Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1309: Picking pain points

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Meng Lina received Huo Xiu's compensation, as well as a monthly living allowance of 50 yuan. She was like a different person. She no longer wears heavy makeup and wears light clothes. She also went to Yang Lijuan's restaurant to work as a waiter. She worked very hard. .

The object of her marriage was a chef in a restaurant. She opened a restaurant with Yang Lijuan a long time ago. She used to have a little interest in Yang Lijuan, but because of her marriage to Tang Laijin, the chef was frustrated and resigned.

But then I went back to work in the restaurant. The cook is about the same age as Meng Lina. Her former daughter-in-law lost her child and left a son.

After the inspection, Aunt Meng decided to let her daughter marry the chef. She did not ask for any dowry, but only told the chef to treat her daughter well. The wedding ceremony was held in Yang Lijuan's restaurant. Not exposed.

Meng Liyan's expression changed, she gritted her teeth, and scolded Tang Xiaonan for not being a thing.

Grandma and mother don't recognize her anymore. She is humiliating herself by going back. Why should she go back?

Moreover, Meng Liyan also looked down on her mother from the bottom of her heart. She remembered all the livelihoods her mother used to do, and she will never forget it for the rest of her life. She didn't want others to know that she had such a mother, it was too embarrassing.

"I'm nervous about studying and can't find time." Meng Liyan made a random excuse.

But Tang Xiaonan didn't intend to let her go, and exaggerated: "Sister Meng, you are so busy. Brother Zhao Huan is not as busy as you. He has already been admitted to graduate school."

Meng Liyan's smile became reluctant, "I'm not in the same department as him."

It's been a long time since I heard the name, Meng Liyan was a little dazed and regretful.

It turned out to have been admitted to graduate school.

She also took the exam, but failed.

Tang Xiaonan's voice was still chattering, "Brother Zhao Huan has a girlfriend, that sister is beautiful and has a nice voice, this sister is from Normal University, her parents are both professors of Normal University,

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My little aunt said it was from a scholarly family, and my elder sister has a scholarly fragrance. My little aunt said that they will get married after graduation. Sister Meng, you must come for a wedding wine, but don't say that you have no time..."

"I try to find time."

Meng Liyan's voice squeezed out from between her teeth, and she felt uncomfortable, Zhao Huan had already found a good partner.

Hmph, Zhao Huan told her that he only loved her and that he would never change his mind in his life. Now he is going to marry another woman.

She didn't believe that the woman would be prettier and better than her. Tang Xiaonan, the dead girl, was definitely talking big, and one day she was going to see what that woman looked like. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"I'm coming!"

Huo Xiu cried out excitedly and waved vigorously.

Tang Xiaonan accepted it as soon as she saw it, and stopped irritating Meng Liyan, but her heart blossomed with joy, just to be mad at the green tea.

Huo Jinzhi hooked his lips, Tang Xiaopang's words became more and more irritating, this is good, and he won't be bullied.

A group of people walked out, and the one at the front was a spirited old man, about sixty or seventy years old, with a straight waist, a suit and leather shoes, and a civilized stick in his hand. His face was somewhat similar to Huo Jinzhi.

It should be Mr. Huo, whose name is Huo Qishan.

Next to him was an old lady with an old face, her back was a little stubborn, and she had to be supported when she walked. It was obviously Mrs. Huo, who was obviously not very good, at least ten years older than Mr. Huo.

Supporting Mrs. Huo were two middle-aged men, one was in his fifties and the other was similar to Huo Xiu. They should be Huo Jinzhi's eldest brother Huo Zhi and Er Bo Huoli.

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