Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1278: What's more important than reading when playing football

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The hard work pays off, thanks to Tang Xiaonan's efforts, on the first day of the new year, the 999 lucky stars are finally folded, and they look pretty in a can.

Tang Xiaonan rubbed her fingers, secretly admiring herself that she could fold so many stars, which is worthy of her name as Nukulu Xiaonan!

"It's so beautiful, can this bring good luck?" Chai Yuxiang looked at the bottle enviously.

"Well, make a wish on the bottle, and the wish will come true."

Tang Xiaonan continued to fool around, Chai Yuxiang was thoughtful and made up her mind that she would fold a bottle of lucky stars.

After rummaging through the boxes at home for a long time, Tang Xiaonan finally found a pink strap, tied it to the glass bottle, and tied it with a bow. The ordinary canned bottle suddenly looked taller.

The Tang family has been very mysterious these past two days, sometimes showing meaningful smiles at her, as if they were hiding what she was doing.

But Tang Xiaonan didn't think much about it, she was distracted by other things, and it was Tang Aijun's play.

Originally, Tang Aijun had clearly rejected Coach Zhang, saying that he didn't want to play, and just wanted to study and take the Imperial College entrance exam, because the Tang family didn't think there would be much success in playing.

From the Tang family's point of view, everyone can play ball, it's strange that this thing can be successful, and going to college is the right way. In ancient times, he was the champion, and even the emperor had to meet the talent.

In ancient times, did the emperor meet anyone who played football?


Apparently it's better to go to school.

The Tang family's criteria for playing football and reading are so simple. Therefore, when Tang Aijun came home for advice, the Tang family had the same caliber and scolded him. Tang Aijun, who was already swaying, was scolded with blood by his family. Then he came back and told Coach Zhang that he couldn't go.

Coach Zhang, who thought he could recruit 100% talents, felt like a beeping dog in his heart. What kind of family is this that treats the sports that are popular all over the world as children's toys?

It's more beeping than beeping a dog. Coach Zhang really wants to say MMP, but he doesn't know who to scold.

However, Coach Zhang really likes Tang Aijun so much, and he doesn't want the basketball team to miss out on talents. He has confidence in that kid, and he will definitely be able to make it to the national team, and even rush out of the world to the world.

So Coach Zhang looked for Tang Aijun every three days, took him to the basketball team to play a few games, and found Mr. Qi again. I don't know where he heard it, but he put a lot of thought into it.

Mr. Qi's move was indeed right. The Tang family didn't believe anything else, but the old man.

Therefore, the old man called back and said that Tang Aijun could play basketball. The Tang family immediately let go and asked Tang Aijun to promise coach Zhang. If nothing else, Tang Aijun will join the basketball team after the new year.

Tang Aijun didn't take it to heart. For him, it's just a different place to play. Playing on the basketball team is not much different from playing in school.

The only difference is that the basketball team's opponent is much more capable, and he has to deal with it more carefully.

But Tang Xiaonan was worried about her third brother's future.

Although Coach Zhang praised the third brother so much, Tang Xiaonan didn't believe it too much. She always felt that Coach Zhang was cheating, and one was cheating. Possibly, only the family will be worried.

"Third brother, if you're not happy with the game, go home. Don't care too much about the outcome. Your health is the most important thing."

After holding back for several days, Tang Xiaonan finally found an opportunity and said this to Tang Aijun alone.

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