Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1317: Aunt towel expenses

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Huo Jinzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and it was clear.

Zhang Manyue is even more satisfied with him, he can make money, looks good, and is careful. He can't pick out a single problem with Xiao Nan. Such a good grandson-in-law is really better than her family's Xiao Nan, who can't find it even with a lantern. arrive.

Huo Jinzhi said goodbye and left. He went to buy a train ticket and was going to go back to the imperial capital to go to school.

In fact, he prefers to fly, but unfortunately, the current aircraft is not popular, usually serving overseas Chinese or administrative cadres. It is difficult for ordinary people to buy air tickets, and the procedures are too troublesome.

Before getting on the train, Huo Jinzhi went to Tang's house again and was relieved to see that Tang Xiaonan's face was much better.

"My train at night." Huo Jinzhi said coldly.

Tang Xiaonan was stunned, and left as soon as she said it. The boss is indeed an actionist.

"You better be careful, I always think the people in your big room are not good." Tang Xiaonan reminded.

Huo Xiu didn't need to worry, no matter how bad this scumbag father was, he wouldn't have attacked his own son.

Moreover, Tang Xiaonan watched from the sidelines in recent years, and found that Huo Xiu's feelings for his son were actually quite complicated. Although he always scolded his son and fought when they met, Huo Xiu actually admired and even proud of his son.

But this scumbag is just a little bit brilliant, most of the time he is still scumbag, and he is very selfish.

"I know."

Huo Jinzhi knew, he wanted to ask Tang Xiaopang if his stomach still hurt, but his face suddenly turned red again, and he was embarrassed to ask.

"Don't eat ice cream, and don't eat chili." Huo Jinzhi instructed.

He deliberately checked "Friends of Women" before, and it contains matters needing attention when coming to an aunt. I didn't expect that it would be quite troublesome to come to an aunt. You can't touch cold water, you can't eat spicy food, and you can't eat ice...

Tang Xiaonan's face was also red, and she replied in a low voice, "Well."

The big guy is really amazing, he even knows this, and he is really knowledgeable.

She was lying in the room alone in the morning, and Zhang Manyue came in with a bowl of brown sugar eggs. She was very pleased to say that she had grown up, brought her a menstrual tape, and taught her how to use it.

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Tang Xiaonan wondered how grandma knew, she didn't say it, but when she heard Zhang Manyue say it was Huo Jinzhi, Tang Xiaonan felt very complicated at that time.

No wonder the boss blushed along the way, Ganqing already knew that she was coming to auntie.

However, Tang Xiaonan is quite sweet in her heart, she likes to be cared for and cared for.

Huo Jinzhi warned a few more words. When he left, he took out five pieces of great unity and stuffed them into Tang Xiaonan, "Pocket money."

"How can I use so much pocket money, and you just gave it."

Tang Xiaonan was astonished~www.readwn.com~ Since she entered junior high school, Mr. Huo's monthly pocket money has risen to 20 yuan. What does it mean to give her 50 yuan now?

"The money to buy that...towel."

Mr. Huo said a word in a hurry, and then went out with a blushing face. Tang Xiaonan didn't hear the three words of sanitary napkin at all, but he guessed it, and couldn't help crying and laughing.

Even with an extra aunt's towel, it doesn't cost 50 yuan. The boss is really rich.

Tang Xiaonan put away the money with peace of mind. The boss is celebrating his birthday soon. She would like to give the boss another 999 lucky stars. The boss said that he likes this kind of gift that is light and affectionate.

In the evening, Yang Lijuan came back and listened to her mother-in-law. After dinner, she took Tang Xiaonan to whisper, and asked her if she would use a menstrual belt.

"Auntie, I don't need that, I use this."

Tang Xiaonan took out the sanitary napkin. She actually wanted to suggest that Yang Lijuan use this. Although it is expensive, it is hygienic and convenient, saving a lot of trouble. With Yang Lijuan's current economic conditions, she can fully afford it.

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