Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1312: when to pay

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"Really, do you really want to go shopping with your children? Don't you want to accompany your grandfather?" Mr. Huo asked in a deep voice.

Huo Jinzhi smiled lightly, "I'll visit you again in two days, sorry for today."

"Huo Xiu, your son is such a good tutor!" Mrs. Huo scolded coldly.

Tang Xiaonan pouted, a down-and-out phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, this old lady still thinks she is the old lady of the Huo family, what kind of prestige!

"Mom, don't be angry, I'll have a good talk with Jinzhi." Huo Xiu smiled, hating the renegade son in his heart.

Huo Xiu wanted to drag Huo Jinzhi aside to talk, but Huo Jinzhi didn't intend to sell his face, so he took Tang Xiaonan and left, and said politely, "Excuse me!"

"Nizi, take a step and try it!" Huo Xiu glared through gritted teeth, as if he wanted to eat people.

Huo Jinzhi raised his foot and took two steps, and said with a half-smile, "It's been two years, and the principal and profit have been 16,000 yuan. When are you going to pay it back?"

Huo Xiu's arrogance disappeared at once, and his face turned pale.

M's, he still owes this huge debt!

But recently, the expenses are too high, the money can't be saved, and he doesn't know when he will be able to pay it back. Huo Xiu is suffocated to death.

Huo Jinzhi snorted lightly, took Tang Xiaonan and swaggered away, and took over the Huo family.

Until they could not see, the Huo family woke up like a dream, and their faces were very ugly.

On the first day I returned to China, I ate a slap in the face, but I was still losing face by a grandson. The people in the big house were really uncomfortable, especially Mrs. Huo. She was used to being a blessing in the Huo family, but now she is the most popular. The contemptuous grandson lost face and wanted to eat Huo Jinzhi in his heart.

"It seems that we really didn't take our big room seriously, Huo Xiu, your son is very big!" Mrs. Huo said yin and yang strangely.

"Mom, don't be angry, this idiot treats me the same way, I can't control him anymore."

Huo Xiu spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

"Go back first, where do you live?" Mr. Huo asked.

"On Wushan Road, do you stay at the hotel or my place?" Huo Xiu asked enthusiastically.

In fact, he wants these people to stay in hotels, and he thinks that nine out of ten are also in hotels, because his father doesn't like to live in other people's houses, so he only stays in hotels when he goes out.


"Let's live with you, it's been a long time since we lived together."

Mr. Huo's eyes are complicated, and his heart is even more uncomfortable.

He actually wanted to stay at the best Jin Jiang Hotel in Songcheng~www.readwn.com~ where he used to live, but now he can't afford it, so he can only feel aggrieved.

Huo Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then said hastily, "Yes, I haven't lived with my father for a long time. I'll get my bag."

He was muttering in his heart that such a large family would need a lot of money for food and drink to live with him. After the property was obtained, the big house would be moved away, and he would be too lazy to serve these things.

A group of people came out in a mighty manner. Just after they walked out of the airport, they saw Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan buying candied haws. Tang Xiaonan was holding a bunch of red candied haws in his hand, and Huo Jinzhi was holding the other hand. Got into the jeep with a smile.

After a while, the car drove away, and Mr. Huo's doubts deepened. From the current point of view, his grandson seems to be better off than his son, and he still doesn't live together.

In the end what happened?

"Did I live with you?" the old man couldn't help asking.

"In recent years, our father and son have been together less and more apart, and we have been living together." Huo Xiu said vaguely, not wanting the big house to know that he couldn't even control his son.

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