Feng Shui."

"I think the feng shui of our Huang family was taken away by the Tang family." Someone said strangely.

But no one agreed with him. Now the Tang family is very popular, and the descendants are all promising, so they can't offend the Tang family, and how could Feng Shui be able to take it away?

Some villagers saw Tang Xiaonan and the others. It was very rare to see a jeep, and they were even more envious.

"Xiao Nan, did your family buy this car?"

"No, Brother Huo bought it." Tang Xiaonan replied.

The villagers felt better, as long as the Tang family didn't buy it.

"Xiao Huo is getting more and more promising. He can even afford a car. I'm afraid he will buy a plane in the future." Someone joked.

Some people even saw Huo Jinzhi of Fengshen Junlang, and other thoughts moved in their hearts.

"Xiao Huo, won't your mother come back for the new year?"

"It's coming, it'll be there in two days."

Su Wanrou had already called Xu Jinfeng and agreed that she would take the child back to Mopan Mountain in two days, and of course Mad Master.

"Your mother really came through hardships, married a good man, and gave birth to a big fat boy. Your mother is lucky."

Everyone sighed with emotion. It would not take 30 years, just a few years to separate Hedong and Hexi~www.readwn.com~ Four years ago, Su Wanrou had a miserable life, and Huo Jinzhi, everyone Call him Little Disaster, even a three-year-old can step on his head to pee.

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Who would have thought that it was only four years ago that the poor little one in the past has become so promising and so good-looking, I can't believe it.

Huo Jinzhi smiled and did not speak.

The others envied Su Wanrou and talked about Huang Tieqiang's family. Everyone felt that Huang Tieqiang was wronged.

"That **** has been restless for a long time. He used to only mess around outside, but now he is more blatant and brought his concubine home. Tie Qiang has been working as a helper in Gu Village these days, and he suddenly came back today. , as soon as I came back, I saw that pair of dog men and women were messing around, Tie Qiang couldn't stand his temper, he took a hatchet and chopped it up, alas!"

"A man can't stand this kind of thing. Tie Qiang has a quick temper. It's really a sin. I hope the government will deal with it leniently."

The villagers were very sympathetic to Huang Tieqiang. They married a feisty daughter-in-law, and they were cheated for the rest of their lives.

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