Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1283: Is it an old mussel pearl?

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"At half past nine in the morning, don't get up late. My father-in-law said that time is the best, and everything is suitable." Xu Jinfeng said with a smile.

Su Wanrou also smiled, "Then let's come here earlier, we waited for a year, it's time to wait."

"No, we'll be closer in the future."

Xu Jinfeng is also very happy, and it can be regarded as finding a good home for her daughter. Huo Jinzhi is a child that she has grown up with. The young man is capable and responsible, looks handsome, and can earn money. The most important thing is to love his daughter. .

Her mother-in-law Su Wanrou is also good at talking, she still lives out of town, and has a younger son who needs to be disciplined, but even if Su Wanrou wants to discipline her, Huo Jinzhi won't listen to her. This marriage is just like a custom made by God for her daughter, Xu Jinfeng is satisfied Couldn't be more satisfied.

Tang Xiaonan listened in the fog, what the **** was going on?

Why are they all babbling about?

Huo Jinzhi came over. Although he was not as tall as Tang Aijun, he was not short. He was almost 180. Fengshen Junlang, when he strode over, the open long trench coat fluttered, like a big boss appeared, Tang Xiaonan'er The music for Brother Fa's appearance in "God of Gamblers" automatically sounded.

Passionate and domineering, majestic, and suitable for big bosses.

"Are the stars folded?"

As soon as the boss came over, he asked about his gift and sat beside Tang Xiaonan.

"It's folded, do you think they're all weird?" Tang Xiaonan was puzzled, and she felt that her family was hiding something from her.

"It must be a good thing, there will be surprises tomorrow."

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Huo Jinzhi replied calmly, tomorrow's surprise will definitely not be small, Tang Xiaopang will definitely be very happy.

"Really? What's the surprise?" Tang Xiaonan asked with an itch in her heart, hugging the big guy's arm.

"You'll find out tomorrow, and you'll be delighted for sure."

The boss peeled a small walnut, fed the meat to Tang Xiaonan, and then blew lightly on his hand, the broken shell of the walnut drifted away in the wind, and smiled at Tang Xiaonan.

Tang Xiaonan didn't notice the doting in the eyes of the boss at all, she was still thinking about what kind of surprise, could it be that Xu Jinfeng gave birth to a pearl?

Because I was afraid she would think too much, so I kept it from her?

The adults are thinking too much. She will definitely welcome the arrival of her younger brothers and sisters. She is worried that if there are younger brothers and sisters, she will split up her pet. She is a sensible Tang Xiaonan, how can she be so naive idea.

Tang Xiaonan became more and more certain that this was the case. No wonder Xu Jinfeng avoided her when she talked recently, as did other adults, and the atmosphere of the family's New Year's Eve this year was particularly festive, definitely because she was going to have a baby.

She breathed a sigh of relief~www.readwn.com~ also became silly. Finally, she also has a younger brother and sister. She has to earn a lot of money to spend on her younger brother and sister.

The second day of the first year finally came. Tang Xiaonan slept until dawn and was full of energy. Xu Jinfeng came in and dressed her. Instead of letting her wear the newly bought red down jacket, she also tied two bright red flowers on her head. Just like Lucky Boy.

Tang Xiaonan couldn't bear it any longer, "Mom, I don't want to wear red flowers."

She is already an eleven-year-old adult, and she doesn't want to wear such childish things anymore.

"It must be worn today, there is something important." Xu Jinfeng said in a tone that could not be disobeyed.

Tang Xiaonan didn't object anymore. Maybe Mu's mother was going to announce the happy event of Lao Clan Shengzhu. For the sake of her younger brother and sister, she should feel wronged.

When I went downstairs, I saw a large group of people in the living room. Su Wanrou and the others were all there, and even Tang Shaozheng and Tang Pengzheng were here. Everyone looked at her kindly, just like they were looking at banknotes.

"The auspicious time is coming, let's get down to business." Tang Baishan said solemnly.

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