Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1274: 1 more was destroyed

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"Today I went to my aunt's village to ask for a tent, and I heard a strange thing." Tang Laifu said.

"What's the strange thing?" Zhang Manyue was feeding Ai Ling while listening. This time Tang Xiaonan and the others brought her little cousin back.

"Auntie, a family in her village caught fire two days ago, and the whole family burned to death, not even bones were left." Tang Laifu sighed.

Zhang Manyue was so startled that she couldn't even feed her food, so she hurriedly asked, "Which family?"

The village was not big, and she basically knew it all.

"It's the family that lives at the entrance of the village. Usually, the popularity is not very good. You and your mother have quarreled. The aunt had a drink when she married her daughter-in-law."

Zhang Manyue didn't remember, but Tang Xiaonan remembered it, and lost her voice: "Is it a grandma with the surname Hu, her grandson is not educated in eating vegetables, and threw the bones on me, and the grandma got into a fight with them."

She was very impressed by this incident. She quarreled over drinking and quarreling all over this time, and it was because the grandparents and grandchildren were so strange, and she still remembered that the old woman bought a child bride.

"I remembered. It turned out to be that family. It doesn't matter if it died. It is estimated that God can't see it and accept it."

Zhang Manyue pouted, not too sympathetic for this family's tragic death, but she was curious about what happened.

"Who knows how the fire started, maybe it was because the fire was careless, or maybe the charcoal fire didn't go out. Anyway, the whole family burned down and nothing was left." Tang Laifu sighed, although this family is not worthy of sympathy, but This kind of thing happened in the new year, and my mood was still affected.

Tang Xiaonan asked curiously, "Is that child bride also burned to death?"

"What child bride?" Tang Laifu was stunned.

"I remember that family brought back a child bride."

As soon as Tang Xiaonan said, Zhang Manyue also nodded vigorously, "There is a child bride. I heard that this family doesn't treat this child bride as a person, and it's quite pitiful."

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"Should be dead. It is said that the whole family has been burned down, and there is not one left." Tang Laifu said casually.

Zhang Manyue sighed and said with emotion: "This year is very eventful, we have died in Mopanshan, and your aunt's village is not peaceful. I hope your wife will be peaceful after the new year!"

Tang Xiaonan always felt panicked, as if she had missed something, she asked again, "Dad, did the village report to the police?"

"What do you do with the police? The villagers just bury them."

Tang Laifu thinks what his daughter said is funny~www.readwn.com~ I call the police for everything. In fact, many villages generally don't call for the police, and the village solves everything by itself, unless it's a really big event.

"Then what if someone deliberately set fire to it." Tang Xiaonan pouted.

"Whoever deliberately sets fires during the Chinese New Year must have not extinguished the charcoal. This happened in our village before. If the fire was not put out in time, the whole family would have been burned."

Zhang Manyue also felt that her granddaughter was making a fuss. She felt that the family was exhausted. If people were unlucky, they might choke to death by drinking water, and it was normal to be burned to death while sleeping at home.

Tang Xiaonan thought about it too, she was too conspiracy theories, and now the folk customs are still quite simple, how can there be so many murders and arson, it is estimated that the grandmother said that she was exhausted.

The New Year's Eve is getting closer and closer. Three days before New Year's Eve, Su Wanrou's family of three went to Songcheng. They were in Songcheng for Chinese New Year. They didn't come to Mopan Mountain until the first day of the new year to pay their respects. By the way, the marriage of the two children was finalized.

These Tang Xiaonan didn't know yet, but Huo Jinzhi knew it. He lived in Mopan Mountain for a few days before returning to Songcheng. Before leaving, he asked Tang Xiaonan what he liked, and he asked very solemnly.

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