Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1299: reluctant to pay

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The elders in the other clans also followed suit, all of them complimenting Huo Jinzhi.

Eat people softly, and take people softly, they eat and hold, so naturally they have to speak for Huo Jinzhi, and they all feel that Huo Jinzhi is right, just go out and find a girl and say she is a daughter, there is no evidence Yes, it is reasonable for Huo Jinzhi not to believe it.

Huo Xiu's face changed, there was something in the words of the Fifth Uncle.

The fifth uncle smiled again and said: "Everyone can trust Jinzhi's character, we must believe what he said, and there are indeed doubts about Miss Meng's life experience, Axiu, you are also considerate and considerate, and a sister suddenly appeared. , there is no definite evidence, it is normal that I can't accept it for a while~www.readwn.com~Get cash] Follow vx public.Public number【Book Friends Base Camp~www.readwn.com~You can also get cash!

"Yes, yes, be considerate!"

The sixth uncle was like a jerk. When the fifth uncle said something, he echoed it.

Huo Xiu has come to understand, this is because he thinks he didn't pay.

It was he who looked down on Nizi, and he actually won people's hearts two years ago. Now everyone in the clan speaks for this Nizi, but no one speaks for him.

Huo Xiu felt sadness in his heart, feeling as if he had been betrayed by the entire clan.

Meng Liyan also understood that her younger brother had bought the clan with money. This stinky boy was too sinister. She looked at Huo Xiu eagerly, worried that the family tree would be ruined.

It doesn't matter to her to worship her ancestors, it's just a few tablets. It's the same whether she worships or not, but she must enter the genealogy, otherwise she will not be regarded as the Huo family, and she will not be able to inherit any of the property of the Huo family.

Some time ago, Huo Xiu took her to see several houses that the Huo family had not taken back. There are four in total, each of which is a grand villa, and the one he lives in now is five. If these five are all it's her...

Meng Liyan's heart beat faster, and greed flashed in her eyes. The relationship between her younger brother and her father was so tense. As long as she pleases her father, it is very likely that these five houses will be in her hands. At that time, she will do nothing and only collect rent. Enough to eat and drink.

And her father told her that the relationship above is almost done, and the other four villas can be returned at most within a year, as well as a lot of antique calligraphy, painting, jewelry, etc., which are accumulated by the Huo family for several generations, which is definitely a huge sum of money. property.

Meng Liyan's heart beat faster, she must get this property.

So she must enter the family tree, which is imperative today!

"I'm really my father's daughter...why don't you believe me, I'm not as capable as my brother, I can't take care of you, it's me who's useless..." Meng Liyan cried with tears in her eyes~www.readwn.com~ , and looked at Huo Xiu aggrievedly from time to time.

In fact, she has already understood the voice of the fifth uncle. Since Huo Jinzhi can buy the clan with money, so can his father.

As long as the father pays more than the younger brother, the clan will naturally listen to the father.

But she couldn't say these words, her father said it herself, Meng Liyan kept saying "I'm useless", and she seemed very remorseful, Huo Xiu's expression changed, and her mind kept changing.

What Meng Liyan thought of, Huo Xiu naturally thought of it, the clan's eyes are wide open when they see money, whoever pays more is the uncle, as long as he pays more than the iniquitous son, he will naturally allow his daughter to enter the family tree.

But this money is not a small amount, Huo Xiu is reluctant.

He also owes a huge debt of three-point interest to Nizi, which is a huge profit, and I don't know when it will be repaid.

Huo Xiu avoided Meng Liyan's begging eyes, had a plan in his heart, and comforted: "Liyan, stop crying, Dad believes in you, you are my daughter."

And then... no more.

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